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One step forward,
two steps back.
Every day brings
another setback,
another backtrack,
another reminder
of the things I lack.
My mind never quiets,
I can't take the feedback.
An eternal panic attack,
I should double the Prozac,
it's making a comeback.
One step forward,
two steps back.
Stephanie Franco Dec 2017
Spinning rapidly.

The voices in my head are heightening.

Streetlights passing by
As my hair flows through the wind.

My eyes are tiring.
They're ready to close up for the night.

My heart, however, keeps pumping.
Pump, pump, pumping.
I can barely hear the alarms ring.

It keeps my eyelids from tiring.

Spin, spin, spinning slowly now.
The world pumps its brakes,
And I go flying.
Stephanie Franco Dec 2017
Sometimes I have good days
Where I feel like sadness
Has absolutely no way of catching up to me.
But then there are other days...
Those days of blank emotions
And completely disassociating myself
From the rest of the world.
I don’t feel real.
I feel numb and loose.
And I drown myself in defeat.

These feelings-
They come out of nowhere
To a point where I feel alone
In a crowd of lonely people
Who are just trying to get by their days
With the same old routines
And the same old smiles.
Sadness is a funny thing, I guess
Oh, the irony.
  Dec 2017 Stephanie Franco
Five seconds
The amount of time it takes for you to hide the way you feel
Five seconds
How long it takes for me to believe your feelings are real
Six seconds
Hiding the feelings that you just let slip through
Because after those five seconds are up
You leave me feeling hopelessly confused
And I’ll admit that ever since,
My mind hasn’t stopped thinking
About you.
[That’s what a mere five seconds will do.]
Stephanie Franco Dec 2017
It follows me like the moon at night
There’s no escaping it
But, unlike the other times,
I don’t want to run from it
For it is trying to warn me of the good that will ensue
A high, an almost ecstasy, that I’ve never felt before
It’s convincing warmth is luring me
The calming hues of pinks relaxes all my tensions
It’ll be a week of only ups and no downs
That is until it all ends

The pink cloud is only a reminder
I may never feel at peace like that
Ever again
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