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not even the stars,
can hurt you
as much as love.
 Aug 2015 Raphael Uzor
 Aug 2015 Raphael Uzor
Time has no hold over these
currents that carry me.
Coursing over this seemingly
endless journey.
Caressed and nudged
by an invisible hand...
Perhaps my grave awaits below...
Where light is swallowed
and is too afraid to show.
The desolate demeanor
of the submerged tombless land.

Blind to what lays in store...
Oblivious to...
The faint whispers of a distant shore.
The mythical horizon is but a dream,
worthy only to the steadfast
and the resilient.
Not to those who'd fray at the seams.

Ripples amass and finally cresting.
Wake up... Waves are breaking.
The sand beckons bearing open arms
to home and sanctuary.
I glance back to
the calm of the watery plain.
My feet aren't ready to be received by
the grit and grain.
I'd like to linger here...
In the water, with the shore so near.
For I've longed and travelled far...
I'm still not yet ready...

I reposted this poem for
I feel it is important you
read it. I'm sure sorry that
I can't read right now.
My mom is recovering from
a serious illness.  Read at least
the footnotes. Thanks!

I am a follower of
The Lord Jesus Christ.
He teaches me
To embrace the strife
In this place
Of trial and pain
To learn to bear
The extreme strain
He had hardship
Here on earth
He showed folk their
Inner worth
With humility and grace
He bore all and ran His race
He prayed the Father
Up above
Would lead His children
To learn LOVE
Putting pride upon the shelf
To love your neighbor

And I honestly believe
'Tis better to give
Than to receive

In these tenants I am free
I'll walk the walk


Catherine Jarvis
(C) 8/8/2015
I will hold to my creed
'Til the day I die.
God has proven Himself to me

My mom has been quite ill
for the last few days.
God bless all who have been
Praying for us...

I may not be able to read
or be on site for a while more
as she still needs more care
right now. Please continue your
good thoughts and prayers.


Just when there was nothing more to say,
Just when I figured we were ending,
And rose to put the dishes all away...

You stuck your head inside my door,
Grinned that dumb old grin you've grinned before,
Said, "There's reasons why I've been so long;
Been working on a brand new song,
But skip all that and let's go out to play!"

Just when I was sure that you'd forgotten,
Just when I was making other plans,
Just when I'd called you something rotten...

You dropped a dozen roses In my hands,
Expecting me to forgive you all your crap,
Said, "Come on, Honey, I'm a sap;
Come on baby, please don't slap;
Let's go take another lap!"
And jitterbugged us out without my cap.

Just when I knew you were a *******,
Just when I knew that I'd been played,
Just when I bought an airplane ticket
To take me up and carry me away....

You proffered me a diamond ring;
You took my breath and made me sing,
You promised me another fling;
You set a date and were not late,
And then you heard me say,

"You made me wait, you made me pine,
I can't say now that we'll be fine,
But Lover, make it right this time!
You listen now and listen fine,
Can't stop my pout with vintage wine....
So think a while, and then start humming,
"If my lady's waiting, I'll start running!"
And if you're late from time to time,
You're never gonna hear me whine,
If you let me know just why and when,
And don't leave me wondering again!"
Thoughts from my wife's perspective, I think.... Thirty-five years have come and gone.... I am a slow learner...can't be puttin' my ******* no back burner!
I tried to be the best peasant
As I bowed to mine Queen;
Then she lifted me up
She crowned me her king.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane dedication
 Aug 2015 Raphael Uzor
 Aug 2015 Raphael Uzor
You and me,
We were connected
By the ampersand
that is called
There is so much pain I see in the this orphic world and my pain is a like a small sand particle nothing compared to this huge mountain.

Biggest sorrow in our life is we can just understand each others pain but can't feel it.
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