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Randy Johnson Dec 2015
We should thank the Lord Jehovah for the time that we've got.
You may live to be a hundred but then again, you may not.
I've seen people die at the young age of forty-five.
If I'm that unlucky, in just one year from now, I'll no longer be alive.
Some people die even younger than that, we never know when we will go.
If you wonder if minor annoyances should get you down, the answer is no.
Each day that we have is so precious and it's what everybody should appreciate.
Treasure your family and friends because every day you have with them is great.
Randy Johnson Dec 2015
I've been going to a Kingdom Hall and I've become a Jehovah's Witness.
The people are very friendly to each other which means we are blessed.
The Kingdom Halls have different preachers on each Sunday and Tuesday.
Unlike other Denominations, our preachers never receive pay.

At the Kingdom Halls, we are taught that Jehovah is God's name.
Some people tell lies about Jehovah Witnesses and it's a shame.
One lie that people tell is that we don't believe in Jesus.
We are good people, I hope that you'll come to see us.

Unlike other churches, we don't pass around a collection plate.
People at the Kingdom Halls are treated like family, it is great.
Besides listening to the preachers sermons, we study the Bible as well.
When people are untruthful about us, please ignore the lies that they tell.
Randy Johnson Dec 2015
I used to look at naked pictures of women but that has come to an end.
I will no longer look at those kind of pictures because it is a sin.
If you look at naked pictures online or in magazines but want to stop, you can too.
It may be hard to stop but if you want to please the Lord, it's what you must do.
I now also please Jehovah by saying Grace and going to Church as well.
When it comes to living in Jehovah's Paradise, I'll be there, I will not fail.
This is a true poem.
Randy Johnson Dec 2015
The last Christmas that we spent together was three years ago.
When you died, it hurt me incredibly, it was a devastating blow.
The love that I felt for you was wonderful, it was extraordinary.
Sadly, to be able to spend another Christmas with you, I would have to spend it in the cemetery.
Christmas isn't as good as it once was because we're not together.
I still carry you in my heart and I promise that I'll love you forever.
Dedicated to Agnes Johnson (1948-2013) who passed away on March 6, 2013.
Randy Johnson Dec 2015
If people ask me if my Christmas will be merry,
My answer to them will be "Not very."
The last Christmas when you were still alive was back in 2012.
My brother and I no longer have you and it's ******* ourselves.

I would give anything if I could spend another Christmas with you.
I know that you'd also love to spend another Christmas with me too.
My life would never be the same on the day when you were dead and buried.
I wish you a Merry Christmas, Mom but sadly, my Christmas won't be merry.
Dedicated to Agnes Johnson (1948-2013) who passed away on March 6, 2013. (This poem was written in 2014.)
Randy Johnson Dec 2015
Last Christmas was great because I was able to spend it with you.
But I'll be spending this Christmas alone and it makes me feel so blue.
We each thought the world of one another.
I'm very proud that you were my mother.

You were sweet, smart and so very wise.
I've been devastated because of your demise.
You always said that you loved me and was proud of me but nobody tells me that anymore.
I didn't know just how great you were until I lost you and it makes me feel so sad and poor.

It brought me joy when I called you each day.
But sadly, that pleasure has been taken away.
While you were on Earth, I was so blessed.
Merry Christmas Mom, you were truly the best.
Dedicated to Agnes Johnson (1948-2013) who passed away on March 6, 2013. (This poem was written in 2013.)
Randy Johnson Dec 2015
Agnes is an Applehead Chihuahua, that's her breed.
She is my canine who I show affection to and feed.
I recently learned that she's four years old, I thought she was a little older.
From time to time Agnes becomes hateful and I have to scold her.
But she's a beautiful dog who I think the world of.
For the rest of her life, she's an animal who I'll love.
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