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Randy Johnson Sep 2015
Some people plan to praise the Lord when they go to Heaven but they should praise him now.
Jehovah deserves our praise and gratitude and if he were in front of me, I would bow.
We wouldn't even be here if it hadn't been for Jehovah and for that, he should be praised.
The world is in a bad shape but at some point in the future, he has promised us better days.
When those days come, people will no longer be consumed by hate, greed, anger and sorrow.
We should praise the Lord today, let's not wait until we're in Heaven, let's not even wait until tomorrow.
Randy Johnson Sep 2015
When I was born in 1971, she was a great mother right from the start.
Mom was a warm and caring person because she had a good heart.
Her heart was as big as the East Coast.
Her death really hurt me because we were so close.
I didn't know what I had until I saw that it was something that the Lord would be taking.
When Mom died, there was no power on Earth that could stop my heart from breaking.
She was a caring Christian who helped others.
Mom's heart was what made her a great mother.
She was devoted to God, she read the entire Bible twice.
When I say that she loved the Lord, I am being precise.
It was very painful to say goodbye when Mom's life came to an end.
When somebody came into her life, they always became her friend.
Dedicated to Agnes Johnson (1948-2013) who passed away on March 6, 2013.
Randy Johnson Sep 2015
God created all life on Earth and that's the definition of science.
God is there for us and we can always count on him for reliance.
When I tell you that God is a scientist, I'm not trying to deceive.
He knew the secret of life when he gave us hearts that pump blood and lungs that allow us to breathe.
God has the greatest scientific mind in all of creation.
That is a stone cold fact, it is not an observation.
It was science when God put the birds in the sky and the fish in the seas.
It was science when God caused tiny seeds to grow into large trees.
God put his scientific skills to work when he created the sky, oceans, animals and Mankind.
I am grateful to Jehovah because he's wonderful and because of his incredible scientific mind.
Randy Johnson Aug 2015
I adopted my Chihuahua Dog two years ago today.
I'll be Agnes's last owner, she's here to stay.
I adopted her in Morristown, Tennessee.
I am lucky because Agnes is with me.
Two years has been how long I've known her.
I'm very happy and proud to be her owner.
Today I'm celebrating the 2nd anniversary with my dog.
Randy Johnson Aug 2015
I love Jehovah and I'll love him for all of my days.
How much do I love him, let me count the ways.
1. I love him because he cares.
2. I love him because he's fair.
3. I love him because he's noble and just.
4. I love him because he's one who we can trust.
5. I love him because he's always around.
6. I love him because he won't let me down.
7. I love him because he does not lie.
8. I love him because he eases our pain when we cry.
9. I love him because he loves me.
10. I love him because he'll let me live in paradise for eternity.
Those are the ten reasons why the Lord has my love and respect.
When we need somebody to comfort us, he's the one who we should select.
Randy Johnson Aug 2015
You starred as Batgirl and as the green babe in an episode of Star Trek.
You died of breast cancer and your fans and family's lives are a wreck.
Breast cancer is a big threat to women, it's what many have died of.
You entertained many people and because of that, you were loved.
In 1971, you starred in 'How To Frame A Figg' with Don Knotts.
You were very talented and many people appreciated that a lot.
I have an autographed photo of you as Batgirl and the book that you wrote.
You weren't alone when you suffered from breast cancer, many have been and are in the same boat.
Dedicated to Yvonne Craig (1937-2015) who died on August 17, 2015.
Randy Johnson Aug 2015
Mom gave birth to me in 1971 and today I became forty-four.
It's a shame that she can't celebrate my birthdays anymore.
Forty-four years ago today, my mom brought me into the world, it was the first day of my life.
But my life became difficult because she is no longer a part of it, it has been a painful strife.
Two and a half years ago was when Jehovah decided to take her.
Her death has been painful but it's nice to know that she's in paradise with her maker.
Dedicated to Agnes Johnson (1948-2013) who passed away on March 6, 2013.
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