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Randy Johnson Aug 2015
It was forty-four years ago today when I left your womb.
Your death has brought about tears, despair and gloom.
Usually pregnancies last nine months but you had a longer wait.
You carried me for ten months, I was a month late.
From the day I was born until the day you died, we shared a special bond.
You were always there for me and I'm still unhappy because you're gone.
You didn't deserve to suffer the way you did, what a horrible fate.
The doctors did all they could but you went to the hospital too late.
I didn't know what I had until I lost it and I lost you too soon.
It was forty-four years ago today when I left your womb.
Dedicated to Agnes Johnson (1948-2013) who passed away on March 6, 2013.
Randy Johnson Aug 2015
Jehovah created the land and the seas.
He loves everybody, including you and me.
Jehovah's love for us has no bounds.
He's a friend who is always around.
In a world that has been consumed by violence and greed,
Each and every one of us needs Jehovah indeed.
He will take away your pain and wipe away your tears.
If you're depressed, remember that God is always here.
Randy Johnson Aug 2015
God is his title but Jehovah is his name.
When his son returns, people will no longer be sick and the animals will be tame.
Jehovah doesn't demand our respect but he does deserve it.
People praise him because they know that he's worth it.
By worshipping him, eternal life is what it will bring.
I love Jehovah because without him, I'd be nothing.
A poem about our creator.
Randy Johnson Aug 2015
God's son was Michael the Archangel before his birth.
But he was named Jesus Christ when he came to Earth.
Michael the Archangel was his name.
He resurrected the dead and healed the lame.
When God sent us Jesus, it was one of the greatest things he's ever done.
When I die, I will go to Heaven and I will be with God's magnificent son.
Randy Johnson Aug 2015
I have a great friend and his name is Danny Carpenter.
He's a very nice man and he's going to Heaven for sure.
He bends over backwards to help his fellow man.
He helps me and other people as much as he can.
The way that a few people have treated him was so unfair.
But that doesn't stop him from being a good friend who cares.
Even though those people did him wrong, he continues to help others.
Danny and I aren't related but in my eyes, he's like a brother.
Dedicated to Danny Carpenter.
Randy Johnson Aug 2015
If you hadn't died, today you would've become sixty-seven.
But God called you home and you're with him in Heaven.
Because of your bad infection, you had an aneurysm and couldn't be healed.
As I watched you suffer, it made me cry because it was a terrible ordeal.
I begged God to save you but sadly, his answer was no.
It was your time to leave and that was why you had to go.
When I found you dead in the hospital bed, I began to mourn.
One of the greatest days in the world's history was the day when you were born.
Because of your death, hell has been what I've been through.
Happy Birthday Mom, I always have and always will love you.
Dedicated to Agnes Johnson (1948-2013) who passed away on March 6, 2013.
Randy Johnson Aug 2015
If you hadn't died, today you would've turned sixty-six.
Your death has proved that a broken heart isn't easy to fix.
On the day of your death, I knew that I would loathe the year 2013.
Your surname was Johnson but your maiden name was Greene.

You were born over six and a half decades ago in 1948.
Your demise would be something that we would all hate.
Many people prayed for you to recover but it did no good.
Why you died so young is a mystery that can't be understood.

Nobody wanted you to leave, we all wanted you to survive.
My life would have been so much better if you were still alive.
I love you more than anybody I've ever known.
Happy Birthday Mom, it's comforting to know that Heaven is your new home.
Dedicated to Agnes Johnson (1948-2013) who passed away on March 6, 2013. (I wrote this poem in 2014.)
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