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 Apr 2015 Rachel Dyer
Drin Tashi
The feeling of swimming underwater,

missing someone,

standing on top of a mountain.

The feeling of shedding tears over a movie,

excitment over a kiss,

running for no reason.

The feeling of jumping up and down over a song,

smiling to birds,

being lost after a drunken night out,

is what we should live for.
You smell like loneliness.
I can taste it in your
alcohol soaked breath.
I can feel it in your
lecherous hands.
You smell like loneliness
and it makes me sick.
this came out harsh
I hope you've finally found something that makes you happy.
Make me proud.
Your past self
P.S. I hope you don't look back at all these poems and feel embarrassed by how dumb you were.
Someone once told me
not to hold dry ice,
Because it's so cold
that it will burn you.
Isn't that strange?
Something so cold
that it burns the skin?
It reminds me of you,
and the glaciers you called eyes.
I held you for too long,
and was burned
by your frigid touch.
 Feb 2015 Rachel Dyer
SG Holter
To write food in the stomach
Of every hungry child.

To spell war as peace,
Metaphorize flowers into the barrel

Of every gun on Earth.
The poet has responsibilities

Beyond those of mothers,
Of kings and presidents.

I refuse to give up hope;  
This could be a poem world.

Come on, write your worst piece
Of literature.

Even misprints may give other
Meanings to a word,

Write me a green sky, blue dirt,
Trees the colour of air.

Sometimes the best poets
Have the least to say,

So keep writing, write until your
Fingers fall asleep.

Write until you havent slept
For weeks in search of that word,

That one right word,
Then rest on a notebook pillow

And dream the world right.
Write the world right.

There is no such thing as
Wasted poetry.
What a strange thing it is,
To be so full of sorrow,
And yet be so painfully empty
We're sitting in the same room, silent.
I don't specifically remember how we got here,
but I wish we could go back -- when we barely knew each other.
Now I feel betrayed and everything has changed.
You haven't noticed, but all my ideals have evaporated.
I spent my life with these expectations
my pride won't let it go.
Knowing that I love you more than you could ever love me
fills me with dread
Maybe if I say and do the right things I can change enough.
I can expect less.
I can be happy with less.
Other days I feel like you should go **** yourself.
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