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 Aug 2015 prypaz
Perfect Blend
 Aug 2015 prypaz
Oh it is such a relief
To have my dearest friend
Who is a smile in every grief
A rainbow covering the ends

Just like a perfect blend
Of a coffee during the rain's tears
I wanted our lives as each other's friend
To grow stronger in years
HI ZEYN HAHAHA! I'm so inspired with our late night/early morning talks that's why I created this. Thank you for the friendship. :)

I also wanted to take this opportunity to thank my dearest friends. Thank you for being true enough. :)
 Aug 2015 prypaz
Mark Ipil
I am not nobody,
I am not somebody,
I am not no one,
But I'm someone.

Hey you, YES! I exist,
Even I'm not on your list,
I clearly occupy space,
In your mind full of maze.

Getting notice was tough,
YES! I had enough,
Pain, sorrow and being unloved,
By someone and be shoved.

I am not invisible,
I am clearly visible,
Just open your eyes,
And close all lies.
P.S. I am not invisible
 Aug 2015 prypaz
 Aug 2015 prypaz
When was the last time you appreciate life?
The last time you just sit still,
And observe everything around you
And just collide with the world?
I think the world is still a beautiful place in spite of the pain and everything. You just have to look deeper and closer.
 Aug 2015 prypaz
Mark Ipil
I don't want to fit in a certain society,
Just to prove them I'm superior and mighty,
I enjoy no limits, no boundaries,
Away from rejections and worries.

I don't want to be judged,
By a fool's judgement,
I don't want to be rejected,
Like others you've collected.

I'll continue to be myself,
With a promise I'll be no helf,
I will not be rejected by you,
Because I'm not trying to.
P.S. I am not a rejection.
Was it just me?
Who fell for your misleading smile?
Was it just me?
Who gave meaning to your silly style?
Was it just me?
Who thought you are worthwhile?
I guess so.

 Aug 2015 prypaz
 Aug 2015 prypaz
Brave and strong*
That how I describe her
Her beauty shines
As the morning breeze blows her hair

Her dress sways
Like the graceful grass
And she's as sweet,
As poppies in the field

Holding her parasol
With dignity and beautiful soul
Nothing will ever compare
To her never ending care
This poem is an example of an ekphrasis. Ekphrasis is defined as a poem derived from one medium of art (such as paintings) by describing and defining its essence and form.

In relation to this, the paintings of Claude Monet captured me in writing this.

I failed to right in rhymes I'm sorry. Only the last stanza got it right.
 Aug 2015 prypaz
Jhoerina Honrado
My unending thoughts
are like quicksand
that consume me entirely

Perhaps this is the
very condition of existence
to feel the bizarre
nature of being a human

That not all stars
can be fathomed into constellations

 Aug 2015 prypaz
Jhoerina Honrado
Why can't we be
just like Newton's third Law of Motion?

That the higher the level of my love for you,
the further you must fall for me too.*

 Aug 2015 prypaz
Mark Ipil
I carry my pain all across my wrist,
No one wants to see me like this,
No one cares, but everyone knows,
That I’m just hiding all my lows.

I gave up a fight, not worthy of life,
But one day I woke up, still alive,
If sorrow and pain will ****, now I’m dead,
Looking at myself above there instead.

I came this far, not knowing why,
I’m still alive, all a lie,
Since day one I’m ill,
Surely, no big deal.

I know one day, I’ll be dead,
YES! It’s finally the end,
Where no people will wear red,
Good bye is my only end.

— The End —