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Love first appears as you
window shop the quiet streets of
Hogansville , Georgia with a friend , quite
convinced your on the Avenue Montaigne in Paris , France ...
Copyright April 15 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved

Hogansville is a beautiful Georgia town 65 miles southwest of Atlanta
Thank you all so very much, for speaking life into my poetry.
Thank you for caring so much for other people as well here.
Thank you for writing beautiful poems here on hellopoetry.
Especially the ones about your inner pains, my Friend thank.
For both kind of poems , God can use to heal others here.
For the ones that are honestly written from your experience.
Cam be use to show others that they are not alone here.
Thus revealing Hope to those that at the moment feel no Hope.
But there is truly Hope, he died for our sins two thousand years ago.
Cotton fields in our mouths
Quenched with a kiss
Rain soaked ground
Or is it the bed
Flower petals opening up
Relishing in the dew
Or was it your stamen
Revitalizing in the rose
Apples in your hands
Unable to bite through
But yielding to your grasp
Hungry we were
A meal set before us
Dates, apples, steak, rosehips
Adam's Ale our drink
Pulled apart and snapped back
Ivy entwined together
Our bodies and souls sated for now
What a garden my muse and I create

#ivy #apples #rose
We strive for it,
Hoping to live in it,
Despite all the failures encountered,
Winning must be the final result,
Discouraging as it is to fail despite working hard,
Its great to stay motivated and focused,
And give it your best shot.
Without failure,
Victory wouldn't taste sweet.
 Apr 2016 Poet kiri
Nathan Pival
Such a mess sometimes
This thing we call life

When you realize so many things have gone wrong
And things have gotten to this point
Far from the original plan
You had
From the beginning when you were young
Carefree and innocent of life's harsh realities

Life made plans for you otherwise
And now, here you are

"That's life" people most likely said
They also probably told you to move on
Or some **** like that

But you can still keep working on
Finding your way back to
Getting your life back on that path
You want to walk
 Apr 2016 Poet kiri
The fish comes steaming, and
English is not the only language making sense.

Politics comes with dark green vegetables spewing flavor,
Kenyans having lunch on the Boulevard,


– commitment is the idea that momentum cannot disrupt motion, that
Committed, one moves forward,

Becoming better,

Choosing beyond the sound
Of Americans,

Providing proof of the pudding, cavorting

With language, the idea that language is not owned, it is spoken –

Shoot beyond the target,

Make it count.
Marriage will not be left with men and women.

It has always cavorted with love.
 Apr 2016 Poet kiri
 Apr 2016 Poet kiri
Don't just tell her that she's beautiful

Show her that she's beautiful

Make her feel beautiful
B iting down on
I ce cold
S ilence
E ager to
X - claim the truth
U gly as it may be
A ll I want is
L ove
 Apr 2016 Poet kiri
the Sandman
Lost soul visits the store across the road
To pick up some rope and a stool;
He looks both ways before crossing the street.
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