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 Sep 2014 Ecila
Mia Barrat
Pray that she doesn't plead insane,
When they ask her: "close your eyes":
These men who seem to cause her pain
Do not know more than her disguise.

You'll never hear her whine, complain,
For she lets no one slow her stride;
May the ones who caused her pain
Find her tall and dignified.

There is no cage that can contain
This woman that the Lord has made;
May the ones who caused her pain
Find her proud and unafraid.

Do not assume my will shall wane,
You know, in sum, the price I paid;
May the ones who caused me pain
Find me proud and unafraid.
 Sep 2014 Ecila
Nat Lipstadt
Blessedly, funerals,
don't have to go to too many,
though went to one
just this day,
for our next door country neighbor,
the nicest dour-looking,
rascally dearest man

The Catholic church full,
the hymns lovely,
the priest spoke
simple and beautiful,
about the paschal lamb
and the
Judeo-Christian Heritage
Life Everlasting,
an interesting concept,
that I had long forgot about

Must have conjured up
three minimum ideas
for poems,
not even including
this reportage

maybe I will write some,
tho the normative jelly of
Manhattan bus shaking
mine own recipe for inspiration,
when combined with
my peanut buttered
sheltered island by the Great Peconic Bay,
both, will be my swirled
inspiration everlasting

Can't write about
moon and June,
alabaster is a fine word,
but white suits me fine,
don't know the diff
tween dragon flys and lullabies,
the way I write is
just the way I think
writ out loud

so to the essay at hand,
funeral of a man,
mine all planned,
the invites ready,
awaiting the correct postage stamp
of a future time and place

the date, more or less sketched,
the poems, selected, notated
for whoever shows,
pick a read,
win a free trip to the cemetery
and maybe one back to his "parlor"
where food, drink and bon mots are
vous parlez'd and his spirit,
now a parolee, will be watching

smiling, for funerals are camaraderie,
so longs and fare-thee-wells,
and the hands of friends embracing,
celebrations in their own way,
and a time to tell stories of what
treasures they have left you,
silver linings of a life well writ,
and tho someday,
they'll be time-tarnished,
even half forgot,
the stories and the love poems
are the seeds of life everlasting

March 2014
written a few months ago, but fermenting till this fall day on my sheltered island.
 Sep 2014 Ecila
You don't have to give yourself away
because you know
that you can leave/ yes, you can go...
you're worth more than all the gold
your a diamond to behold..
don't you know...
So hold on tight you know your future is more than bright
this darkness that has come across
will soon end/yes, it shall pass...
just hold on
the darkness will soon be gone...
and you know..
you will go on.
© 2014 Krisselle S. Cosgrove
 Sep 2014 Ecila
Marge Redelicia
take me in and
   i'll take you out,
   i'll take you away
to a far, forgotten fantasy
   away from urban complexity, insanity.
we could
dive the depths.
climb the heights.
whisper our wishes
   to the evening breeze.
sing to the beat
   of bubbling brooks.
dance to the rhythm
   of rustling leaves.
ride the road
   of the winding river.
sail forth
   into the vast velvet ocean.
drink the moon glow
   that drips thick like milk.
swallow in
   the air's forgotten freedom.
with one hand
   reach for the stars
   that shine almost as bright as you.
with the other
   hold mine.

erase and escape.
rewrite reality.
lift up that heavy heart.
fall back in love with me.
so much algebra i think i forgot how to poetry....
 Sep 2014 Ecila
Bipolar Hypocrite
I stared at the big blue cloud,
It was in my hands,
It was so blue that it depressed me
But it was only fluffy candy

I picked a piece from the cloud
I digested it with my eyes and soul,
It was the brightness to a child's life
It was my only happiness

You look at candy,
As sweetness to your life,
but to me it was more,
It was the only freedom I had in the world

I bit into the blue sweetness
As it dissolved in my mouth,
It dissolved my pain,
I was sure everything would be fine again

Then, when the cotton got stuck between my teeth,
So did my hopes and dreams.
I felt like a fool for believing
A fool for trying

A tear slid down my cheek
Making the candy bittersweet
No Cotton Candy can make it go away
Rewrite my story

When they fought and screamed,
I'd try find my happy place,
Eat my sweet Blue Candy,
And just pray it away

I've tried everything
Clovers to Rabbit's Feet,
But this heavenly cloud
was the only price to pay

If my life was all drunk and dead
Would it **** to find my demise-free zone
And just eat some Cloudy Candy instead?

If wishes came true,
With every bite I took
I would have father with me
A Mother to love me

I kept eating the candy though
Even if it didn't taste heavenly anymore
Tears kept streaming down with every bite
I kept the harshness inside

The faster I ate, the more it hurt,
I couldn't swallow the lumps in my throat,
The pain developed inside of me,
Like a tumour, I was a waste, never needed.

You eat all the Candyfloss in the world, it won't work.
It just sweetens the pain, lessens the hurt.
This is dedicated to two people. First, being Nicole Ann Osborn because she is the most amazing poet, to me. I look up to her, and please check her out, she's really good.

Second being Tawanda WT Mulalu, because he loves this poem and he's an amazing friend.  Check him out too, he's also a great poet.
 Sep 2014 Ecila
he was like the night sky,
dark and mysterious.
sometimes he'd let me see
his starry night.
what scared me most was
his ability to only show certain aspects of himself.
like the darkness of night, he only ever allowed me to see what he wanted me to see
the rest faded into blackness.
i am fond of my lovers mystery but i am also petrified.
 Sep 2014 Ecila
Mika Azurin
maybe i didn't
fall in love with the way
you smile,
or the way your eyes
light up when you talk about
something you like.

maybe the didn't fall in love,
with the way laugh;
the way
your eyes would crinkle,
and the way you would
lean back a little.

maybe i fell in love
with the way you fall asleep,
and the way you are
as gentle
and as kind
as a butterfly,
pollinating a little,
small flower,
trying ever so hard,
not to hurt it.
this isnt my first poem ever but yeah hhaha
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