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 Sep 2014 Ecila
Haydn Swan
My love
 Sep 2014 Ecila
Haydn Swan
I belong to another,
one who cannot be mentioned,
her name blows through the highest of roof tops and tallest of trees,
she whispers soft delights that resonate through my soul,
healing my wounds, making me whole,
her radiance brings the gladdest of tidings to this weary heart.
© H V Swan
 Sep 2014 Ecila
The Result
 Sep 2014 Ecila
Laughing faces
Throwing fists
Crying girls
Bathroom floors
Shattered mirrors
Blood stained clothes
Bags of pills
Hollow eyes
Dizzy head
Both girls lay there dead
Stop bullying
 Sep 2014 Ecila
Angelica Tanaquin
Some of us are lucky enough.
To know love
To know the feeling of seeing that person
And having our heart drop or getting butterflies in our stomach
But even if we find this love
Some of us aren't lucky enough to have it.
To call it our own
Because this person that makes our hearts drop and gives butterflies
Is inlove with someone else.
Who makes his/her heart stop.
So we settle for another who makes his/her smile.
 Sep 2014 Ecila
Angelica Tanaquin
I woke up with a start. I remember every detail of it.
It happened as if it's real. I remember feeling the chills in my bones,
the feeling of being loved.

But then again, I know it's not real. The barrier between
us keeps on growing bigger and thicker. This love I feel, no matter how
intensely powerful, would never be able to save us from the whirlpool of judgement and neglect.

Why do we have to feel this right love at the wrong time?
Why do we have to deal with the consequences of this terrible fate?
Why can't we just live our lives and show to the world how much we love each other?

Waking up is very hard for me especially when I know that I have to
deal with the cruel world again. The ony thing i'm holding on  is the
sweet smile on your lips. It takes away the pain I feel.

The sad thing is, the society claims your smile as its own.
And sadly, i'm not part of the world you're living in. I'm just a simple
girl mesmerized by your smile, a simple girl who fell in love.

Destiny does play it smart. Now, we share the love. Never did it cross my mind that you'll fall in love with me. Now, I can feel that i'm loved. This is no longer a fantasy.

Now, we are one. In the middle of the rain, I waited for you. I waited for you to come. Then, you came. In the middle of the rain, we have defied the odds.
 Sep 2014 Ecila
One little posy
Stood still in place
Afraid of the pain
All these thorns could inflict

One little posy
Grew tired and weak
It realized its doom
And gave up so soon

One little posy
Got choked up by thorns
In a bush of roses
Where it did not belong
 Sep 2014 Ecila
If beginnings are always so simple, endings must be just as hard.
To watch you go would be to let you cut my wrists open and bleed on every letter you've written me, every kiss that still lingers on my not-the-same-without-you lips.
To un-grip the fingerprints that make your palms what they are
would be me losing my identity all over again
and letting the thought of your laugh get the best of me.
I'm holding my breath until the next time I see you.
7 years is a long time when 2 days are long enough
And 200 miles is too far away
when my heart cannot stretch that far without falling apart.
I can feel my body slip into survival mode
shielding itself from something that could **** more than a physical threat.
I want to cling my anxious onto you
sew myself to the back of your shirt
Search your vertebrae like it's the answer to why I can't breathe at a steady pace when I can't hold you for a second longer
Why someone so medicinal to my wounds would be taken away quicker than I was ever able to take them all in.
I'm trying to bottle it all up but all you can do is shake.
I know you say you only want the best but empty bottles like me were never meant to be opened.
You were the only one with hands strong enough to do it.
 Sep 2014 Ecila
 Sep 2014 Ecila
He talks about his days they’re almost over
The headstone is a truth told entirely in lies
Soldiers on for the sake of nostalgia
Counts his smarts like the lines on a dial

Fakes it like a real man
Caught by the feeling, meets the ceiling as a ghost

Monuments to skin those days are over
A healthy dose of same ain’t enough to keep it down
No one left to blame, by the time it hits the ground

Working against the blood flow,
I thought I’d know me a bit by now
But we’re all stuck in limbo

Frontin’ its own occasion
Wading out with lead boots, down the line
Get me off that straight and narrow
Call to arms that magistrate, its a crime

Working against the blood flow,
I thought I’d know me a bit by now
But we’re all stuck in limbo..
 Sep 2014 Ecila
 Sep 2014 Ecila
Whats worth forever if its already gone?
The night has came
But dawn prolongs
Forever eternal's scream in the mist,
What was the day, before I had missed?
Lay in the dark, cold, heart.
I never began, I had no start.
Sing life's lullaby, sing for joy,
Sing to the Night.
~Shadows Beauty
 Sep 2014 Ecila
Meghan p
 Sep 2014 Ecila
Meghan p
As we lay here together,
There's an unwelcome knock at the door.
I know I shouldn't, but I let it in.
Immediately, regret and guilt fills my head,
For I know what is about to come,
And I have the power to do everything to stop it
But instead, I surrender.
Legs shaking and body numb,
The demons see it as an open invitation.
Now I lay here, writhing in mental turmoil,
The battle has begun.
I am anxious and embarrassed,
Knowing the most radiant and shining angel
Is close by, yet the hero and helpless are hopeless.
Confused, but without judgment,
He takes my hand, kisses it gently, and says
'My dear, you and eye both know
This moment in time is but one grain of sand
Look deep into your Self and take command.
This is your life, your heart,
All wrapped up in a tiny hourglass-
Deep breath in.. and slowly out,
This too, my love, will surely pass.'
She knew he was an angel,
For he said all this and more
Using no words-
Just soft kisses and a sweet embrace
With pure and good intentions.
But she heard him and he was right!
Slowly but surely the tension evaporated.
She wiped her teary eyes, apologized,
And proceeded to softly mention
Her gratitude~
For all he's ever done,
For all he'll ever do,
She touched his face and whispered
'Angel, i love you.'
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