Forever's a burden that none deserves to bear alone...
I wanted to share it with you, i waited for the perfect moment
to let you know but sadly I lost you with the winds of the wait,
patience was my biggest mistake,
the worst business I ever invested in because
I was told patience is one of those ventures that pays...
Maybe like they famously say; not all good
business students make great business minds
and not all successful opportunities ultimately succeed.
I loved you, I love you and I believe loving you is my future career.
I know it's a tiring job but again, what job is easy?
I choose to be your slave even if you will never know for
you will always see the rays of my undying orb of affection and care,
like the evening Sun after it's been eaten by
the canker-worm of twilight,
but you might never know I am the one lighting the way.
You will always be somebody that means the planet to me,
because you and I are post to be.