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Peter Kiggin Jul 2016

Every time I'm alone I find my self being alone with you
Wandering what you are doing or speaking to someone new
You let me fall in love with you and that's gone it's true
But when I'm all alone with my self all I can think of is you

I'm not the same young man you adored and loved after all that I've been through
I am just a shadow of the man that even I dreamed and wanted too
I live each day with a wish and a hope that the stars above will lighten my feelings and you might be looking as a single bird comes to you
In my mind I'm that bird in your hands cooing with the warmth I once knew
Then when you wake up in the morning a single feather of a wing sat on your pillow that will always remind you that I am the bird that was warmed by your hand holding mine through the looking glass adieu adieu.
Memories are made of this
Peter Kiggin Jul 2016

It's 4 o'clock in the morning and I'm making a cup of tea
I sit down in the Kitchen and stare at my self looking right at me

I'm going no where I'm going no where I'll just sit right here and be
The birds in the trees all call out for me as I chuck some bread on the ground ready for when the sun shines on all morning full of glee
I like to see the blackbird nice and early because he's my favourite intelligent bird so so careful yet so very care free
Well I look down and I've finished my cup and I can hear the kids fighting over the TV but it's nice to look at the window staring back at me.
reflection, introspective
Peter Kiggin Jul 2016
Lives end.

The twisted path of our lives end
We wander around this planet looking for something to mean our path leads somewhere purposeful when they don't we realise we had nothing to defend
I can do almost anything with my life but when it comes right down to it I haven't got the inclination to find myself hating what I have come to comprehend
The man that walks free from this world is the shadow that leaves us to shine in the stars and listens to every conversation that has been from the beginning to our natural end.
Peter Kiggin Jul 2016
The famous man died

Someone famous died before I can
Was it drugs or something else terribly wrong
I lay in my bed and think of the famous person that died and the clock and it's hands
I wonder if they'll say what it was that killed him in the night as they play a video of him on the television
The people walk to their work or in the car or on a bus knowing this once famous man
Realize you might be dead tomorrow and don't beg and don't wallow just sing your song.
The famous man died
Peter Kiggin Jul 2016

Thorn ed tree hold me naked amongst prickle blood falling free
I am comfortable as long as the hawk comes to feed me
The night the stars come out no clouds I never see
I hang in this tree and wonder why I'm alone to be
Something tempted me to climb above the ground a definite greed
Lightly I fall asleep under lack of energy then let me go and let hawks feast on meat
darkness comes and I am blind but feel no pain maybe I am not on the tree but it was the last thing I ever seed.
living is easy
Peter Kiggin Jun 2016
Two roads cross

You are beautiful
I smell of manure
You are magnificent
I am a fake immitation of my own mirror image
You are statuesque
I am a hunchback with toe nails like a wolf claw
You are generous
I am poor
You are a star
I am a comet that is being drawn in by the sun
You are amazing
I merely count my fingers and my thumbs
You are a flying hawk
I am a mouse caught in the hawks mouth for dinner;what pleasure
Peter Kiggin Jun 2016

This world is in stagnation
From all the cruelty and deprivation
No one to be trusted in organisation
Disciples rocked to the very foundation
Only love can be our one true salvation
No fuel in the future to feed the ever frustrations
Come together ; Come together; come together now
You want to be a king but your crown is your mind alone
Without that you might as well return to dust and stone
Our lives are not our own to live
Our towns and villages are not long to give
Our cities become wastelands of a society that once did.
society, civilization
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