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Paul Butters Jan 2015
One day I found myself in Paradise,
Completely out the blue.
I don’t recall a warning:
From nothing I came through.

Into a new dimensional realm
I sprang:
Into a world so vast.

A planet out there somewhere,
In icy space so lost
A Universe not crossed.

A world so full of life,
Of sweeping seas
And towering trees.

A place so beautiful,
Beyond compare.
We stand and stare.

All peopled by
Multi-coloured multitudes.
From which the radiance of sentient life exudes.

To where had I escaped?
You may well ask.
So let’s unmask:

The loveliest world of all,
For what it’s worth.
A heaven of the heavens:
Our planet Earth.

Paul Butters
Have reworked my original to include more rhyme. Hope you all like it.
  Jan 2015 Paul Butters
Jamie King
The silk of nature the gentle hands of  
   a loving mother placidly rubbing
                      swollen feet

The crystal of murmaids shimmering
   ashore mirroring the rainbows as
     though a priceless gold infused
             with diamonds of God

I'm lost in bliss gazing at the beauty
        of this magnificent field of
I just came from the beach and while relaxing in the sand I came to appreciate those who I take for granted and realised how much they make me happy
  Jan 2015 Paul Butters
Courtney Gaura
Childhood is a
Where nobody dies
Isn't that
Such a
It's surprising
How we've
Lasted this long
With so many
Threats around us
So many
So many
Childhood is a
But beyond its
Borders is
Where darkness
Lies in wait
Of you
That darkness invades
the kingdom
Picking us
Into the realm
of reality
Of harsh cruelty
And of sorrow
Betrayal and
We find those
who are lost
Not always
And sometimes
They never turn
Childhood is a
Kingdom Where
nobody dies
Isn't that
Such a
But it's the
Kingdom where
Our future
Our defenses
Are not
Always strong
But we are
Never weak
We will always
Look and search
Never give up
Even if ten
years past
And you're
no longer a child
You're not forgotten
By us
Don't fear
Just let someone
And truth will
be with you
Childhood is a
Where nobody dies
And no one
is forgotten
No matter how
Long ago
In its
own walls
Life is full
of color
with anything
you can imagine
Though we'd
love for you
to stay
You must
Leave sometime
  Jan 2015 Paul Butters
Courtney Gaura
A blue green marble
Suspended in black
Enfolding the
Blue green
Though the
Surrounds it
It does not
Compare to
the darkness
Just below
the surface
Of the clouds
A race
Of evolved
That think
They've come so far
But hasn't really
Your seven deadly
And three deciding
Control over their
Power and hearts
Never lasts long
Of twists and
Of harsh words
Their minds
Are easily
Bent our of shape
Born different
Wired unusually
Acts out
Strange behavior
Labels they call
Those who are
There's a darkness
That surrounds that
But on it
Are more
Horrors than
What surrounds it
Dedicated to Cindy R.
Thanks for the prompt!
  Jan 2015 Paul Butters
Savannah N
I’m afraid to close my eyes
literally close my eyes
when the sleep creeps in I feel it
like a clash within my body
my eyes are dry and aching
pleading for the life to stay behind them
my spine is sown to the floor
and I kick it with the heel of my boot
you see there’s this demon
that lives in the roof of my mind
and when I allow him
he comes down
and knocks me out
and while I’m down and out he has his way
with my mind
and once I’m completely submerged
is when he comes
the lightless Agares
he stands in the doorway
slithers over to my Abaddon
and I am lifted
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