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 Sep 2017 Panda Boy
Alexis K
 Sep 2017 Panda Boy
Alexis K
Don't worry if you don't have the time
Because it doesn't need a beat.
It doesn't need a rhythm.
It doesn't even need to rhyme.

                               So if your rap is weak
               Or your voice a little too meak
                                 You could try poetry
                               Come on, take a peek.

Poetry doesn't need story.
No, don't worry, it won't be boring.

                       All you need is a message.
                    Something as simple as "Hi"
                         Or as deep as "Goodbye."

The true beauty of being a poet,
           Is if you know how to to write.
                         Then you already own it.
                              Just take a chance.
                 Look through my eyes.
It's ****** but it's true. Poetry is not just to rhyme things or create a story, but to share your own, share a message and speak to others when maybe speaking itself is just too hard.
 Sep 2017 Panda Boy
Dr Peter Lim
Meet me not
by the light of day
let the fever and fret
pass its way-

meet me then
where none would see
us and I'll open my heart
to you and tell my story

love has a strange tendency
it asserts what it should be
the day mars its beauty
the night is tender and holy

meet me when you are ready
I'll be under that willow-tree
waiting for the words you will say to me
come then, like a fairy--come, set me free.
* after John Clare, Edward Thomas, Christina Rossetti and the Bronte Sisters'
 Sep 2017 Panda Boy
Mike Hauser
I do not strive
Nor wonder why
At what point in life
I'll be remembered by

Just in my quest
Of daily steps
I do my best
God does the rest
 Sep 2017 Panda Boy
Emily B
 Sep 2017 Panda Boy
Emily B
when I began to write
all those years ago

I was amazed to find
that I even
had a voice.

It was a gift
that I never
hoped for.

I only shared light.

There is too much

And then
little by little
I had to write
about the monsters
in the deep.

And my writing
got to be

Those couldn't be
my words.

Don't bury me
in a grave
in a big old box
I've known too much

And so here I am
trying to balance
with hope for a new future

That may be called
Whenj he shaikd I wasd not normilo I sad .
Feel insid I nit cirroct, thes maks me seddingtew
The bigg men ssai no tome, I lik deck en mi battem’
Wen je sai I soo sed I cri evy dai of aprel.

Wun dai I weas sed I mad mislef dei of rabbes
Wen I med dog hee *** do sed wot I dei
Hee tel me to no bee dei anymooor
Bow I em fin adn a shappy preson.
co-written by @lostboy
wee engekt in our eyes
wunteim i sad to mee mumu wor i *** gee
shaggie sakid we nood to do de smokeng
i sed noo is a bood goy
evri dai weni *** hom i say ello too mi famulee
dey sai hii bak
i an prowd perent
if i hav mi 909t cild i well be appie

wen i goo to slep i drem of mi famelie
wre arr habingg a jood tiem
eeting luch in de prak
ssomany appy memores
et id me borfday toodai
we ar so happi dso bee 16 yodqay
we wouldn lik to t6hank qaqdam rylander
he had ben  a grayt heelp

i wood lek jew also fank solari
he liked mee pomes and amde me go trending
if yoo cood chair dis wev ur frends and mak me famoos
i wood be appy
thankyou @solari and @lostboy
helo todauj we bee doong sumegdercizxe
ferzt we doo linges den wee doo skwots

dat *** a good werkowt waddunt it
pleez lik amd srbscibe amd fooloow
id meends aloot tome

fnakoo im hrappy mow
freeleng jood abowt minslef bow @lostboy
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