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P atience
U nderstanding
T olerance
I s
N on - existent

B uffoon
O r
R eally
I ncredibly
S mart

M eets
A ll
C riteria
R equired
O f
N apolean

B lasting
I nto
D emocratic
E ctoplasm
N ow

M adam
E xacts
R evenge
K eeping
E veryone
L our

T he
R esult's
U ntenable
M r
P resident
and if you ask me what
do I love every morning,

Is it a coffee?
short walks?
morning breeze?
or sunlight?

No my love
'cause it's you,
you're everything I
need to complete
my day,

I love you.
With strong wings,
you can reach the sky.
Despite the wind,
you can fly.
To better protect your nest
Though hard, it’s not forbidden
Keep consulting with your past
Where all lessons are hidden
Blah Humbug
blah blah
argh ooh
****** chango
Cop that
Cop out

by Jemia
Breathing in vain
Living more humane
They ain’t the same
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