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 Oct 2015 Otherly One
Because when you live on a sphere,
there's nowhere to run.
You'll just keep running until you get tired, and accept defeat.
When your options of freedom deceive you,
when they add up to some other form of what you're going through,
there's nothing much you can do.
Because when everybody around you breaks their word
and you've got nobody,
what can you really do
but pray the ground doesn't fall through?  
The fragility of trust has yet to be acknowledged, it seems.
I guess I'll just keep walking down this never ending road,
because I've nowhere else I can really go.
And maybe I'll find another unfortunate being, as lost as I am.
Maybe we could work this out together.
*Maybe we can all someday, somehow
Find our way home.
1:00 A.M thoughts.
I believe that it's the most hopeless situations that spark the fire of hope within us.
The most hopeless things,
they give us inspiration to write a mile of verses about hope.
 Sep 2015 Otherly One
Fickle time
my torment
Winds up
my soul's lament
Time must pass
to enjoy what is to come
But the in between
is ever loathsome
Waiting through
agonizing slow cadence
The tick tock tests
my impatient patience
I urge the pendulum pace
to please advance
To the next moment
in your arms where we dance
Once together
With swift speed
the hands spin
I beg the gears
for a moment still
They pay no mind
to my wish and will
The only steady rhythm
of time I know
Is the constant of you
in my heart's tempo.
 Sep 2015 Otherly One
Unsung words
of our hearts harmony
In another time
we long to be
Rhythms step off-beat
in time's cruelest rations
Yet our souls dance
with graceful glow of passions
Forever together
yet never
you and me
we love amid
bittersweet fantasy.
 Sep 2015 Otherly One
The way the stars shined,
The way they filled up the sky
Made it all seem bright

The place they have been
The place of their last sighting
Changes my sorrow

But what about her?
What the stars were, so was she
They're identical

However, I can't.
I simply cannot forget
Simply can't accept

She's gone away now
Gone where I couldn't find her
Where she's out of reach

Now I must accept
That she is a star, shining
But really, isn't.
ni hao siomai
 Sep 2015 Otherly One
Jason Chae
She was the charming of them all
and to protect her flaws
She grew claws
in her stem.

Keeping away from anyone
who dares to pluck her off the garden,

But He plucked her by the petals
twisting her head out,
is there even something as an ugly flower?
 Sep 2015 Otherly One
Noah Ducane
Wise beyond words
Is the mutual feeling
Love unto death
At time's cruel pace

Thought after fear
Faith beyond thought

Hunt in wild woods
My cruel heart's spear
That paints the night
With the truth of it's victims

Search for the hour
At last
When all is right
And numb my soul
To extinction
 Sep 2015 Otherly One
If you look in the corners
Of my heart
You'll find One
One was the first to plant
The small seed of love
In my young heart
From it flourished a red rose
He found it so beautiful
He decided to rip the petals off
Once he held them in his hands
He decided to go find another rose
One was the first
I wanted him to be the last
He was there in the past
He will be there in the future

Was the second to arrive
He found the red rose
And saw that it was dry
His eyes were oceans
And he drowned the Rose in them
He was not satisfied with having
Only one Rose
He found someone else
To be his last
I opened the door for him to leave
So he wrote his name in the past

Was the Christopher Columbus
Of the oceans of my heart
Three rediscovered the dying rose
And nurtured it
til the petals grew back
He wanted to erase the past
So he painted the petals white
And said it represented innocence
He adored the Rose
And admired its' beauty
He sang songs for it
Believing it would
Grow more beautiful
2 months too late
He realized it never would
He loved the idea of the Rose
Not the reality of caring for it
So he ripped it out from the roots
And wrecked it with his hands
He left empty handed
And left me empty hearted
Three was the third
I still dream about him
Being the last
I wish he wasn't
Stuck in the past

Was a gardener
He knew his way around flowers
And had with him many dying roses
I should have known
He planted a rose bush
Fed it love poems and pretty songs
His voice was the only water
The roses would ever need
Once they had bloomed
He ripped them out
And went on his way
Onto some other heart
He was never truly mine
I had always been his
He won't be my last
He left too many scars
I put him in my past
Three, I still dream about you being the last
I never knew
What life held
Until I met you
Heaven is closer

I thought I was lonely
Then you came along
I fell for you only
Heaven is closer

Angels are flying
All around us
I hear love sighing
Heaven is closer

So all we ever do
Is feel the magic
Because being with you
Heaven is closer
Copyright © Chris Smith 2012
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