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 Sep 2015 Otherly One
I carried on for quite some time
With the thought of you nestled within my mind
So blissfully unaware of the bitter truth
You had long since left me far behind
I'm slowly becoming a landmark
On our overgrown path
A dying tree, solemn and silent
A boulder among the tall grass
One others can come and go from
Or simply walk past
Everyone wants someone
To call their very own
Everyone longs for someone
Who won't leave them alone
Now you're gone
And all I know
Is that when I was with you
I was home
Just another day
Same as the last
She knew nothing else
Only to feel pain

She belonged to him
There was no escape
Did all he asked
Never said no

How nobody saw
Those blackened eyes
The darkest of bruises
She never knew

He was older
To this young woman
Forced to find respect
Of a husband she hated

Never to bear a child
Because of the damage
The kicks he gave her
Did to her body inside

Knew if she escaped
He would track her down
Cut her beautiful face
Make her suffer in time

Too scared to tell
For would anyone listen
Who would help her
When he was her owner

So she continues to serve
Keeping it all in silence
Never to know real love
Always a slave to fear
Copyright © Chris Smith 2012
 Sep 2015 Otherly One
Do not choose the girl who is battered and bruised,
the girl who always lost.
Do not choose the boy who is hurt,
the boy who never knew how to care.
Do not choose the girl with fears,
the one who never lives and is always scared.
Do not choose the boy with scars on his wrists,
the boy who has only one friend and that is his blade.
Do not choose the girl with a fake smile and drowsy brown eyes,
the one who only gives love but never accepts it.
Do not choose the boy with a loud laugh and a big crowd,
the one who has loneliness tattooed near his heart

Do not choose someone  not "normal",
by normal i mean someone with no flaws.
Do not choose them if you know you will constantly hurt them and learn new ways to tear them down.

Do not choose imperfection if all you wanna deal with is perfection.
nobody is perfect.
a creature of mystery
of utter profundity
lazily exuding love
written while our cat Hermione cuddles up next to me on the couch. a poem written appreciation of my cat, cats everywhere, and to the people that love these mysterious enigmas.
 Aug 2015 Otherly One
My heart beats in Morse code
calling out to you.
.. / .-.. --- ...- . / -.-- --- ..-
 Aug 2015 Otherly One
Every day
We find a way
Though kept so far apart
Still fill the voids of heart
Never taking for granted
Passion others recanted
Together sated
Unfolding each other
Holding one another
Lost souls found
Eternally bound
 Aug 2015 Otherly One
Ink freckles my fingers
as I scroll quill upon parchment
Creating constellations
reflecting my heart's lament
Love, a single word
written terse
Yet stains the page
with endless verse.
 Aug 2015 Otherly One
Mike Essig
Because it's not the hollow life
of 8 to 5 in some cubicle hell.
No one feels more alive
and outside the banality
of plain old existence
than when surrounded
by violent, random death.
The ultimate rush of being.
Stronger than amphetamines,
*******, the best ****** ever.
Terrified, horrified, fascinated,
but more alive than you'll
ever be again.
If you survive, in your
secret heart you will
always miss it.

"Oh that magic feeling, nowhere to go."
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