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 May 2018 Inkveined
She changes her mind like the weather.
One moment shes a flower blooming in May but with the flip of a switch
shes a cold January blizzard.

Its already December.
Shes disappointed with the lack of snow this year,
as her hearts been stuck in a dull winter.
With wide blue eyes full of fear
she's waiting for death to kiss her.
Spring flowers have been long dead,
Now shes eager for the return of death.
Maybe he took the wrong turn?
He seems to be running late.
For now she's making snow angels out of wilted petals,
patiently awaiting her fate.
 May 2018 Inkveined
I watched a movie
That comedically displayed
And *******
Did I try to be offended
The whole time
But I feel like
For me at least
When you've been suicidal before
And you watch a movie
Like that
And everyone laughs
You learn to laugh along too.

And maybe
Some people
Could take offense
But that movie is a masterpiece

I learned somewhere along the way
(Maybe when I lost all faith in humanity)
That some things
You just gotta laugh at

The kids who make the most jokes about suicide and depression
Have often lived it
Dark humor
Is more or less,

And I think I've payed my dues.
I deserve to laugh at this kid tryna **** himself. It's ******* hilarious
 May 2018 Inkveined
When you arrived
I did what any normal person would do
I made room for you
I look out and see the city
All the shining lights
The cars coming and going
The people living
And think
I live in a big world
Moments are like scoops of ice cream
One minute they are there and solid
The next, they begin to melt and mix
Until you can’t remember the taste
All that you know is that you had
A scoop or two
Of ice cream
Across the room
She saw him and he saw her
And the world got quiet
Lately I've felt like I'm just floating
My home is here
My friends are there

And I don't know where I belong
Relationships are fingerprints
Each becomes

Whorls spinning into seamless
Chaotic cosmos

Never Removed

The world
Leave a

CopyRight©2015 Kelly Chase
All Rights Reserved
It lies on my 3rd finger
It glints in the sun
It's the color of the ocean

It makes me smile
It makes me cry
It's full of love

It's full of life
It's full of death
It's the happiest day of my life
It's the sadist day of my life

CopyRight@2016 Kelly Chase
All Rights Reserved
A poem about the story behind my engagement ring
She dances in the cloak of death
Her heart palpitating
time ticks onward

She dances in the cloak of light
Her eyes sparkling
time ticks onward

She dances in the cloak of despair
Her feet forlorn
time ticks onward

She dances in the cloak of hope
Her breath intoxicated
time ticks onward

She dances in the clock of birth
Her hands trembling
time ticks onward
Not sure if I should call it "Stretching time" or "The dance of time"
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