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 May 2014 mars
Angel Escobar
Its amazing how the heart works.
Every time I see you I get butterflies.
Every time I see you its like I'm seeing you for the first time.
Every time I see you I get lost in your beautiful eyes.
Every time I kiss you I know it has a meaning.
Our love has a meaning.
You tell me how much you hate your body, but in reality I feel in love with the way you are.
I wasnt judging your appearance, I was falling in love with your personality.
My heart tells me to fight for you, care for you, and love you.
You're special.
I love telling you how much I love you and expressing to you why.
Its amazing how it feels like we're bearly going out.
Yeah we have our downs, but I don't think about what to do with my head, I think with my heart.
My heart has helped me a lot.
In the past it has been hurt but you showed me how much you care for it, how much you love it.
My heart is pumping blood through my veins just to be able to see you.
I love the way you are.
I love you, all you.
Love exist everywhere, just take a chance and look for it.
 May 2014 mars
On the floor
in my living room
with my head on your chest
and your arms around me.
The tv was on.
I don't remember what show.
I remember the beating of your heart.
I remember how shallow your breaths were.
I fell asleep.
When I woke up,
I rolled over.
Glanced over at you,
said good night,
walked upstairs.
I wonder how you felt.
I don't know why I keep doing this to us.
 May 2014 mars
 May 2014 mars
You asked me why I don't eat meat
and I told you that I can't stand the idea
of being the reason
a living creature gets hurt.
You told me
They'll get killed anyways
and I didn't have a good argument
other than
I just don't want to be the reason.

You asked me why I felt so guilty about the cuts on your arm
and I told you that I can't stand the idea
of being the reason
a living creature gets hurt.
You told me
I would have done it eventually anyways
and I didn't know what to say
other than
*I just never wanted to be the reason.
 May 2014 mars
Winded Words
 May 2014 mars
Your love is bittersweet

Choking flesh and binding souls

Wrenching spirits and drinking tea

Luring the innocent into the eerie shadows

Whilst feasting away on their pitiful screams

Decrepit little man, how vulnerable you must be

Laying gentle fingers on the long forgotten

And reminiscing about the damage you once sought out to destroy

Realization hitting you like concrete - all along, you were the culprit
I wrote this a long while ago. I was drunk when I did, if you couldn't already tell.
 May 2014 mars
fingers- i landed my boat here, when i first met you. your fingers twirled together absentmindedly and they still do and i'm still get lost whenever i wander onto the dark beaches.
hands- i discovered these peninsulas when you pulled me along on your adventures after I landed on the beaches and they were so rough yet so wonderful and i honestly want to get lost here more often.
wrists- i found these a bit more on the mainland, still flanked by water and they were so narrow that i was afraid i would fall off into the water and i wonder how those thick colorful bracelets stay on.
cheeks- one day i wanted to go on a hike so i decided to climb up these steep mountains and whenever something beautiful sailed by you these beautiful red begonias popped up and i'm a little upset that i didn't make them pop up but i'm glad they didn't bloom around me because i got to see the natural red hills and i got to love them.

but i made a mistake because i never went south and maybe i would have gotten lost somewhere else more beautiful but if i went south, i wouldn't have found the beautiful pools that some call your eyes and that would've been the real loss.
 May 2014 mars
 May 2014 mars
I started smoking cigarettes again

Something about having another thing burning between my fingers

Besides your hands

Makes me dismiss the feeling that lingers 
when I think of you

Since I can’t have your taste in my mouth

Menthol will have to do

I am addicted 

Isn't this sounding familar?
You **** me inside starting with my lungs

Like the small nicotine sticks do with every inhale

I would much rather your slender fingers in my hand

But for $10 a pack they last around a lot longer than you do 

No matter how much you rot me from the inside out

A piece of me will always be yours

Drunk and smoking a cigarette last night thinking of you.
 May 2014 mars
Sylvia Plath
 May 2014 mars
Sylvia Plath
for Susan O'Neill Roe

What a thrill ----
My thumb instead of an onion.
The top quite gone
Except for a sort of hinge

Of skin,
A flap like a hat,
Dead white.
Then that red plush.

Little pilgrim,
The Indian's axed your scalp.
Your turkey wattle
Carpet rolls

Straight from the heart.
I step on it,
Clutching my bottle
Of pink fizz. A celebration, this is.
Out of a gap
A million soldiers run,
Redcoats, every one.

Whose side are they one?
O my
Homunculus, I am ill.
I have taken a pill to ****

The thin
Papery feeling.
Kamikaze man ----

The stain on your
Gauze Ku Klux ****
Darkens and tarnishes and when
The balled
Pulp of your heart
Confronts its small
Mill of silence

How you jump ----
Trepanned veteran,
***** girl,
Thumb stump.
 May 2014 mars
Sylvia Plath
"I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead;
I lift my lids and all is born again.
(I think I made you up inside my head.)

The stars go waltzing out in blue and red,
And arbitrary blackness gallops in:
I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead.

I dreamed that you bewitched me into bed
And sung me moon-struck, kissed me quite insane.
(I think I made you up inside my head.)

God topples from the sky, hell's fires fade:
Exit seraphim and Satan's men:
I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead.

I fancied you'd return the way you said,
But I grow old and I forget your name.
(I think I made you up inside my head.)

I should have loved a thunderbird instead;
At least when spring comes they roar back again.
I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead.
(I think I made you up inside my head.)"
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