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 Jun 2014 Nakedpetals
I hate the way you compliment me
And turn around and compliment her.
I hate the way you say I'm the one for you,
but turn around and hold her close.
I hate the way I fell for you
And you fell for her.
I hate the way we go forever without talking,
while you are talking to her.
I hate the way you say you're over her,
but you're still with her.
I hate the way I love you.
This *****. I had made this last night out of a pit of sadness and rage. Decided to post it because I can.
 Jun 2014 Nakedpetals
harlee kae
Sometimes I hate poetry because people try to sound eloquent and sophisticated with their words.
They tell some long drawn out story of how their mood changes with the seasons when all that needs to be said is **I'm unhappy and it *****.
 Jun 2014 Nakedpetals
harlee kae
Christmas** makes me think of her and the way you got her a blanket and she got you a million things and you didn't get me anything.  I got you a beanie, but you lost it. You still wear the socks though, the ones she gave you, almost everyday.
Valentine's Day makes me think of the way you made us the same present and then went to the movies with her. I haven't figured out what she got you yet. Probably a kiss.
Our one year anniversary makes me think of the way you slept in her bed instead of mine. I don't know what happened between ya'll. I'm not sure I want to know.
 May 2014 Nakedpetals
Is it okay to put up with someone being a **** to you
If you know they are broken?
 May 2014 Nakedpetals
people are like houses.
they may look perfect on the outside
but they might be messed up on the inside.

and you'll never know
unless they open up the door
and you step inside.
 May 2014 Nakedpetals
i didn't know ghosts
could haunt themselves,
until i met you.
"he was lost in the past."
 May 2014 Nakedpetals
I miss you. I'm not really sure how to breathe anymore without you here to remind me. lately my hands have been too numb to do anything other than write about you. I feel pathetic, really, because I'm sure you're off with her now and you're not even thinking of me. I feel ridiculous because I can't get you out of my head. you're making memories with someone new and soon enough I'll just be another face blurred in your mind but I don't want you to go. the thought of losing you makes me want to throw up; maybe I'm in denial because everyone knows I have already lost you.
 May 2014 Nakedpetals
And I sort of fell in love with plastic cups.
The ability to fall, and never break apart.
Because, as for me.
I'm just a glass positioned a little to close to the edge of the table.
 May 2014 Nakedpetals
A little girl
Has once said
'I wanted to be happy'
I looked deep into her eyes
Saw the world she has imagined
Far from reality
Different from this cruel world
'Don't we all?'
I whispered
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