You ask for help When you are blue And have no clue But you also left When you already received The help you want I know its selfish to ask you To ask me For my help, cause I dont mind I just dont want you to leave me behind.
Pls, you have trap me and im craving for you but its sad cause I know you dont need me anymore.
Roses are red Violets are blue Its dangerous out there But what can you do, don't worry I'll journey it too While holding your hands To be forever with you!
Simple twist of a classic poem, offered for the people I love.
I'm jealous but what can I do You only run to me When he is mean to you There was never a you and me But I always hope that there will be. You said I was the only one who Understood you, Its sad that you didn't understand me When I was silent and I was mourning When tears fall and my sky were grey But I know its not your fault Its all mine and its true I'm sorry , I can't just run away Cause I want to be always be there for you Even if you wont hold my hand I will still journey your life with you Facing challenges ahead before they will ever reach you. Cause I said fight on My little flower. For I will forever protect you!
No matter how much it will hurt I will try to ignore the pain.
Depressed, Sad, Burdened, Anxious, Scared? Yes, Im all of that and more I dont think I will last But with writing I want to stay In this world Thats hard to live in But not hard To fell in love with
Writing a poem is as easy as 1,2,3. But then again you will be at 6,7,8 Without writing the 4 & 5 Now you try think back like 8,7,6, But still skipping the 5 & 4 cause you thought Writing poem was easy as 3,2,1.
You were broken I was too and I took my time listening to you for I thought it would help me too
we shared our thoughts and talked about it
Wrote a poem of the beauty of your chaos the undying strength of your resolve
time flew by as days has passed
we talked about the moon with coffee in hand
months have past and we were going strong even though there's no label on what we are
but one day you just disappeared without a trace
I was left searchin for you and the feeling of you
Few months again I received a poem and I know its you
was devastated for I cant reply for the stranger also left without a sound just the poem saying goodbye.
Pearl Im very sorry. I want to hug when we meet again, I know we will. In my time and when Im in control. So that I will be brave enough to hold you close!
Asking question But I dont know why Its hard to answer Without wondering why Questions produces Answers followed with a why Is it so hard To stop the why The unlimited question Continues to the infinite whys.
warm blankets and cold winds heavy rain outside the window pane
its a happy day you see remembering all my dears while holding the memories near cause I remember the days were my friends are all genuine and true the smiles , the laughs and all the tears we shared that glowed like the sunflower that's filled with the power of our sun.