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An Irish couple buy some fertilised duck eggs and they hatch.
But then they’re missing!
The cat is licking her lips.
Oh No!
They follow the cat to her snug in the barn.
She too has given birth.
Snuggled beneath the cat’s protective paws
Are suckling kittens and DUCKLINGS!

Had those dear ducklings hatched an hour earlier
Or later
They would have been cat food.
But around the birthing time Missus Cat was only a Mother,
Mothering anything that moved.

Mother Nature breeds such Motherly instincts.
A thing of Wonder.
A story that happens to be True.

Since then those ducks grew up
But still followed their “Mother”
Everywhere she went (within reason).
An unshakeable bond,
Lasting for ever.

Paul Butters
My friend Gail Littlefair reminded me of a wonderful story.....
When life comes to seem like
A superhuman feat

When you're in the quicksand
With lead shoes on your feet

When you're supposed to serve 10 people
And you have nothing to eat

There's nothing to be done
God does not text or tweet

You look upwards toward heaven
And the question's on repeat

"Why God? (3X) WHY ME???
I've had enough now.... I call Uncle!
Can't you let me be?
I'm sorry but there's been a mistake
Can't you even see?

I'm supposed to PROSPER!
But I'm in prison... I'm not FREE!

I cried all this in anguish
Cried my very best

Had a huge crushing Boulder
Lying on my chest

Then God sent an answer
And this is what it said...

You're just in a test my dear
You are in a trial

You knew it is a fiery one
And that fires are wild

I have confidence in your ability
I made you strong. my child

Though the Tempest's Rising
I can make it mild

My son had a bad hair day
Great big spiky thorns

They took his only clothing
In nothing adorned

His beard pulled out and spat on
Persecuted. Scorned.

You know all he went through

But for this was he born

You prayed you could be like him
You prayed for closeness here

With my one son Jesus
But I want to make this clear

If you want him close to you
If you want him there

You will pay a price
And it will be dear

I'm training you with mine own voice
Patience! Do you hear?

Do not worry in the least
Please, child, have no fear

When it's the last minute...


(C) 7/31/2016
I'll be off site for a while. Maybe even a couple of days. I've had some very bad news. I'm sorry!


When you are down, and full of fear
There seems to be nobody near
There's no answer when you pray...
Give God a sacrifice of Praise!

Lift your voice and sing a song!
Sing It Loud! Oh, sing it strong!
It's not the meter, nor the phrase,

Give God a sacrifice of praise!

When life is hard, and you are blue,
And you don't know just what to do
Strike Up the Band, you'll be amazed!
Give God a sacrifice of praise!


Paul and Silas knew the truth
Sang in prison, raised the roof!
Those dungeon walls did surely shake,
And those bars began to break!

Lift your voice and sing a song!
Sing It Loud! Oh sing along!
By God's might those halls were razed...

Because of sacrifice of praise!!!

(C) 4/26/2009
I'm singing, folks. Nothing can keep me down if I sing. Thank you so much for all your prayers and good thoughts. Situation hasn't changed but my attitude toward it has.

Just want to clarify, I'm not headed for jail... LOL!!! I'm going to be ok. Truly.

Have a few things to do so I'm going to go offline now. Hopefully I'll be back tonight...

One day* *in the dead of night
I'll be but shadows in light
Where I'll be more than free
Fervently you'll search for me

One day in the dead of night
You'll thus wander mazily in the dark
On roads of life which will ache
But I doubt you'll have me back

One day in the dead of night
You'll drown in star pools of light
Coz I'll be all thy heart shall crave
But then I'll be too deaf in a grave

One day in the dead of night
Fervently you'll wish having a sight
Sight at me but it'll be crystal clear
A word from me you'll never hear

One day in the dead of night
As a dive-dapper peers through the wave
Flaccid you'll stare at the infinite sky
Reminisce of mine infinite tenderness
Thus will be drawn to infinite oblivion

But most of all,

One day in the dead of night
As crystal clear as thy calcareous eyes
In-between thy sobs it'll dawn on thee
You must have been too young
To understand what love is
But its when you'll be old enough
To understand what love is

© Kikodinho Alexandros
June 29 2016
scholar and drifter
gravity and flight,
white contrails streak the atmosphere,
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