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Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
Many dark and grey clouds                                                                                    Hover over our heads endlessly                                                                              Like ugly monsters just to scare us                                                                         By day and by night ...                                                                                           The high skies are not clear now                                                                             Simply because they're overcrowded with                                                             Those pregnant clouds that are bringing                                                              All that is gloomy and sad ...                                                                                  We don't care about these hanging clouds                                                             As if nothing Happens ...                                                                                                           We are greatly blind,deaf,and dumb                                                                 About everything around ...                                                                               Our situation talks about itself                                                                          Through its ugly images everywhere ?                                                             We need another Noah's Ark                                                                             To save us from that great flood                                                                         That is approaching us now ...                                                                            We are drowning clearly and                                                                              No one cares !                                                                                                       ____________________­____________________
Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
كنا نقف ,                                                                                                                      اثناء المطر ,                                                                                                                  تحت الداراويند                                                                                                                ليمنع عنا سقوط المطر ...                                                                                                    كانت كل المزاريب المفتوحة                                                                                                 تتدفق من كل الابنية على زواريب الحي ...                                                                               كانت امي ترسلني احيانا او                                                                                                  جدتي بالطنجرة                                                                                                                كي اضعها تحت المزراب لتملأ ماء                                                                                        كي تصنع به حساء العدس المجروش                                                                                                                   في الشتاء ...                                                                                                               كان لكل البيوت القديمة داراويندات من الاعلى                                                                       لتمنع تدفق الماء لداخل البيوت ...                                                                                       كانت الحياة بسيطة و                                                                                                     كان الخير في كل مكان ...                                                                                               تغيرت الايام و تم هدم كل البيوت القديمة                                                                              و صار بدلا عنها ابنية يقال انها تشبه                                                                                 علب اعواد الثقاب ...                                                                                                      الله يرحم ايام زمان ...                                                                                                    اين ذهبت تلك الدرويندات الجميلة                                                                                       و اين ذهبت كل المزاريب ؟!                                                                                            حقا لم يعد طعم حساء العدس مجروش                                                                                 كما كان ايام زمان                                                                                                        لأن كل شيء قد تغير الى الابد                                                                                          حتى نحن ....                                                                                                              ___________________­_
Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
It's great and wonderful to go to your                                                                    Prayers on time ...                                                                                                    You are a good person .                                                                                         ____________________
Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
Love all people on our earth ,but                                                                            Be careful ,                                                                                                                O my pretty kids !                                                                                                    There is love on our earth ,but                                                                                 Be careful when snakes creep towards you ,                                                          O my lovely kids !                                                                                                    I have never abandoned love to anyone                                                                 On our earth ,but                                                                                                     I was so careful when dealing with                                                                          Everyone or everything Anytime,anywhere,and everywhere ...                                                             Only trust in God ,then                                                                                       Trust carefully everyone you deal with ,                                                           O my wonderful kids !                                                                                         There are ugly snakes and poisonous scorpions                                                Anywhere and everywhere ....                                                                            When love prevails ,then                                                                                     Everything that is good prevails,                                                                        O my lovely kids !                                                                                                ___________________­_
Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
I can my image on the water                                                                                   Of that running creek together                                                                               With that pretty image of the pretty moon anytime ...                                        Drawing a picture on waters is not                                                                        Difficult and is not easy ,but                                                                                   You need to be a natural artist ...                                                                            I can some images of my childhood                                                                       On that deep well over there ...                                                                               I can draw a pretty image of my happiness and                                                  My sadness on the sea's surface ...                                                                     I love to draw all images of those                                                                      Who passed away a long,long time ago ...                                                        I can do a lot of things                                                                                         On the water's surface ...                                                                                     ____________________
Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
We sometimes cry like kids                                                                                     Simply because there is a kid                                                                                  Inside each of us ...                                                                                                   We often cry like kids                                                                                              Simply because we need to do so                                                                           To relieve ourselves ...                                                                                              We rarely cry for nothing                                                                                        Simply because we need someone or                                                                      We need something to cry for                                                                                  Like loss of a dear person or a dead pet ...                                                        Our precious tears are worthy of                                                                       Precious diamonds when we really cry                                                             From our hearts anytime ...                                                                               Crying relieves us and we need sometimes                                                        To cry like kids ...
Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
ليس كل من يقال له                                                                                                          استاذ بأستاذ                                                                                                                   و السبب ببساطة                                                                                                             كلمة " استاذ" كلمة براقة                                                                                                    و تعني الكثير الكثير ...                                                                                                     الاستاذ هو مدرس الجامعة و الاستاذ                                                                                       و كما علمونا اي استاذ و                                                                                                     يمكن ان يكون اي كان و لو كان                                                                                             آذن المدرسة ...                                                                                                                كفانا لعبا بألفاظ نحسبها اي كان                                                                                                    و يفني صاحبها عمره كله                                                                                               ليحصل على هذا اللقب                                                                                                   بجدارة و بأمتياز...                                                                                                       كلنا يحترم مكانة الجميع                                                                                                 و على الجميع ان يحترم مكانة كل كلمة ....                                                                            ___________________­__
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