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Mohammad Skati Jan 2015
لست خبير بقراءة ذلك الوجه                                                                                                فأنا انسان عادي و لكن                                                                                                       مجرد النظر الى ذلك الوجه                                                                                                  اعرف ان هناك                                                                                                                ابتسامة بلهاء و ضحكة بلهاء                                                                                                و لؤم و حقد و كراهية و اصرار                                                                                           على الانتقام ...                                                                                                                انها فراسة الى وجه غريب الشكل ....                                                                                    عادة ما تكون الوجوه وضاءة و جميلة و لكن                                                                             هذا الوجه مختلف ....                                                                                                                          انه وجه يشبه السحلية في                                                                                               تغير شكلها و كذلك                                                                                                        تبدل الوان قوس القزح ....                                                                                                استطيع ان اقرأ  بعض الوجوه و ليس كل الوجوه ..................
Mohammad Skati Jan 2015
We are all sinners                                                                                                     For many reasons ,but                                                                                             Some never admit that                                                                                            They are guilty and sinners ...                                                                                 Our bad deeds overweight                                                                                      Our good deeds except for                                                                                      Some good people anytime ...                                                                                Sins **** us and they turn us                                                                                    Into sinners who keep that way ...
Mohammad Skati Jan 2015
في الصباح فلافل و فول                                                                                                      حسب الاصول ...                                                                                                             و عند الغذاء  فلافل و فول ايضا ...                                                                                        و وقت العشاء فلافل و فول                                                                                                  حسب الطلب و حسب الاصول ...                                                                                         الفلافل مفيدة و  كذلك                                                                                                         الفول فكله الياف .....                                                                                                        صارت الحياة كلها بكلها                                                                                                  فلافل زائد فول ...                                                                                                               _____________________
Mohammad Skati Jan 2015
They act something ,but                                                                                        They say something else ...                                                                                      Their sayings versus their acts                                                                                 Simply because they play on words ...                                                                  It's hypocritical to say something and                                                                    To something else anytime and anywhere ...                                                         Those who say something ,but                                                                               They do something else                                                                                            Are merely bubbles stir a storm in an empty cup of coffee .
Mohammad Skati Jan 2015
Like a pretty and clear mirror                                                                               That reflects our pictures anytime ,                                                                         Our images do  the same work ...                                                                         If we understand others fully,then                                                                           We can give excellently our points-of-views                                                           Greatly,wonderfully,and clearly about                                                                   People anywhere and everywhere ...                                                                      People like to be praised ,so                                                                                     Never exaggerate things ....
To tell your point-of-view in a good way or people will be sad .
Mohammad Skati Jan 2015
كل الناس اخوتي و اخواتي                                                                                                 اقدم لهم ما استطيع                                                                                                          و لا اترك احدا في الطريق                                                                                                    او جائعا على رصيف ...                                                                                                   ان تشعر بالآخرين                                                                                                           و تساعدهم و تقف معهم                                                                                                     وقت الشدة ...                                                                                                                 اياك ان تترك الناس                                                                                                         في وسط الطريق                                                                                                             فلربما كنت في يوم من الايام                                                                                          في هذا الطريق ...                                                                                                       كن انسانا بأخلاقك و لاتكن                                                                                            ايا كان ...                                                                                                                و سأظل انا فقط كأنسان                                                                                                    و هذا يكفي ....
Mohammad Skati Jan 2015
All emergency crews can not shovel or                                                                   Can not do anything until those blizzards                                                   Come to a standstill anytime and anywhere                                                Simply because all works will be useless ...                                                  The whole life is down and that is enough to tell                                                The whole people anywhere and everywhere ...                                                 Man is weak creature in front of God's authority ...                                             The whole image is completely white and wonderful,but                                  The whole life is down to its bones anywhere and everywhere ...                                      Blizzards are cruel tyrants simply because                                              That's it ...                                                                                                    We're all besieged by those blizzards endlessly ....                                  We feel like our inevitable end comes closer ...                                               Either we give up or we pray God to protect us ....                                 We can not hide our faces from what's going on ,but                                   We need to admit our weaknesses in front of God's fate ...                           As long as blizzards persist in hitting us like this ,then                                We have no choice until everything back to normal ....
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