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 Dec 2015 Mikoarenas
m i a
 Dec 2015 Mikoarenas
m i a
he wasnt perfect, but at the same
     time he was.*

his hugs were perfect.

his smile, was really perfect.

his hair was absolutely perfect.

his eyes were beyond perfect.

his lips, were oh his lips were
     beyond perfection.

but not until i saw him
   do the same things to her
      did i realize that i was blinded
         by his perfection.

he was just too perfect.
eh, im literally loosing inspiration. haalp.
 Dec 2015 Mikoarenas
m i a
he is my artist
painting smiles upon my face

he is my artist painting
  pink on my cheeks
    everytime i'm blushing

he is my artist painting*
  a white sparkle in my eyes
when i talk to him

he is my artist
and i am his canvas
who used to be blank

until he came along painting
me wih colour all
ah, i need to work on rhyming. <3
 Dec 2015 Mikoarenas
m i a
 Dec 2015 Mikoarenas
m i a
we were never really in love
    we were only in love
     with the idea that we were in love.
when your brain is dead, and you come up with thiis lel <3
 Dec 2015 Mikoarenas
 Dec 2015 Mikoarenas
You grin when
You see me

Your eyes make
Me feel young

But God forbid
We ever speak
 Dec 2015 Mikoarenas
 Dec 2015 Mikoarenas
Cast in iron,
We are wardogs
Fighting to a
Bitter end

Justifying a heinous
Means, we cook good
Hearts until they are
Nothing more than
Smooth ash

Eyes and souls at war,
We are fit for short
Lives and expire
Quickly in our youth

Fate demands we serve
And meet our demise
At the hands of those
Whom we look up at

Not because they are
Higher than us but
Because they sit on
Lofty stools
 Dec 2015 Mikoarenas
I can see only a
Glimpse of your soul
And I understand that
You don't care for me

A photograph captures a
Piece of the spirit and
Yet your eyes reveal
 Dec 2015 Mikoarenas
I'm Sorry
 Dec 2015 Mikoarenas
I'm sorry I ran that way
I'm sorry that locomotive
Killed you on the tracks
And when I picked up the
Pieces you left behind, I
Found no way to repair you

Nothing short of God
Can mend shattered gristle
And blood spread over a million
Miles, I know that you still
Ride that train into the
Great forever

I take some comfort knowing
That you're seeing the world now
Like you said you always wanted to
Even if it's not like how we
Imagined it
 Dec 2015 Mikoarenas
You're the kindest person I know
Selfless and strong

Even when things look low
You'll know right from wrong

Don't give up hope
Don't try to belong

Be exactly who you are
Be you or  *die young
she really is a great person, but its like she cant believe it.
 Dec 2015 Mikoarenas
You're Crazy
 Dec 2015 Mikoarenas
I know the way you walk
On a bad day
The way your hips speak
To the wind and the way
The air listens

I can read the sway like a book
Or like a bible;
I haven't decided which yet
But I know that your eyes
Can't change my mind
No matter how hard you try

I know you're crazy;
The way your arms fly apart
Like a duck in a bird hunt
And when I walk away I know
You're falling too
 Dec 2015 Mikoarenas
Pick a Side
 Dec 2015 Mikoarenas
Tiny struggles
Little civil wars

Beg for a reaction
And I won't budge
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