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 Dec 2017 Mike Hauser
cheryl love
Santa thought he’d repair his damaged sleigh.
He was exhaused on this special day
the snow was thick and falling
The reindeer understood he was calling
At top speed he shot off into the sky and away.

He pleaded to stop until he was blue in the face
Because the reindeer were in a competitive race
Santa repeatedly hit the deck
Now he’s a minute speck
As he has shot off to outer space.
 Dec 2017 Mike Hauser
cheryl love
She was indeed an Angel
and she had wings
She brought good to all
and always did nice things.
I see life in a different way
I know this is not where
I will always stay
Even if my body settles
In the same place
My mind will reach
A new level
Day by day
At times it thrives up
Measurably on levels
Some may never see
Other daze it is on
Steadily loosing
Span of attention
And memory
There I go again
Woe is me
Gotta keep moving forward
~°•°•LET IT BE°•°•~
The delusions of humanity
All the turns and twists
As we sit here aghast and shocked
The casting couch exists
ms paragraph choked back tears as she surveyed the turkey gravy and my critcal nature melted like goose fat as she disintegrated into lovelorn regret 'i dont know if Jacob will visit me this year
Your veins are my roots
I’m just an attachment to you

and it is through you that I feel this earth

I only feel what is real when I feel you -
 Dec 2017 Mike Hauser
Eric W
It’s been a long journey, yes,
but I am still moving.
I don’t understand how to accept kindness,
and I’m sure I’m insensitive —
I’m getting there.
I’m moving past years of resentment,
piles of bitter, stinking trash and ****,
to being able to give
as well.

I’ve always been bashful about those
being kind to me,
and doubly so when I am kind
to others.
I am kind without an audience.
Certainly it stems from feeling unworthy
if kindness received,
and feeling my kindness is an unworthy
Sometimes it’s self-fulfilling.

Up until recently in my life,
I’ve never been able to give anything physical.
I’m still trying to understand if I’m
emotionally bankrupt,
so that’s uncertain.

My birthday is soon, and Christmas is coming.
December always forces these feelings into light,
but I’m still making progress on them
year by year.
 Dec 2017 Mike Hauser
Eric W
They always seem legitimate
to the person that makes them.
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