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Wolves hide among the fragrant flowers
Skulk, stalk, pounce, and bite into their prey
****** their maws, their canine, their fang
Don the fleece of the white sheep
Rip out the innards
Garbed in white
Draped like a cloak of purity

Wolves hide in cathedrals
Stalk among the pews
Furs streaked with blood, coated
Defile sanctity
Virginity with something vile
Dark, putrid, and false

She sees the wolf in you
Hears it in words that you utter
Sees it in words that you write
Drunk, sober, aware, unaware
Smells the blood on your maw
Smells the pennies in your breath
Faint, odorous
Wolves like you
Hiding in fleece
This came as a direct result of something I experienced last night. It shook me internally to my core and the culmination of those words, the emotions that stirred up as a result, culminated in this piece.

The wolf is Man. Not every man. It can be a singular man for a woman or even a man or anyone, you can change the gender of the "she" to whomever you like. The wolf remains the same. The "fleece" is a covering, a disguise, a shroud of "purity" and deceit that it/He disguises himself in.

The "cathedral" is a place of reverence and worship. I took the age-old adage of "your body is a temple" and turned it into something more historically significant and possibly controversial (for those of us who are iffy on religion. I am actually, but I respect those are who spiritual and religious. I respect their beliefs and stances). The cathedral is Woman's body. It is seen as a place that can be tarnished or worshiped within. It can be ransacked and defiled or vandalized.

IN any case, the poem has its themes of purity and Sin. There aren't many religious undertones here. It's just the slimy and even disturbing feelings a man can conjure up with words. It defines what a woman may experience when she's even revered by someone that presents themselves in one way but is truthfully like a majority of "wolves" out there. They're there for blood and prey.
 Oct 2017 mickey finn
Standing right next to the speaker
I can feel the bass in my chest
the drink in my hand
is becoming less
but I'm feeling more

you sent a text
you'll pick me up in 30

dressed in all black
supreme baseball cap
wrapped my hands around your waist
helmet covering my face
the nights still young
it could take us anywhere
but at this point
who really cares?

Dear Scorpion,
you can trust me
I can trust you
love is enough
don't tell me that's false
I can see right through
your built up walls
break them down
put your stinger down
**** the venom out  
from your last bite
treat me like I'm your last try

Doing 40 trying to get me home
so I can get dolled up
meet you at the club
stare at each other from all your spots
then its time to get Cinderella home
the clocks hit 13:30
start the engine
grab some sexies
go home to chill
smoke some more sheesh
ill lay my head
on the latin
next to the chip you got
from your father
look at each other
face to face
im trying not to think about
how soon ill be replaced
one more month until im out of here
ill be sky high flying hoping youll follow me

Dear Scorpion,
I'm afraid too
I know we can't see the sky in this city
but thank God your eyes are blue
I could inhale the way you roll your "R's"
before I exhale in your native language
I'm running with the wolves on this one
but you and I
we are something so dangerous
we could keep gardens alive with our laughter
and host dinners with our jokes
and cook meals with our kisses
I think Im trying to say
we are perfect for each other
but i'm not that predictable
and please don't say that you aren't either
because I can already imagine
what your next one looks like

back seat of a taxi
eyes blood shot
got no sleep
5 am
your left hand
on my right knee
in a hurry to catch a flight
but in no rush
to say goodbye
I hope I see you in another life
even though we will be
under the same moon
may we meet again
I pray that I see you soon
i wrote this so ******* fast
 Oct 2017 mickey finn
I never knew it
Until one day and our song played,
Her hand in mine
Her head on my shoulder.
We danced slowly
While our hearts and song synchronize.
I never knew love back then,
Not until that day.

I never knew it
Until one Saturday night,
We were sitting in a couch,
Our favorite movie on the television.
She'd slept again beside me
While I watched her the whole time.
I never knew perfection
Not until she was right there.

I never knew it
Until we talked random things,
Then we came up with our dreams.
She said she want a happy family
But I wanted her in my life.
I never knew future,
Not until I saw it with her.

I never knew it,
Until her dreams became ours.
With her and our children,
I finally found a home.
I never thought lifetime,
Not until I held her hand as I took my last my breath.
 Oct 2017 mickey finn
 Oct 2017 mickey finn
we used to count the stars 'loves'
and ignored our feelings

we used to belittle someone else 'fears'
and a scary world we have created

we wanted loud asked 'questions'
and we're alone now

we were wrong from 'the beginning'
and we understand it in the end
 Oct 2017 mickey finn
 Oct 2017 mickey finn
Just like a song that defies time
Her words are sweet pieces of dreams
Held tight during nights like these
In that old dance of men with rain

Her eyes are a city of lights
A little world, soft and safe in the breeze

And behind there is a limitless sky
Of feelings one never gets to explain
She is an escape of poetry
 Oct 2017 mickey finn
upon a time we could have said
whatever, whenever,
and words like
ne me quitte pas
were used only in the bedroom.
 Oct 2017 mickey finn
the fallow field looms on
as the sky draws nigh dark
fuzzy seeds from dandelions
grow high on the breeze
furrows run straight on over the slight rise
of the mid hill
on the eastern side
all seems peaceful
and the moon speaks his misty taunt
over the dark silhouettes
of evergreens
planted years ago to break
the wind
all is  calm
I feel farrowed forlorn
I feel silhouetted

on a horizon
on the eastern side
on top the slight rise
following the furrows

I walk on
 Oct 2017 mickey finn
Amy H
 Oct 2017 mickey finn
Amy H
“No,” she said “just no.”
I wilted,
watching her detachment
as if I was an insect crossing her plate
to be brushed aside.
Embarrassed, shutting down
where hope to share myself had sprung
but met her disdain.

But I’m your mom,
and they don’t care,
these strangers without a single string to your heart
or mine.

And yet she yanks on mine
as if my thoughts will hurt them.

What can I do
to get through to you?

It’s not my life but yours,
and someone else who loves you
that may fight
then move away.
I pray it’s not ahead for you.

I don’t have the luxury.
You demand my heart
the way you did my womb.
The hope of all our years
placed in my arms and at my breast
after sweat and tears had left my body.

My baby,
my everlasting love,
my singular weakness.
The one I could never turn away.
Dismissing a part of me with “No”
as if I need permission to be tender
and reveal myself.

Where did I go wrong?
I don’t allow this from anyone.
I walk.
But no one else has my soul by a cord,
through my heart,
taking nourishment for life
and sending back a sense of purpose.

Nothing greater in joy or pain,
than mother.
And this, I know,
is *ahead of me for life.
For anyone who has ever been bruised by their child.
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