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 Sep 2016 Michaela
Isabelle Perla
I look at my life and see two roads.
And I stand against the current, I'm standing between them and hoping I won't have to choose.
I'm a laundry basket of jealousy, frustration and worry.
I'm constantly walking on egg shells because I don't want anything to change.
I don't want to upset you
I don't want to anger you
I don't want to lose you.
So I hide behind someone who isn't fully myself.
Because you know not yet who you are. And I guess I don't too.

We are carcasses in this life and our paths will show what we choose to show. But your emptiness frightens me and I feel it my duty to fill you.
But I'm torn between someone who cares and someone who can't. I'm torn because the perfect piece of paper I once was is no longer something salvageable.
You aren't the same. So I guess I'm not too.

But I turn to something that isn't stable to help me out of my own battles. I turn to a floating piece of plastic and expect it to help me stay afloat.

These two roads are both a part of myself. These roads aren't a mangled lie or a twisted fib,
They are who I am, just not to the full extent.
You aren't you to the full extent.
And I guess, I'm not too.
She wasn't herself so I decided to become someone else as well.
 Sep 2016 Michaela
Isabelle Perla
Like a rock in a stream or a tree in a herd of antelope,
I stood.
Their noise surrounding me, beating me, hurting me
But all I could do was stay.
In my own little bubble you've made.
So much effect you have on me;
That I can find myself crying in a room of staring faces who wonder what on earth I could be.
Today I cried in front of a bunch of people. And they probably wondered if I was an alien.
 Sep 2016 Michaela
Isabelle Perla
It's actually pathetic.
She fell for some *******
       someone taken
       some gay guy
       someone out of her league
        some *******
How could she be so stupid?
She did it again at 9 years old
                            at 10
Like a pattern of chaotic yet predictable events.
She knew it was coming: the pointlessness of it all. It would always end up the same way.
Why can't she be normal? she asked
She asked that every single day.
"She" is me
 Jun 2016 Michaela
 Jun 2016 Michaela
**** your flowery words
they, just like you,
don't mean ****.
 Jun 2016 Michaela
Half a hundred orphans
Orphaned by choice
By shame
"God's will"
"In his name"
"Abominations, every one"
That's my son

Someone's daughter -
Late one night
Looking for a bite, no fight
Gunned down
In the name of god
For the love of God
No fight

Dead. On a club dance floor
One dead, two dead
Dozens more
Alive -
Orphans parents live
They give
They grieve
They cry

Changing minds
Changing clothes
Changing lives
Goodbye for real, not by choice this time
One man -
One gun
One night

No one could put up a fight.

Goodbye - Mom and Dad say
We didn't mean goodbye that *way
 Jun 2016 Michaela
Bad Drug
 Jun 2016 Michaela
I chew, lick, inhale, swallow
But no matter what I do
How I take you
How often I take you
You leave me here
With my head clear
Swirling with dark thoughts
It's not fair you won't take me with you
But you take the others
Take them up up
Til their heads are in the clouds
They no longer have coherent minds
Just feelings of content
Feelings of momentary happiness
By you decided I was different
That I was to stay surrounded in dark
So you leave me down here
While you take the others up high
 Jun 2016 Michaela
The Plan
 Jun 2016 Michaela
I fantasized about the water
The blue
The cold
It seduced me
The waves calling me out
Inviting me to jump in
To breath in
To let it consume me
And drag me down
It called me to rest at its bottom
And sleep eternally wrapped in sand
And I would find peace
I would find me
In the blue
In the cold

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