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Feb 2017 · 414
michael gagain Feb 2017
May the day be as pretty as your smile...
May the sunset be as beautiful as your soul...
And may the night be as dark as your every desire...

Nov 2015 · 1.0k
~Feed me~
michael gagain Nov 2015
~Feed Me~

Ox blood red runs down your perfect thighs
in a hell storm of leather.
My tongue following close behind
in a flowing trail of excitement.
Stiletto heels kiss the ground
to take ownership of where you stand.
Returning back to those pretty red satin *******,
only to lose myself in your essence.
My tongue straining through the fabric as to tease.
On my knees before you, I can live forever,
thrive, feast on your love.
Your wetness is my pleasure, it's all about you,
your beauty and your mind.
***** blond locks brushing bronze peaks,
in a dance of passion.
The thoughts in your mind are dirtier
than the color of your hair.
you tremble at my touch, eyes meeting in lust,
my hand finding the
joy between your legs, soaked, throbbing, wanting.
I lightly brush my finger across the satin. your **** hard,
engorged, seeking my tongue.
Kissing you behind your knees
and licking up the back of your thigh,
biting and slapping your ***
before spinning you around on your come
**** me heels. Reluctantly removing the silky
red barrier between myself
and heaven, still on my knees
I grab both cheeks of your pretty ***
and pull you into my mouth, my tongue deep.
I feel your thighs
tremble, knees weaken, lips of velvet quiver and glisten.
That's my girl, let it go baby...
your *** cheeks clench, your rose she throbs,
thrusting into my mouth, convulsing, shaking violently,
your warmth flowing
into my mouth like the river wild....
I look up at your angelic Halo of wrath
and the now devious smile upon your pretty lips as you whisper.....
Nov 2015 · 498
~My Angel~
michael gagain Nov 2015
~My Angel~

Once again I write through the tears,
you're five years gone and it seems like
yesterday we kissed...
I step into our room every night,
our haven, lit only by the soft glow of candlelight.
your perfume lingers from the mist I leave in the
air every morning...
Every three days I replace the red roses and baby's
breath on your nightstand.
We would make love here for hours, laugh and live.
now I sit alone, the tears never end, the thoughts are
vivid and enjoyable followed by a smile....
and more tears. I contemplate joining you, the pain
unbearable unlike any other pain imaginable.
I can't work I cant eat I can't sleep until the
physical exhaustion overpowers me into shutting down.

I miss you so much...
I don't know what to do, it was always just you and me.
I miss the way you smiled at me, the way you kissed me,
I miss your soft voice that always soothed me no matter
what the day had brought...
We confided in each other, we knew each other, we
loved each other without condition without bells and

I wake in the night feeling the softness of your wings
brush my skin... grasping your side of the bed,
only to realize yet another wishful dream of what was
has taunted me....the tears come again.
What I would give to hold you again, feel your
love and warmth against me.
to kiss you one last time...
Nov 2015 · 423
michael gagain Nov 2015
The capillaries in your eyes begin to burst
your face turning purple is quenching my thirst
the veins in your head  are starving for blood
your gurgling saliva comes in a flood...

I remove the ligature from around your neck
smiling coyly void of repent
I leave you a string of beautiful pearls
from your ******* to your ***** a mess unfurled...

I am the nightmare you had as a child
I'm the thing under your bed nasty and vile
I lived in your closet and haunted your mind
twenty years later and I've made you mine...

I break your at a time
I ****** into you deeper the feeling sublime
your screaming enhancing my ******* bliss
I give you heartfelt passionate kiss...

I read you your horoscope for this day
it reads stay home... keep demons away
lucky for me you came out to play
I picked you up like a cute little stray...

I will drop you off at the door to your home
you will never again walk the streets alone
******, broken, crying and beat
you will forever remember this day of defeat...

Don't forget to check under your bed
it just may be me to **** with your head
look in your closet, look deep and you'll find
I will forever reside in your terrified mind...
Feb 2015 · 751
~Tiny Dancer~
michael gagain Feb 2015
Welcome to my basement
there are plenty of things, toys and tools
play me a song of dismal fools...

You are welcome, but can never leave
I need your parts for the puppets I weave...
It's a place of madness, messes and mayhem
as my machine sews limbs into marionettes...

Dead bodies galore, that I shall resurrect,
as i work diligently to delicately intersect.
drilling holes and threading string
"creep" plays in my mind as I violently sing...

Replacing your eyes with the brightest of blue
wiring your mouth to move on cue.
mechanical hinges and formaldehyde a plenty,
you'll love your new look as will many...

My workshop my joy, my happy place,
except for the stench a horrid disgrace.
look at the walls and all the pretty puppets
lined up in a row like the famed Henson Muppets...

A vast collection of blondes and brunettes
redheads not allowed they're crazy at best.
don't mind the blood it congeals so fast
unlike your beauty it's essence won't last...
Feb 2015 · 746
michael gagain Feb 2015
You Isabella...
you are my disease, what festers deep inside my thoughts.
if I were to release you from your chains, my mind would run rampant.
you are mine for eternity, I can not allow you the pleasure of another soul.
you will continue to eat with the rats and dine on the cats...

Your torture is my haven, my ******* sickens you, your *** my elixir.
when I put the bar between your legs, and crank so slowly your wetness
my joy, your slice of life my pie...

Your ***** is my God...
To be worshiped by day and eaten at night, devoured like the scores before you.
there is no hell. hell is your common grave, you've yet to visit.
take my **** between your swollen pink lips, take it all leave not a trace.
I shall instill within you a Demon child with a nameless face,
and I will **** your mind, to another place...

Demon qualities live in us all, but only a few return Satan's call.
you're beautiful long brunette hair and gullible goodness is why you are here.
I'm sick, tormented. evil and twisted...a heartless monster.
I am the raw truth of your nightmares...

I will love you forever in my own way, you are not a prisoner but in your mind.
it is a ***** such as yourself that may someday free me of my Demonic being.
but in the mean time, I shall kiss you between your thighs making you ***
and drink from your hive...

You wicked *****, you stink of filth, your matted mane I can not bare
my love for you, you dare not share,
your dark brown eyes will be my demise, above your hatred you shall rise.
take me now deep inside, for my *** will turn the tide...

You are not a slave of love, but the guest of a mastermind shunned from above.
you are not my toy, but a precious womb, a cradle of sorts for my young.
you'll be the heroine that goes unsung...
Feb 2015 · 1.1k
~Just for a moment~
michael gagain Feb 2015
~Just for a Moment~

There she stands in the doorway again,
her beautiful silhouette highlighted against dim moonbeams.
like I've seen her look so many times before.
her ******* as hard as stone visible through the sheer magnificently beautiful
Victoria's secret silk teddy...

"Come to me my love It's Valentines day"
she came to me, slowly, methodically, gliding across the floor like the Greek Goddess
of love, even Aphrodite herself should be so beautiful...

"Sit besides me on the bed"
she took my hand, and I pulled her lovingly on the bed, "you've been a bad girl my queen, looking all **** for me" I kissed the corner of her pretty mouth and stood her besides me.

I bent her over my knee and watched the teddy raise up hey back, I massaged her
lower back and slid my fingers underneath the lace of her pretty *******.
I proceeded to grab a handful of heaven and tenderly squeezed...

And then to my excitement they appeared again...those beautiful white wings,
the same softness I lose myself in after our love making.
I slapped her *** and slapped it again, she began to whimper and I slapped it again, her whimpering making me stir in all the right heart falling into the abyssal pit of my stomach.

I reached between her thighs and under her *******, and lost a finger deep inside her beauty. she moaned and pushed against my hand.
I reluctantly removed my finger and tasted her essence.
why do I do this to myself I thought.

I stood her before me and rose off the bed...our lips meeting and our tongues dancing a deep, slow dance into lost oblivion. our eyes met and as always
her beautiful green eyes with tangents of gold melted me where I stood...
I felt my legs tremble...

I stood her at the side of her bed and gently bent her over pushing her head into the quilt,
she gasped...knowing what was to come.
I dropped to my knees and spread her *** cheeks to delve into her beautiful warmth
kissing her outer lips and driving my tongue deep inside her.
I grabbed her hips and spun her around, ******* slowly and then feverishly on her swollen ****...I could no longer hear her whimpering over the throbbing heart beat in my ears...

I spun her around again, and returned my tongue home, a home I adored.
then it came, she pushed back into my mouth hard, and came in my mouth,
Oh my...I love when she does that...

With her head back into the quilt I stood behind her, my **** in hand and rubbed it up and down the most beautiful ***** I have ever seen..
I teased her entrance with the head of my **** just a bit...and eased into her feeling her stretch and accommodate my thickness.
I was ******* her slow and deep, just as she likes, feeling her meeting my thrusts was so hot I thought for sure I was on fire..
Our rhythm increased as well as my pulse...I wanted this feeling to last forever...and I unleashed storm of *** inside my beautiful deep, it will still be leaking into her pretty ******* tomorrow.

her gorgeous wings, swept back against my skin,
and then...just for a moment....I thought I saw God....

(c) Michael Gagain/Black Reign
Oct 2014 · 617
michael gagain Oct 2014

I speak my mind in rhyme;

Disintegrating evil on obsidian wings
hell bent Raven no longer sings...

Vaporizing hate, sin and greed
Devil's invasion fills our need...


Raven responds in prose;

I am but a messenger, deliverer of terror, a dismal speck in a sea

of wrong doers. you all have created me with your deeds of

hatred. I am but an innocent bird that was born to sing of

love, freedom and hope.

I was chosen by evil itself, and now you destroy me with

your words, your interaction of good.


I speak my mind in rhyme a second time;

You shall return back to the dust which you came

spreading your words of dread in the Devils name

you'll no longer bask in Satan's game...


Ravens last prose before his demise;

One day you'll see, it's not me, you're all doomed

I simply deliver what is asked of me. a hired hand if you will.

a deal made long ago with the shadows. the lurking darkness

for which i was drawn. in hindsight i shall never of landed in

the hand of evil, but.....
pain life sad drama hope
Sep 2014 · 547
~Thorazine Delusions~
michael gagain Sep 2014
Darkness falls upon Octobers eve
I walk in the shadows of madness, my mind dragging behind me
in the congealed pools of blood, I can't move my arms but to rock them back and forth.

A nocturnal beast clawing at insects like an infectious disease,
wading through the corpses, stumbling on rodent gnawed bones,
"creep" playing over and over in my head where my mind once resided  like a broken record player.

Bumping my head into liquid walls, hugging myself and giggling,
"where have all the trees gone"

Thick wire enforced glass plates. peering eyes playing peek-a-boo
like a boxer dancing the ring with no arms,
I just saw my brain fly by with Angel wing attached, the devil himself
in pursuit holding a pitchfork.
I see a purple worm coming up through the cement floor,
he's wearing a reads "eat me I'm what's for dinner"

Buckles digging into my back like alien fingers retrieving samples
of madness gathered into a little vile marked madness.
a black widow spider hanging in the ceiling corner snickering...
"you're next"

I see Ted Bundy. he's leaned up in the corner, Bald. his head fried to a crisp, **** Electric chairs.
"What Ted?'s my worm"

I could whittle away the hours...stop and smell the flowers...if I only had a brain...

Blood drops drip one at a time onto my cheek...from where?
I have no mirror..where does it come from?
I remember the sound of a high speed drill and the stench of burning bone like at a dentist office.

My god...a lobotomy, they have taken my mind...little do they's been gone a long time...
as a matter of's flying around here somewhere being chased by the devil....
Sep 2014 · 1.8k
~suicide note~
michael gagain Sep 2014
Our children go to school everyday
they come home crying
but they won't say...

Emotional abuse her way comes
beaten and broken
converted to crumbs...

Sitting alone in her bed at night
reliving the day
and her terrible plight...

Getting dads razor to ease the pain
it helps but a moment
there's nothing to gain...

Next morning comes with a tear in her eye
all over again
and asking God why...

A quick bus ride to obsidian hell
never to learn
entombed in a shell...

Will it stop, are they better than you?
do they return home
crying and blue...

Do they wear sleeves to cover their scars?
or play video games
and play on monkey bars?

It's not fair, I've done nothing wrong
I try to stay strong
but it doesn't last long...

I want to go to heaven right now
I don't want to be here
I'm a miserable sow...

The razor i use is now dull from my pain
I need something stronger
to lay open my vein...

Mom and Dad, I love you so
I can't take anymore
I really must go...

Give my Brother a hug and a kiss
I can't stop crying
you all I will miss...

your loving Daughter...
Sep 2014 · 844
michael gagain Sep 2014
Golden lochs gently kiss her shoulders
in a mass of beautifully divine color
a peaceful solitude floats above her
smiles wide bringing her to that special place...

The most beautiful translucent blue eyes
piercing, tranquil, like ice on fire
blessed she be...gorgeous
look into her eyes deeply...

Appears the hint of deviousness
devotion, delicate, empowering
Heart to give she strives to live
devoid of that dream state happiness...

I once got lost in those beautiful eyes
taken in like a hellfire vortex
liquid blue mystery, sapphire times two
extruding sweetness and bleeding hope...

Live,love, laugh wrapped into one
I've seen her in action.leading the fun
does she exist in more than my mind
certainly this Goddess is more than a dream

For now you all know her Christine...
love life happy personal
Sep 2014 · 462
~The Dance~
michael gagain Sep 2014
The breeze comes down the mountain
like a cool moist autumn tease
it will kiss the leaves and let them dance
and make you feel at ease

Like when the warmth from your breath
tickles on my ear
ensuing sweet nothings mean the world
I so love it when you're near

The roses which i hold so dear
have all but wandered off
except the one i give to you
her petals silky soft

I give to you my broken heart
forgive me can you fix
I have little time upon this earth
the clock it quickly ticks

I watch your lochs fall like rain
running down your back
before i die i give to you
my love on bible stack

As i breathe one last breath
your pretty eyes they smile
you kiss my lips and say "I love you"
you'll be there in a while

Remember when we'd dance for hours
in torrential rain
making love under starry skies
and never feeling shame

Now I say goodbye my love
and slowly close my eyes
thank you honey I love you too
as i die with one last smile...
Sep 2014 · 441
~Mindful Lovers~
michael gagain Sep 2014
I sit on the porch in the noonday sun,
hot as the devil. All the humidity in the world leaving my pores
in a race to see who can leave the biggest puddle.
I feel like I'm a fire, blazing, smoldering...

The only breeze is the one blowing through my mind,
of a girl, thousands of miles away, but I see her standing in front of me.
As beautiful as always, hair to her waist, the prettiest lips I've ever seen.
**** she's gorgeous...

Then the deafening sound of thunder breaks my thoughts, startles me
back to reality. rattling my bones to the core, lightning strikes blinding my vision.
the sky turns grey, darker, darker almost black...

The rain has yet to come,but man is it going to come.
the crack of thunder sends me into a dream, a daydream of sorts
of something I can never have, a heart that belongs to another...

When I open my eyes again I'm wet, not from the rain,
not from the humidity, but from the tears coming down my face in streams.
the sun was shining and It's was hot as hell but... the only storm...

                  Was the one in my mind,

The one we have no control over, the battle deep within our soul
the fight we always lose. the torment and pain we all feel,
when we can't get what we want...

But I see her always, the beautiful smile and inviting translucent eyes.
I need you
      I want you
             I love you...
I can never have you, until I sleep and we live, laugh and love

                   See you in my dreams sweetheart...
Sep 2014 · 919
Happiness is...
michael gagain Sep 2014
Dramatic drumming downpour come

like cats and dogs and tin roof fun

I love the rain and darkness some

you can keep your shining sun...
Sep 2014 · 973
~Devil in disguise~
michael gagain Sep 2014
Demonic ****** with snake like eyes
evil little slits, the devil don't cry

Melting flesh under blackened soul
the ruler of hell, his wrath unfolds

Infecting the mind of many a man
reigns down on the innocent because he can

Relentless, vile, wicked by choice
leave him no room, he'll steal your voice

That sweet old lady that lives next door
watch her closely, for shrouded dark core

He is winning the battle on earth
in disguise he'll widen his berth

He'll take you soul, at first chance
won't know what hit you, not even a glance

As we get deeper into his realm
he's in control, he's at the helm

When nightmares invade your peaceful sleep
it's him you see, your mind he'll keep...
pain sad love life drama
michael gagain Sep 2014
Even in the darkest beast, one can find beauty.
If they look through the eyes of love.
Seeking a fading light, just out of reach
as the heavens reign from above.

Too soon, two souls become one,
While two hearts are left longing.
Darkness melds upon two minds
they're chemistry is haunting.

A connection so strong it spans the distance.
Feelings are so real,
one can feel the others touch.
Yet both their hearts will heal.

The realm of desire turns to ash
as the moon sets low upon us.
to need you so bad and not to receive
we both shall turn to dust.

Feeding off the dismal past
true love it will prevail.
two shadow;s dancing in the night
their friendship will not fail.

Tempers flare as longings go unfilled.
Both fighting an attraction that can't be real.
he has instilled a certain reality,
she now begins to feel.

A calmness in the darkness, a silence so surreal.
they dance within the keyboard,
in lacy shades of teal.
They both live in a fantasy...knowing it can't be real.....
Sep 2014 · 454
Little girl lost
michael gagain Sep 2014
Society dictates who we are
barbies fake and leaves a scar
we allow this everyday
little girls lost in hips that sway...

Models, runways and magazines
throwing up lunch in porcelain dreams
we allow this everyday
bullying, cutting crimson grey...

36-24-36  for who?
leave it be, doesn't have to be you
we allow this everyday
girls are depressed, that's not okay...

The day will come to realize
it's not their fault they wear disguise
we allow this everyday
it's a shame is what I say...
Sep 2014 · 500
~seeping crimson~
michael gagain Sep 2014
As I drive the razor evermore so deep
my wounds getting wider, opening to seep
my arms now screaming
as though yearning to weep
no longer myself, am I able to keep...

A frail soul and a twisted mind
a shocking truth of the altered kind
beaten, battered, feeble and weak
no longer myself am I able to reap...

To exist in torment, not my passion
staying barely alive in societies fashion
scar tissue abound, skin tone ashen
I seek no one, not a bit of compassion...

Hurt as I know it...a comfortable burn
releasing my anguish, at every turn
bullied, degraded and left all alone
when I swing from the rafters
I'll be finally at home...
Sep 2014 · 490
michael gagain Sep 2014
You tease me softly as not to please
my mind it melts from extruding ******

A torture chamber in my brain
your words to me leave ***** stain

From your mind I can't abstain
my darkened soul has yet to Drain

A dismal fate that love ignores
impossible grace, from ***** chores

The one you seek is spoken for
she points a finger, theirs the door

You return in the dead of night
you know you shouldn't, your mind you fight

Broken vows are not a choice
you refrain from evil voice

You slip back into your deep dark past
stepping over your heart, it's beat it's last...
Sep 2014 · 1.5k
~Steampunk Vengeance~
michael gagain Sep 2014
Steam punk vengeance
and mechanical parts,
steel and springs
and broken hearts...

Organic reality
all but lost,
love drifts away
body parts tossed...

Cable and gears
evil oil infusion,
unable to speak
lost in confusion...

Forever lost
in Obsidian dreams,
violence and hatred
hanging from beams...

Ripped, torn
broken and beat,
drenched in evil
as good retreats..
Sep 2014 · 853
Black Rage
michael gagain Sep 2014

The inner sanctum of my mind
is sick and twisted locked in time
thoughts run ramped, congealed and sour
I'm lost among you...


A darkened realm of oblivion
a door to nowhere, to many keys
wrong choices, chaotic voices
a dead man strolling a black rose garden...


You live your life, the wife, the cash
I live in fear of death, drowning, electrocution
a cutters way from rafters sway
you can find it, any given day...


The pain, the sadness
the empty shell
life is sometimes a living hell
a little deeper and blood will flow...


Come what may on dismal ears
live your granted time, full of fears
staggering through with thoughts of mayhem
hold yourself in contempt...


Why harm myself, I find that strange
inflict on others my hate and rage
I wont cut you, not at all
I'll drive it deep to the hilt...


Walk among the fearful masses
a killer born every minute
I pulled the number
lucky me...
Aug 2014 · 620
michael gagain Aug 2014
Your razor wit
slices the air
an unleashed firestorm
of degrading expression...

Words that mutilate the soul
my very existence
the essence of my being
you've poured gas on my love...

You stand
match in hand
consuming me, devouring
taunting, annihilating...

****** my mind
my body, my soul
throw the match coward
I'll see you in hell...
Aug 2014 · 512
Taboo ~A Love Story~
michael gagain Aug 2014
The street is quiet other than a insistent
pecking noise coming from the rooftop

**** bird...

He slipped in ever so quietly,
through an unlocked rear door.
pausing just in time,
as to not stumble over a toy fire engine...

He stopped just inside her bedroom door
just for a minute...oh how he loved the sound of the rain,
as it danced on the tin roof...

Then he saw her
just enough moonlight peeking through the window,
to see the outline of her beautiful form under the thin sheet.

He watched with passion in his eyes,
as her ample ******* heaved with every breath.
he moved closer to the edge of the bed,
he could see the goose bumps rise on her olive skin
as the early July breeze demanded attention...

He knelt at her side, she stirred Just a bit,
he pulled the sheet up past her waist to comfort her.
her long brunette locks spilling over the bedside
kissing the floor...

He had all the admiration and respect in the
world for the beauty that lay before him,
knowing she would never betray her husband...

He could only have her in his mind.
or her words, which seldom bled lust.
his desires elude her, taunt her...

Running his fingers through her pretty hair
he leaned in closer taking in her fragrance.
listening to the rain...he closed his eyes
as to dream of her...

Opening his eyes, he wiped away a tear
lowered himself to her ear,
softly whispered...I love you... and kissed her cheek.

He rose from the bed,
breathing deeply as he stared at her husband
lying next to her.

Placing a single rose in her hand
he turned and silently left the room,
missing her already,
he stepped back outside, looking up into the
raining sky....knowing
he can never have her...
Aug 2014 · 685
The Blackest Rose
michael gagain Aug 2014
Hiding within her own shadow
she creeps along grasping for the wall.
the chain tugs at her ankle in excruciating pain.
no longer in her own mind
she wanders...

Where am I ?  how did I get here ?
she escapes into an obsidian realm,
with which she can breathe.
hiding in the Beauty of a ghost,
disclosing reality to one alone...

Routine constitutes life,
shackled by love,
bound by a quill
losing her will...

Rising from the dark,
no longer to hide.
she is a beautiful thing
this rose will confide...

Life anew upon her broken parts
she now has reason
interjected reality
a the end of this tunnel we call life...
Aug 2014 · 569
michael gagain Aug 2014
The years have traced her
like an eternal Goddess,
her beautiful lochs fall upon perky *******.
each curl an unfurling strand
in a silver streaked mane of madness.
gorgeous, divine, flowing gently
In the rhythm of her movements.
shrouding her pretty face,
cheek bones high, smile wide,
The hair of all hair lives, gives,
demands my breath, I freely give.
only an occasional glimpse do I so treasure,
silvery sheen, sun kissed, so blessed,
Aug 2014 · 511
I'll meet you in the rain
michael gagain Aug 2014
The rain fell hard, cold,
like pelting pebbles.
yet he was erotically aroused
by it's constant pounding,
knowing what awaits him at the end of the path
he increased his speed nearly falling over himself...

By the time he saw the glow of the most beautiful eyes he'd
ever seen, he was drenched to the bone.
now his excitement turned to uncontrollable trembling,
she was more stunningly beautiful than he had remembered.

A raven sat upon her shoulder, as to say "she's mine"
almost as though he was smiling at me.
the rain only enhanced her beauty, as to give her a
mystical aura about her...

With struggling steps, I inched ever closer to this Goddess,
I paused...she raised her hand and slowly called me to her with her finger.
when I was just in front of her, she smiled and said "I've been waiting for you"

Then he saw it, his jaw dropping open like a marionette
tangled in it's strings...
she was dry, pouring down rain like it never had before
she was as dry as warm summer day.

He stood in awe...her beautiful hair, perfect.
he stammered...How...How...she put her finger to his lips
as to hush him.
She placed her hand on his shoulder, working it up the back of his neck, stroking his hair.
she pulled him closer to her...closer, then nuzzling his neck
she nibbled at his ear, and know you want me,

The heat of her breath alone sent him reeling, his mind going in ten different directions, all leading to the beauty before him..
she then pulled his head back with his hair and kissed his lips,
a teasing kiss.
tenderly she brought him back to her lips again,
from the corner of his eye he saw the Raven perched on a rock...watching intently...his eyes deliberate...

She nibbled on his lower lip...parting his lips with her tongue
she drove her tongue deep into his mouth, like her tongue was on a mission, had a life of it's own. he returned his tongue to her and the two stood in the pouring rain, like nothing else in the world mattered.

It was him, her...and that **** bird.

He put his hand to her cheek...and the realm of bliss ceased
as he opened his eyes ..he wondered why he was fondling his pillow...
come back
It couldn't of been...

That's why he remembered her on the path,
he had dreamed of her before...he remembered, last time they didn't kiss...
what shall happen the next time he sleeps....
Aug 2014 · 506
No Escape
michael gagain Aug 2014
Dirt of the Devil stains my soul,
monsters invade my blackened mind,
horrible hallucinations heighten...

Reality vacated, vulnerable, vanquished,
overpowering lapse of intellect, Imagination, ingenuity,
persistent, pungent.  pain...

You've invaded my being,
you long escape, enshrined, escalating,
I feed your beast, their is no release...

One for eternity,
the darkness is you, the darkness is me
trapped forever,
to never be free...
Mar 2014 · 589
michael gagain Mar 2014
Darkened soul

amongst  shadows

fire dancers

apparition to ashes...

Sulfuric redolence

bodies undead

nightly cold breeze

voices in your head...

Noise in the attic

slamming of a door

creaking on stairs

footsteps across the floor...

Under blankets

shaking to the core

wondering what you saw

There's nothing there at all...
Mar 2014 · 622
Lethal loan
michael gagain Mar 2014
The two hidden cameras caught it all.

it was midnight, time to close the store.

he slipped two twenty dollar bills in his hip pocket

as he counted out the register...

As he dropped the days receipts into the floor safe,

he was thinking...

he wished he'd never borrowed that forty dollars from mom.

As he stepped out into the cold night he felt the pelting rain hit his

face... he turned to lock the door and felt something cold

and very hard press into his head...

"gimmie your"

I have no money...

"Im not"'s all I have forty dollars.

"broke *** *****"

He never heard the gunshot, as the bullet deposited the front of his face

onto the store front...

Karma's a *****...I should of paid mom next week...

As the perpetrator turned and stuck the gun back in his pocket,

he thought to himself...finally...I can give dad back that forty dollars I owe him...
Mar 2014 · 688
michael gagain Mar 2014
She wears a cameo

Pendent around her neck.

of her departed mother

above her breast...

Forever near her heart,

etched in stone,

love never lost,

or shall she be alone...
Mar 2014 · 584
michael gagain Mar 2014
I became famous

long after I passed

now that I'm back

I'm writing at last...

My disciples are many

your stories are vast

the language has changed

but my words still last...

You liked "The Raven"

I clearly see

"The pit and the pendulum"

I enjoyed thoroughly...

Keep weaving and twisting

my lasting prose

I'm working on a new piece

called the "Black Rose"
michael gagain Mar 2014
I removed my being from the depths of her warmth,

delved in deeper yet again...

a relentless tightness like I've never felt before.

My hands grew icy cold

as I looked into her unmoving eyes.

a single tear rolling toward her cheek...

Dead she was...

I was compelled to make the final push,

always finish what you start.

I composed myself, lit a cigarette...

hollered to the producer to call an ambulance and roll tape.

Another good swig of Jack Daniels and I continued...

Lament for my ****
Sore and crucified
I seek to know you
Acquiring soulful wisdom
You can open walls of mystery
Stripshow... (Jim Morrison)
Mar 2014 · 424
Sea of me
michael gagain Mar 2014
I'm drowning in a sea,

not of water, but of me.

tormented turmoil tightens,

prevailing darkness ensues.

Deaths domain dominates,

loosen this noose,

dull the razors edge.

ground me from my leap.

save me from drowning in myself...
Mar 2014 · 412
Soul collector
michael gagain Mar 2014
She is but, a little girl lost

with a tormented mind,

that came at great cost...

To bare witness, as she has done,

the brutality of death,

her mind on the run...

As I come up behind her, shadowing hate,

the message I leave,

will seal her fate...

It is her time,

she will never reside,

as she plays with the death, the blood and the slime...

Some of us chosen,

some of us choose,

some of of us monsters, have nothing to lose...

Innocence lost

on a dark winter day,

follow the shadow, come out and play...
Mar 2014 · 485
Buried Alive
michael gagain Mar 2014

so dark...

I can't breath

I can't. I can't...

extend my arms,

that noise

that god awful

scratching noise.

there's something,

something crawling

on me,

my God

I'm In a box,

Those are...


rats trying to get in.

and spiders

on me,

so many spiders

did I die?

is this purgatory?

get them off of me

I need air...

that scratching

Mar 2014 · 392
Kill me
michael gagain Mar 2014
Slithering along the basement wall,

slipping in blood, down darkened hall,

candle lit way, sweat rolls down

breathing rapid, I'm at a crawl...

Reaching the end of outstretched chain,

writhing in blackness and undeniable pain,

flickering flame, barely a light,

trapped in a prison, not knowing my name...

Somebody hear me, help set me free,

this basement dungeon isn't for me,

If you're done with malice and torment,

blow out the candle, quickly **** thee...
Mar 2014 · 711
Blind Date
michael gagain Mar 2014
I tighten your chain, between shackle and floor,

kissing your lips, for it's you I adore.

pulling the table tight to your waist,

I'll allow you some dinner, but only a taste...

Now that we've eaten, it's time for desert,

the heart of your flower is where I revert.

your redolence is musty, it smells quite used,

As I take your love, your mind I abuse...

The chain pulls taught, as you're bent over my lap,

I start slapping your ***, much more than a tap.

you start to whimper, as your wetness curtails,

I throw you to the floor, and your wrists I now nail...

Crimson red... pools on the floor,

as you tear your flesh, watching the gore.

as I drive deeper into the warmth of your slice,

I unleash my seed, instilling new life...

Stop your screaming, as I pull out the nails,

you've run your course, true love prevails.

I met you tonight, as pretty as can be,

now clotted and congealed, you're just right for me...

Take this black rose, as a memory of our date,

for our encounter, has sealed your fate.

was it good for you...or was it too lame?

next time you blind date, Google his name...

Worn and broken with not a tear left,

your eyeliner ran, there's sweat on your chest.

removing your blindfold, you look at my eyes,

you're right in your guess, the devil's alive...
Mar 2014 · 1.7k
Black Dahlia
michael gagain Mar 2014
January 15th 1947;

Asteroid Juno viewed in the night sky

for the first time in 40 years... seen by thousands.

Elizabeth Smart steps out for the night.

looks to the sky, sees  the trailing light.

she shivers a bit at the wonderful sight...


not a soul, seen Elizabeth get brutally murdered...

The Black Dahlia

was cut in two,

a rose laying next to her,

splayed to view...

A tidal wave of questions

still rocks L.A

people want answers

why the killer got away...
Mar 2014 · 320
michael gagain Mar 2014
"Marriage of paper and Ink.

Bound by a thought,

and inscribed with a quill..."
Mar 2014 · 778
michael gagain Mar 2014
Rescinded feathers of gold,

ostracized from above,

thriving on macerated souls.

exhaling silence...

through obsidian realms,

eternal purgatory,

brimstone corridor facade...

waiting in exile,

darkness interwoven with fear.

life interrupted...death prevails.
Mar 2014 · 443
Reminisent Moon
michael gagain Mar 2014
Translucent fluidity

embraces the horizon

ageless tranquility

timeless as life itself

hanging, illuminating

looking so sad

look at me, I'm never mad

for I am here for you

you write about me

you talk to me

you look at me

you make love under me

you will one day be gone

yet I will endure

you love me...
Mar 2014 · 973
Dining on your love
michael gagain Mar 2014
Between your beautiful legs so fine
is where I like to spend my time.
skin so soft
you melt when touched,
I love your redolence
so very much.
seeking your rose
my favorite spot,
lord have mercy
do you get hot.
my love for you will never wane,
by your convulsions
you feel the same.

allow my tongue a simple tango,

tasting your ***...of sweetened mango.
caress my cheeks
with those beautiful thighs,
as I stare into your pretty eyes...
Mar 2014 · 372
Is it me
michael gagain Mar 2014
It's not me you see

when you look into my eyes,

but a master of rhyme,

In a horrid disguise...

A killer of killers

a darkened soul,

a thoughtless mind,

a man on a roll...

You think you know me,

but think again.

I wear two faces,

while playing pretend...

Next time you see me,

step to the side,

let yourself think,

Is he in disguise...
Jun 2013 · 943
Black Widow
michael gagain Jun 2013
Kudos to your "*****" you crazy little *****

while you **** your tenth husband, without even giving him a kiss

He knew the drill, he knew the score

but "oh" how he wanted you, you nasty little *****

No worries now, you have him forever more,

for his dying, shriveled can now always adore

I know girl, your always on the hunt

strutting all your stuff and that ***** little .......

how many poor husbands, do you really need

open your legs wider, they're lining up for you my queen

you know that hour glass, bright red that's on your back

attract another husband so you can **** him in the sack

they all start come a running when they see that glistening crack

oh yes my dear you'll listen, i'm giving you some flack

you live up to your name, when you find another mate

**** him then you **** him, just to clean off your ***** slate

It's funny though, while you give hubby his last ****

you really are pretending, as though your going to gently ****

do you get your rocks off, before you take his life

do you even care if he had a ******* wife

your time is going to come....and take you by surprise

you may find a gay black widow, with black and shiny eyes

she will woo... you gently and... whisper in your ear

as she drives her **** venom straight up your ******* rear...
May 2013 · 514
Love story
michael gagain May 2013
I miss you so much
my heart still in touch
can't wait to see you
and continue our lust

You have my heart
you have my soul
you are so wonderful
this much I know

To meet will be bliss
our time to kiss
to seal our fate
and become loving mates

share our two hearts
never too part
giving our life
a brand new start

I love you so
see you soon
your're sweet loving ways
to make me move

Good bye my love
only for now
we will love each other forever
and take our vows
May 2013 · 389
Nothing to give
michael gagain May 2013
What do you want from me
I've nothing to give
except for my heart
which continues to live

You mean the world
the entire thing
you make me smile
you make me sing

What could be better than to be with you
how could i ever possibly lose
I will give you the life you've always deserved
and with this said
I give you my word
May 2013 · 808
Forever plus one day
michael gagain May 2013
I love you sweetheart so very much
these words I say you must have trust

For us to meet,but not have met
you and I can not contest

for our love to grow on the telephone
we no longer sit all alone

you have my heart and all the keys
for I will no longer be needing these

My world was once upside down
no longer do I  wear a frown

for when I get down on my knee for you
you only need to say I do

You thrill my mind,you make it strong
you make my heart so very warm

no longer do I move in reverse
you have brightened up my universe

you and I will make a team
and start a life, more than a dream

Love me sweetheart and never leave
I promise I will always please

Never to part or stray away
always forever plus one day
May 2013 · 522
michael gagain May 2013
sitting in this cell of mine
not my mind
but the real kind

wondering where and when I went wrong
the cement and bars can make you strong

did i do it, yes I did
lots of bad stuff since I was a kid

I am renewed it's not too late
hope i'm welcomed at the gate

once I'm out. I will keep it that way
keeping trouble far at bay

Will pledge to myself, to do good
just like my dad said I should

their is great life beyond these walls
a change of tides to be my call

You never know what life your missing
till the judge tells you to listen

If you get a second chance
do not waste it, you must advance

Prison walls are just no fun
When you should be basking in the sun
May 2013 · 656
Flower bed
michael gagain May 2013
Fresh laid gavel
in the yard
your husbands burried
not to far

bed of roses you put down
covers the stench
coming from the ground

he struck you one to many times
you're lucky to even be alive
you warned him once
don't raise your hand
or I will bury you on our land

you will now live you will survive
you will grow and start to thrive

he won't hurt no one again
you can once again have your friends

fire the gardener before he comes back
or he will dig and find the sack

plenty of lye that you have used
tell the cops you been abused

if i'm ever at your home
please oh god don't leave me alone

because if i see a fresh bed of flowers
I'm out the door with all my power
I wish you luck, you're not for me
I'll stay above ground as you can see
May 2013 · 599
With this ring
michael gagain May 2013
Can you feel it

this beautiful ocean breeze

comes down off the mountain

and over the sea

this table of rock

water rushing over the top

you can almost hear it

and your wanting to share it

your girl by your side

you're professing your love

you look up to the sound

of the brilliance of doves

what better scene

to get down on your knees

take her sweet hand

and give her a ring
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