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Michael Frost May 2017
Your colored flags wave in the breeze, and with them flutters my
beating heart.

Your cacophonic symphony rings in my ears, and with it sing the
thoughts in my head.

Your smells tug me in every which direction, and flavors dance
upon my tongue.

Your trottoirs are filled with a million eyes — with men, women,
children of different creed and color. They are them, and I am I, and
together we stride forward.

Oh! What have you done with me, Atlanta?
I was only a lonely, aimless cloud drifting after your twinkling
Michael Frost May 2017
The corridor of memories,
Lively, warm, young,
Now fills with silence.
There were our fading footprints

Dreams, damning truths,
Long locked aways in the confines of my heart,
Now freed, burning like kindle wood,
For the fire of your rage.

I drown out your screams and tears,
But from ourselves,
We cannot run.

You say "Leave,"
"Leave us."
How can I?
How can I leave,
If I am still yours?
Michael Frost Apr 2017
The sultry summer winds
Rush beneath my feet.
The past melts away.

I came for you,
And you had come for me
The crown finally in our reach.

The winds howl so loudly,
Running to here, separated.

Oh! I only know,
Know that you'll take me with you!
Wherever the winds may carry us, my beloved.

Magical worlds left behind in haste,
But those distant paths, they'll all lead us home,
You need wait but a moment!

Oh! I only know,
Know that you'll take me with you!
Wherever the winds may carry us, my beloved.

Oh! Do not leave me behind,
Wait and I will come, my beloved.
Inspired by Mozghovyi and Loboda's "Kohana."
Michael Frost Apr 2017
Out of the
Black veil of night,
Crystals fall,
In the icy wind,
Illuminated by
The yellow glow
Of streetlights,
Along the
Winding boulevard.

— The End —