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Jun 2023 · 919
Dreams or Delusions?
Mallory Jun 2023
Are we dreaming again?
We’re pollen
Whirling in the sky, oscillating between low and high.
Pendulum swinging freely but always coming back to me.
We’re just dreaming.
What would I do without your fantasy?
As much as it hurts, this is sanctity.
Let’s confront this transfixion. Why come all this way to be written as fiction? We could transcend this tension, even though we’re so afraid.
I’d love you again anyway,
if you would just wait for me.
Made some edits and decided to repost
Nov 2021 · 1.2k
Thank you, I’m sorry
Mallory Nov 2021
Everyone else has gone home
I watch the waves and wait for the taxi cab.
Desperately clinging to my thank yous and sorrys I burrow myself in them, like a scared, lost kitten.  
Always needing.
Forced to be the Chameleon,
how could I know anything else?
God can only judge me, if he can find me.
I keep making gods out of people.

I hold off until I can’t.
Nail me by my feet and by my hands
something inside of me
craves to be crucified.
Guilt has been woven into my body,
by hands as old as exodus.
To the Chameleon, this is what it is to be held.
This feels like home.
This, right here, is my everlasting.
Thank you,
I’m sorry.
Mallory Feb 2021
I’ve been trying to keep my hands busy
to stop from feeling so needy lately.
But my hands never pick the right things.
I swear I was skinny once, but I have always thought I was fat.
I think
I’ve just been bloated from my grief, all of these years.
Aug 2020 · 305
Mosquitos at Midnight
Mallory Aug 2020
I lay here in the mud
“Eat!” I say
and let them lust over my blood.
“Eat!” I beg.
My body is a carcass strung up by their kind.
I will surrender my pain to this earth
knowing I have been drained for something pure.
I will be given to a thirst
so immaculate
as if this
is what it has all been for
Aug 2019 · 1.0k
Getting it Right
Mallory Aug 2019
Looking at you stung.
Being next to you again
for another springs end,
felt like never ending
beginnings of falling
to some sort of death.
Wasps bzzzz
         ­Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Zz
Against the walls of my stomach.

Swallowed whole by hope,
I don’t know
who you are. Ever.
I don’t know who I am

Season’s rotation spent tripping in circles around you
are a lifetime and more.
A mere glimmer
through the eye of this storm.

I have known since genesis
how your light refracts mine.
Spider’s silk caught in sunbeam.
Unraveling sun from sky.

I come back to find you different.
Adapted to despair. I become burdened and create distance,
Avoidant attachment floating in air.


like a thick,
low fog
at fallen angel’s midnight.

Every morning light
always left us
and acquainted us
the same.
Jul 2019 · 360
Mallory Jul 2019
I want to be disturbed;
from this life.
Consciousness to time warp
like a fly is to honey.
Suspending no disbeliefs,
this place is too small of a world
to flourish.
These four walls
are too tall
to climb over
and too thick to punch through.
But ****** knuckles
and buckling knees
count for nothing
in the end
if you can still count your discomforts on one hand.
Mallory Jun 2019
Misplaced love.

It’s such a habit
to be sad about it.

But I rearrange the pieces
of my brokenness
until I am mosaic of grievances.
I want to be closer to happiness.

Today I taste the light
as I lick the sun.
I am delicate and strong.
Soft and loved.
I am enough.
I will be enough.
May 2019 · 1.1k
Thank You For The Poetry
Mallory May 2019
Thank you for seeing me
the way I was starving to be seen.
For sharing with me
the parts of myself
few people have been able to find,
especially me sometimes.
Thank you for the nights
you made me feel less alone
in the world.
Even if just for an instant.
To know a soul like yours exists
know this: I hope you find someone who sees it.
Let’s hold it,
feel it on our fingertips,
for one last moment.
And be grateful it even existed at all.
Thank you,
thank you,
thank you.
You have been a sparge
of light through dark
my _.
Thank you for this recharge
and for this release.
Do we stan a name drop?
May 2019 · 289
Deathly Acts of The Divine
Mallory May 2019
Even the sun
would **** us if we let it;
deathly acts of the divine.
I think you change your mind
about me
all the time.

I wish I could suspend this disbelief.
Nothing is meant to be.
We’re just moments
And fragments.
And motions
moving through everything and nothing.
No religion can save me.
We begin and we end here.

So make it count.
Care about what’s happening
right now.

Every god will bleed you dry
and leave you empty
if you aren’t brave enough
to know when to face the other way.
Apr 2019 · 402
In Jesus’ name we pray
Mallory Apr 2019
You preach against vices and promise that not giving in
is your scritta paper ticket
to infinity.
But our flesh will be swallowed whole by this dirt
and our souls will be coughed out as the phlegm of gods throat.
You know nothing
Of creation.
What it’s like to crash and explode.
You see life through a disingenuous lens and a dancing light,
******* shadows and shapes
on stone walls.
Your mind is always caved in.
Closed off.
**** your god.
**** your light.
All you ever pray for
Is blindness.
Objectiveness will rip you from your roots
and spit you across realms.
You have no idea
what it means to decay and decompose
and be born again
from nothing.
Apr 2019 · 778
Mallory Apr 2019
Let’s begin with your hands.
Pulling hair
and picking on strings
of hearts
and guitars.
Typing and writing.
Would your hands be happier hiding?
In a dark room with a desk?
Hands can be so dangerous
if you know how to use them.
I’d like to feel them
tight around my neck.
Closing in on breast
and hips and...
Your hands turn to fists
a lot
I bet.
What about your lips?
Do you lie to yourself
when you use your hands
and bend your wrists
to light euphorias within?
Do your lips leave you longing
for sonant truth
only your hands can execute?
I want you
to feel me through your chest.
You keep my fingernails stained
with your blood and bones and flesh.
We are bodies full of maggots.
Marrow made of magnets.
Wearing skin jackets
stitched together with staples
and vices we don’t know how to live without.
Let’s forget.
Let’s remember walking down dark roads
and waking in dark rooms
with desks.
This time with paper and pens.
Let’s begin again.
This time with just our hands.
Kind of a love poem? Maybe? Idek what I’m talking about at this point
Mallory Apr 2019
Doe eyed
deers in headlights
always get
I’m telling you to sprint.
Don’t get caught up
in the way the the light
illuminates the life
within you.
If you look directly,
for a moment too long
it will unearth your eyes,
and hold you hostage
by your blindness.
Intentions know so little
about the ways in which life lives and lashes out on us.
And so often,
are we ill advised
by hope.
And desire.
I’m telling you to run.
The sky and the stars are brighter
the further away from the road you go.
These lights were not meant for you.
They were made to guide
wanderers along asphalt.
And you have wandered these forests
enough to know
doe eyed
deers in headlights
always get hit.
Apr 2019 · 78
Mallory Apr 2019
I should cut off all my scapegoats.
They only lead me further down the wrong road.
I don’t know why
I tell myself I try
when I really don’t.
All of a sudden
after tripping round the bend,
I am a child again.
I need my mothers hands around my back
and an ice pack
on my heart.
I promise change and healing
but so abruptly fold back inside myself in attempt to control the bleeding.
Even though I know it never works this way.
Isn’t all this suffering
supposed to make us strong.
Supposed to age into art?
It should bind us together
but it strains us apart.
Apr 2019 · 380
Human Interact
Mallory Apr 2019
I hate how erratic you make me.
You want me so right just to leave me waiting.
The tenderness I once had for you is eroding.
I feel it crumbling at my fingertips
every time you disappoint me.
What we are to each other is just dissonance now.
I don’t know how
you do it so well
to me still.
I guess this is just living
and evolving.
it feels more like longing,
for something
that will never really be here.
A love I never got enough of
in my younger years.
Mar 2019 · 790
Mallory Mar 2019
I want to be soft,
I want to be light.
Delicate enough
that heart
is no longer synonymous
with heavy.
Fill me
with helium
and cut the string.
Hollow out my bones.
Wring my brain of its density.
Ink me onto paper
And feather every page
between fingers and thumb.
Touch until touch is numb.
Breathe in until body is floating.
Then let go.
This is knowing.
This is living.
Jan 2019 · 1.0k
Mallory Jan 2019
I’ve lost myself again, the way my mother keeps losing words. She misplaces them in my chest and I rip my heart out in attempt to give her my memories. Our memories.

Some days you are a reflection of all the things we’ve witnessed once before. I wonder if you ever think about her anymore, or how history has an atrocious way of repeating itself (up close). You keep trying to string things together to make sense of the unraveling world around you, but your hands don’t know the way around a needle and thread anymore. I wear thimbles like armor, and stitch together the things you say you remember, but don’t. Arrows drawn on the remote; symbols and language you weren’t prepared to have stolen from you. We hold our breath not in hope, but in anticipation, waiting for a shimmer, a glimpse, counting every glow of you left. We catch them in laughter, but we know this only grows exponentially the older we get. I know there was a time when you were more than this, but it’s so human of us to forget. Every time you rearrange words, and names, and moments, I pick them apart trying to find you there, but you are somewhere stuck between the ellipsis. You are caught on the semi colon. How do I hold you up and look you in the eyes as you ghost into everything I can not grasp?

Life is sifting your mind until there is
but dust.
Maybe more of a journal entry than a poem?
Dec 2018 · 3.8k
Mallory Dec 2018
It is no coincidence that I was born on the lightest day of the year; Summer solstice. With me, you will be always brightest here. I chew glass. Like cotton candy my love will melt you from the mouth, inside out. I linger like smoke mixed with summer midnight air. I glow like summer morning sunrise. Erasing every forged signature, you’ll feel me breathing down your spine. I’ll surface like a bruise you want pressure on. A sunburn you feel peeling. I sting and heal like salt: seawater on cuts. I am the hottest days, grabbing, clinging, giving meaning to body. Wet. Sweat trickling down back. I am rooted in the grass outside all of the flower beds, like morning glory, I will choke you out if it means I am still growing. I am dandelions, and daisies. I am melted buttercups dripping lazily, under chin. It is no coincidence, that I was born on the brightest day of the year; I am a flame in darkness. With me you will always burn brightest here.
Nov 2018 · 534
Mallory Nov 2018
Listen to them individually,
Hear them beat
Against black pavement.
They fall hard, helplessly.
And softly. Drops of pure god touch skin, relentlessly.

Wet and uninviting.
Fluidity in surviving.  
Crystal clear
And so enticing,
Ecstasy for the ear.

Smothers, and screams.
A necessary, tenderness.
bleeding open hearts.
Time stops.
Release is here.

A validity for sadness
It’s okay to come clean.
To hold still, in your brokenness
To know this darkness
And accept that it is dark, and dreary, and deafening.
To bask in your defeats.

You have not realized
How dry;
how thirsty you have been.
You wait and wait and wait and remember why
you needed this again.
Nov 2018 · 2.1k
Reflect & Revise
Mallory Nov 2018
I’m doe eyed,
A deer in headlights for you.

You explain your nothingness to me and I swear it’s like looking into a mirror. Pressing ear to cup to hear clearer, through the worlds concrete walls.

She is so beautiful; so staining.
and maybe it never comes clean,
But I promise, it will fade.
I promise that with age,
and with time, this nothingness will change.

You are so careful of wanting me too closely, as if you’d been here before. As if it would be a reminder of her.

I feel you trying not to weigh on me.
Your heart is so heavy,
like a soaked sweater hanging off body,
after the rain.
You don’t have to worry about pouring it out on me.
Spilling your dark on me. I will sit with you until it’s dry. 
I will stay with you through the night.

I’m still doe eyed,
a deer in headlights,
for you.
Aug 2018 · 1.4k
Ado Lot
Mallory Aug 2018
Songs up loud,
ears bleed, to drown
out the sound
of you.
The last time we ******
it was rough...
cause you know I like it that way?
No. You were just trying to **** her off your mind.
Couldn’t drink her away.
You kept the lights on,
didn’t want to see her face.
I’m gonna feel you the next day and the next day.
I’m gonna see you spread out
on my neck,
to chest,
to heart.
You melted me down,
just to harden me up.
I know you love her,
but don’t look back,
you’ll turn to salt.

Pen in hand,

I turn to salt.
May 2018 · 312
Mallory May 2018
It's the way I drink my coffee now.
Not watered down, with cream and sugar,
but cut back,  
and strong.
I don't think it's wrong
to deny myself of this sweetness,
It only weighs me down anyway.
I'm used to it like this
now, anyway.

It's the way drinking translates
a moment to a dream state.
Every interaction flows
then fades,
like grade
school memories.
Existing outside the realm
of reality.

It pulls away, like it doesn't belong to me.
Like it needs room to breathe.
It sleeps,
and sleep talks,
and sleep walks,
then it wakes me up
and doesn't rest for days.

It sits, and waits,
until it's earned its place again.
It learns patience,
from a lot of practice, stretching itself thin.

It is stubborn,
and broken,
but it knows it.
And persists anyway.
This is not resilience
It is the weeds in my garden,
but it is beautiful anyway.
It only knows exisiting like this now, anyway.
Sep 2017 · 435
Mallory Sep 2017
I want to cultivate my being so bad,
Exponentially expand.
I want to maintain this cultivation,
And refrain from all the circumstances that make me sad.
I want to stand taller than anyone else thinks I can.
My resilience is infinite,
A uniqueness,
Like the swirls in your fingerprints and all the grains of sand.
My sadness is a part of me,
I don't owe an explanation,
When I need to be.
And when they don't understand,
I will know no one can, like I can.
No one will embrace my heart,
With tender hands, Like I can.
I am my own, standing loud,
barely breathing a word.
I am my own, and any defeat I face
is not my death; but my birth.
Aug 2017 · 2.6k
Energy in, energy out
Mallory Aug 2017
My patience has been stretched inordinately thin,
My back bone has started to spear through my skin
and I will not snap it back in place
to make
you more comfortable.
I see through you
and your slimy, translucent, skin.
I promise I notice
every bit of effort you do not put in.
It sinks my heart into my stomach,
And every truth Ive been swallowing will be regurgitated and spit out before I am sick again.
My back feels like it's going to break from bending over all the cracks in your concrete,
While you step on mine,
Thinking you are somehow above me this way, but dear,
we all crack the same.
Just in different places, and at different paces.
And I have been running down only one ways
But these roads don't lead me any closer to you, they drive you away, and if you think i can run forever,
While you stay the same,
You are grievously  
I can only give so much.
And at the end of the day,
I will love the people who reciprocate that love back, and meet me halfway.
I will love you always,
but for a love that hurts more than it heals, I can not wait, and I will not stay.
Jun 2017 · 692
Morning's mirror
Mallory Jun 2017
Dirt under my nails
From trying to bail
out on reality
The night before.
Shakes, spins, sweats,
and I can't wrap my head
around the kind of self sabotage this is. If it's not helping me, it's hurting me.
If you're ignoring me,
don't think I won't leave
because I will.
My footsteps are heavy
and slow;
I know.
but I have come a long way
plenty of suns before.
there is no way to go
that is too far.
no companion
that tries too hard
And nothing that grounds me more,
Than love.
Jun 2017 · 710
Mallory Jun 2017
I bet you're wondering if I miss you or if I'm only just lonely.
I bet you it's neither one nor the other, It's both, honestly.

How do you describe an emptiness
That swallows you whole?
What does it feel like to be full?
What is the word for lack of emotional intimacy? Undeveloped feelings of affection and illiteracy
in the language of love?

How do you release in healthy ways?
How do you close your eyes,
At the end of the day
Without self eroding highs
And shaking hands that feel like standing still in an earthquake?

How do you believe in something
enough that you become it?

I bet you think I'm only just lonely or that I miss you a lot
I'd bet the opposite of both, but maybe I'm better off not.
May 2017 · 745
Mallory May 2017
I have always hated
Cutting my hair
Any shorter than too long,
But this spring I
Left my locks behind,
And I started to become.
May 2017 · 446
Do's and do nots
Mallory May 2017
Do not look for him, Do not hope for him. When you remember that his name is concreted into every brick building, forget the language that you shared by any means necessary. Drink about it, smoke about it, write about it. Then heal about it. Every curve of every sidewalk Is an involuntary chance to see him so shove the feelings so far down your throat you can barely breathe, and then don't breathe. Let it choke you until you've killed this sick compulsion inside of you to be something someone will fall in love with. Don't breathe until he is dead to you, but don't let it **** you first. **** it. Along with your need to be heard and to be seen by people who don't give a **** about you. Hold your stomach down when you see him or hear his name in other people's mouths, don't let it do somersaults, crack open your ribs and reach inside with your bare hands to hold it calm, If you have to. Become better from this, take your bitterness and let it turn you compunctious of being bitter. Be stronger. Do not let your knees buckle under the weight of him. Do not pretend it doesn't sting, because it stings like salt on wounds,
But remember who you are
and what you want. Do not self destruct, do not collapse everything holding you together because a man could not cradle your mind in his hands, or feel your heart against his.
Oct 2016 · 888
Mallory Oct 2016
I am nothing. I feel nothing, lay down and become anything else but everything existing. I become the blankets and the pillows; still, and always inanimate, but soft, feathery, floating. I exist in my head, in your pipe, in my memories, burning away to nothing. I'm not real, right and wrong have no definitive lines and I am wrong all the time, nothing and wrong and right and tired. I sleep and become my dreams, all I want to do is sleep because I don't exist in this life. I don't exist by any means, If there is no evil, only absence of good, then I am empty; hollow. Someone cut me opened and scooped all the real and good things out, carved me like a pumpkin, and smashed me when the candle burnt out. Smashed me because I burned too loud, or not loud enough. Love slips through me the way sand slips through your hands even when you hold tightly. It would take me infinity to reciprocate any affection given to me, so it's easier to leave than to wait. I'm bruised with good intentions that keep spreading across my body and anytime something good touches me, it hurts. Anytime I feel anything, it hurts. So I became nothing. I am always nothing.
Sep 2016 · 307
Mallory Sep 2016
Through his scent of smoke and my perfume, I'm thinking of how this reminds me of you. Smokey rooms and root beer floats, he invites me in and takes off my coat. He couldn't hold a candle to you, but at least he was holding me. He wants to kiss me, my mind and my body are hesitant at first, being with anyone but you ******* hurts. but i can't be alone tonight and he feels better than putting up a fight again, with myself about loving you. It keeps spilling out of me like someone's gutted me, ripped me apart, and he can't put me back together again, can't fix me like you can, but he holds my hand until it gets dark. Holds my hands that are covered in my own blood from trying to keep myself together. I don't have the guts to look him in the eyes, I turn my face to the side, and watch the shadows on the wall. I didn't rest my head on his chest to hear his heart beating, because it doesn't mean anything, to me. I didn't intertwine my legs with his, because my heart is intertwined with someone else's lips, someone else's hands, someone else's heart. But it doesn't matter anyway, you don't want to me yesterday, tomorrow, or today. I'm thinking about how everyone reminds me of you, thinking about all of their bedrooms. Wondering if you remember the smell of my perfume, because no matter how hard I try to scrub myself clean, no matter how many people I let see me, who dont see me, I can't get rid of you.
Mallory Aug 2016
It's every time i hear "baby" spilling off lips that aren't his, every time i kiss someone, and it tastes like talking in tongues, because it isn't him. Every time it rains, every window sill, it's delicate, every cigarette, every time I think I see his face, every place, that he loved me. It's every song by catfish and the bottlemen, every metal cover band, every drive, every minivan. It's every beach we never went to, every time the sunset feels warmer in my heart than on my skin. Every time their hands slide down my waist they don't waste their time like he did. Every sip of liquor on my lips, every drug every daze. Every May June July August, every haze. Every word, every bird that sounds like waking up in the morning with him. Every street we made ours at night, every firefly. Every time I pretend spilling ink on a page spelling love as his name will help me bleed him out. Every time I bleed myself dry. Every time I should let go but I don't even try, to. Every time before he left; before I loved him. Every cloudy, overcast seven AM. Everything that reminds me of lust, and love and *** and sin,
Everything that reminds me of him.
Aug 2016 · 1.2k
the strokes
Mallory Aug 2016
If you cut me open and turned me inside out you would find his name tangled up in my veins, and my heart would beat to the rhythms of his favorite band. I think that would be an accurate way to describe love...if my name was the oxygen in his blood, But his heart doesn't beat to the sound of me, so a more accurate thing to call it would be poison or toxicity. I don't want to love someone that lives universes away, lives forever in 17, and only touches me in 18. That person does not exist in this world, in this here and this now, he does not exist. He left me in an insane asylum and blocked all the exits. I want to stop this virus that has sprouted within me, **** myself, stop breathing, because my air is polluted with his smoke and my heart can barely hold its own. He's so different now, the way life is, but he doesn't even see me, doesn't breath near me, doesn't need me the way I need him. And I'm different now, and I wanna show him how maybe he could love this me. Maybe he'd fall in love with this me cause I want him with me, want him in my car when I listen to the bands he told me about and I wanna play him all the bands that I know now, cause he'd love them. And then maybe he would look at me again. Maybe I could tell him about a book I read, but I haven't read one since he left. The sun has gone in a full rotation around this earth and no matter how many times I've swallowed the stars and soaked up the sun, if you cut me open today his breath would still be creeping off my tongue, his favorite books would still be written inside my hands, and my heart...
would still beat to the rhythms of his favorite band.
Jul 2016 · 275
I want to leave
Mallory Jul 2016
I'm so irreparably broken, like the way your voice sounds when you're swallowing spoonfuls of sadness, force feeding yourself "don't cry" and "keep it together." I want to leave, all the trees by my house are starting to look the same, I've smudged the whole summer together with drugs, and the make up of my anatomy does not have enough sober love, to keep my heart beat steady. This whole year has been a long day that I can't separate, events spiraling up and down, crescendoing in the worst and best ways. The higher I fly the lower I fall, and I've been flying pretty ******* high lately, trying to stay pretty while I cry lately, And I cant figure out how to live with myself lately. I want to shed this skin that has been stained by everyone that's left me. Peel it back so someone will see me bleeding. Their hands are closing around my throat and clawing at my face dropping weights on my body, crushing me beneath the surface, into the ground, further and further, I want to leave, and I can feel their venom spread through my body the way the tide creeps in, except this tide doesn't just roll back out. It destroys everything in its path. Like a tsunami getting ready to do the real damage; this is only the calm before the storm. Evolving hurts, transition hurts, maybe Its just growing pains. But If this is my chrysalis, then someone please cut me open and let me die because being whole is not worth these growing pains. I'm tired of loving people more than they love me. Number one isn't a synonym for my name in any of my lovers, friends or family's vocabulary.
I want my love back, cause you can't make something from nothing and I am always nothing to you. Or not enough something to matter, not enough anything for anyone to require my heart. Please let me leave, let me drive into the sun until my sins feel like the fire that keeps me going. Until the dead winter inside of me melts into my lungs and I no longer need to breathe. This earth is so ******* beautiful,
but I want to leave.
Jul 2016 · 259
Mallory Jul 2016
Will I always be like this? Will I always be stuck mourning moments And memories, that lie like Mirrors? And hurt like mornings when facing the world is worse than the words you've sewn into my sides. Worse than leaving me like nothing, After staying the night? Will You always taste like a sour candy that I can't quite swallow? you'd have to **** certain parts of me to stop trying.  Will I always find you on specific days, When the sun is shining or setting on the sand? spring showers surely bring me back to loving you, or you loving me, and spring comes with new beginnings, But all beginnings end, and cutting ties hasnt changed that my heart can not make amends with being whole. Will my sadness always peel itself back, paving perfect paths to missing the parts of you that didn't hurt me? Picking me apart and Separating me, as if you are a god and I am the sea? Will I always be stuck knowing which one it is when you Look at me with love or lust but never letting you go enough to erase every feeling of ecstasy you ever gave me?
Will I ever move on from the reconstructed memories that are always under construction, So I never have to admit how agonizing it is to have a part of me waiting for a wrongly remembered, worthless, withering excuse of a human being, who has no guilt, no shame, no eyes that can ever really see me, Can ever really see, my heart. You were my favorite melody, melting me so mercilessly, molding me so delicately, dancing with me until the drums switched beats, until the beat of my heart wasn't strong enough to hold myself together, until you got tired of the way the tune sounded, until you tore me up and tacked your name to my throat, So now anytime I try to sing, Im stuck screaming the sounds that you never intended to sing along with me.
Mallory Jun 2016
Time does not heal all wounds,
It softens the blow
That hit you so many years ago.

And you think its supposed to hurt less, But it doesn't.
It just hurts less often.

Because life gets in the way,
And even though your feet are nailed in all the places that he held you,
You have to move forward.

And you tell yourself over and over again
That it never meant anything to him,

And you know he never loved you
But *******, you wish he could have.

And you can't think about it too often or for too long, because you've spent all this time trying to forget that your heart breaks every time you remember how you are infinitely...

nothing to him.

That you do not cross his mind like you crossed your fingers
when you told yourself you didn't love him.

And maybe you didn't love him,
But *******, you could have.

And after all this time, you think you're supposed to feel whole again,
You think moving on is supposed to be different,

You think maybe it means something, cause you've been stuck for so long,
But you ignore that your hands are bleeding
from holding on.

Because you tell yourself that, time will heal these wounds.
Sep 2015 · 396
packing your things
Mallory Sep 2015
cigarette smoke,
almost watching on the stands,
star wars,
snowflakes fall,
lines on hands,
lines in books.
lying under the stars,
4 am, tangled sheets,
4 months ago you wanted me.
drunken ever afters.
holding hands,
holding you,
holding me,
metal bands
metal heart.
a simple start,
kissing in the dark,
talking in the dark,
Darkness all around me.
early mornings,
red lights.
Early nights,
heart beating,
Coming around the bend,
laying on your chest,  
Coming to end.
running out of time.
singing songs,
May 2015 · 857
Mallory May 2015
Its all about the chase.

we are pieces
in our very own game
both burning, yet tending to the flame
we’re so hot, that our hearts will never touch
but we let our hands wander
we let ourselves lust

and you touch me
so softly
and you trace my skin
and I can hear
your heartbeat
and beside you
is where I wanna be

but not too close.

and our legs, are intertwined
lips pressed against necks
your hand
in mine.
pushed close, so fast
like we’re running out of time

no one really talking
but the silence is just what we need
mind over matter
never works for me

I crave exactly this.

and we’re just pieces
in this made up game
and we’re bending the rules
and going insane

staying out late
searching for other people
that curve into us just right
Searching for something that makes playing worth it
and for a moment we get lost in time
and for a moment we feel like more than just pieces
in this game
for a moment we feel alive
this poem is kinda all over the place
May 2015 · 966
Mallory May 2015
I am lost in my dreams
infatuated with everyone I meet
and I want to be your dream
endlessly obsessed with people wanting me

I want to break your heart
and make you fall at my feet
make you beg for mercy
make you beg for me

I'll turn everyone I touch
and everything you love
into stardust
and I'm when done
you'll be in love

with me.
and when I leave
you'll only ever hear from me in your dreams

cause love doesn't exist you see
its a made up game,
a fantasy

— The End —