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 Sep 2018 MT
Meghan Young
Not human
 Sep 2018 MT
Meghan Young
She used to be human.
She use to have fun.
She used to be talkative
She used to be alive.

Her emotions run her life into the ground.
Her fun turned into pain.
Her voice doesn't have strength to talk.
She's alive, but only her body is here.
 Sep 2018 MT
She Writes
I Miss You
 Sep 2018 MT
She Writes
I miss you
And you aren’t even gone yet
From experience
I know how this will end

One day you will find someone new
Meet someone funnier; prettier
You’ll slowly slip away
All while denying anything is wrong

When you look into her eyes
You will see a future
When you look in my eyes
You see lust and desire

There is no future for us here
so why do I let myself fall in love anyway?
 Sep 2018 MT
Miranda Mondino
 Sep 2018 MT
Miranda Mondino
There's an ache in my chest.
It floods my senses and swallows me whole.
I'm drowning in pain and sorrow.
My only lifeline has left me.
Was I not enough?
Was I too much?
Maybe I was too vulnerable.
I let you peek behind my wall and you used it against me.
I let myself become a weapon in your sugarcoated hands.
But the sugar became poison and my heart slipped between your fingers.
I felt it smash to the floor as I let out a single tear.
The pain was masked by a bright smile but tonight that smile falls.
I let myself believe you were perfection.
I was blinded by my own stupidity.
I blame myself for your mistakes.
All I can do now is pick up the pieces and move on.
Those three little words will never pass these lips again.
The only word I will utter to you after this will be the last of many.
Goodbye to the butterflies and knots.
Goodbye to the kisses and tears.
Goodbye to the hugs and bruises.
I won't miss you.
 Sep 2018 MT
A Sad Girl Writes
 Sep 2018 MT
A Sad Girl Writes
all my life
i've been preparing faces
to meet the faces that
i've met

the man who delivers newspapers
at our doorstep each morning

i've laughed at their silly jokes
as they tossed their heads from side to side
in naive stupidity and their sheer ignorance
a pompous lot, the human race i tell you

i've acknowledged their staunch morals
and tried to make them my own
as they scorned at the girl in a skimpy dress
and chewed on mutton bones gluttonously

all my life, i've been trying hard
to blend in
with people who've shown me
that i don't belong with them

and tonight when i shed gallons of tears
i have only my bed and pillow to share
i've learnt that my sadness
is my very own
just a sad girl writing to survive
 Sep 2018 MT
i'm sorry that i keep talking about how lucky i feel
but if i am being completely honest
i'm just trying to soak it all in while i can
because i cannot control the fear in the back of my mind
that is telling me this has to be too good to be true
because it terrifies me everyday that i like you as much as i do
because i don't want to be hurt again
because losing you would probably hurt the most
because for once in my life i feel like i deserve this
and i feel like i deserve you
and because i do feel lucky
and i'm sorry that i feel like i have to apologize for that
 Sep 2018 MT
30 Days
 Sep 2018 MT
30 Days
She wants to hear from me that I need her

And one day, I'll tell her

I'll show her just how much I need her

With this

And make her heart happy in a way she's never quite experienced before

I appreciate her soul

And I never want to lose her

Against all the odds, against whatever life throws our way

I will always believe in us
 Sep 2018 MT
devante moore
My only regret
I didn’t stick it out with you
Promised I’d fight
But when things got congested and tight
I walked out
Wish I never did
Wish we didn’t live on two different soils but we did

My only regret
I didn’t leave you when I had the chance
I couldn’t eat
Nights without sleep
Never thought something like this would happen to me
I was faithful since day one
But that still didn’t stop you from cheating  

My only regret
Falling in love
Despite the thoughts in my head
Warning me
Don’t do it
Falling in love is stupid
And when it’s over your going to feel useless
Realizing love is a combination best served without you
 Aug 2018 MT
Jessica B
I am who I am
 Aug 2018 MT
Jessica B
A constant is control
Your every surrounding contains a constant
Constantly ever changing
in what ways are we shaped by our own constant?
Our society?
How does it mold our perception?
it is but a constant
I am who I am
I can only hope that
creativity defines me
As my flaws weave through each definitive line of my life
And My colors define me with each shade of its own
It was once spoken that
“Imagination was greater than knowledge”
Because It is all its own.
Creativity is freedom 🖤
 Aug 2018 MT
grace snoddy
life planted an empty hole
in my chest
and hoped for something
to grow out of it

it stuffed my mind with
crumbled paper
and gave my thoughts
a pen
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