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 Aug 2015 Mary Wright
Rana Ayman
You ask me about happiness ?
But how would I know..
We're all going through something that keeps us down
Fighting our ways through every city and every town
We've seen different faces,leaving behind their marks and traces
A memory in our hearts that never erases
It's hard to miss someone,it stings and it hurts
But missing an entire life? It simply gets worse
A new life and they expect you to adjust
As if anything before just turned to dust
Yet you let it go because there's no going back
You must leave your one true pack,and all those memories start to stack
A day after the other a thousand miles apart
You wish you could take it all back to the start
It feels like an arrow piercing through your heart
I finally wrote about you leaving
My journal had tear marks
As my eyes became wet
I thought I was okay
The words I miss you was repeated many times
I thought I was okay
Maybe I'm not
Maybe this hurts more than I thought
break up writings
I wasn't sad today.
I laughed.
I even smiled.
I realized today I could move on.
And leave you behind.
 Jul 2015 Mary Wright
Rana Ayman
When it's all inside you in a cage
all that fills up is rage
I read ,write and turn the page
now you're a thousand miles away
I think about you everyday
I'll never be okay..
Every journey has a beginning
Every story has a start
Every memory has a special place in our heart
it's been so many years
I tried to control my fears
for every moment my heart skipped a beat
for every time I couldnt stand on my feet
The feeling is overwhelming I can barely breathe
its like everytime I see you I simply freeze
Or at least that's how it shows..
what you don't know is that
every time I see you I literally glow
Everything inside me is like a rainbow..
With no words to say I just walk away,
I guess today isn't the day
But the day never came and I just kept walking  
Now I'm a million miles away and it feels like Choking.
Because of You
I used to love sitting at your work trying to sneak little glances of you
I used to love the park near my house where we would sneak around
I used to love the drives we took where we didn't know where we were going
I used to love the way you would hold my hand tight
And kiss my forehead
Because of You
I am still in love with you
 Jul 2015 Mary Wright
Love at first sight? No son, your vision's blurry,
What's encapsulating your feelings is lust
Powerful, but short-lived
Pleasurable through every taste
But after each taste, that void to quench your thirst will remain
If love is a force, lust must be an energy,
Here for the moment, but we don't know how long it will last.
 Jun 2015 Mary Wright
Can you breathe just that
little bit slower
can you speak just that
little bit softer
I need to show you something so important
all else can wait

Can you dream with me
can you fly with me
enter into worlds unknown
with me

Answer questions with me
question answers with me
lose perspective of yourself
with me

Through the lands unknown
where thoughts are more than known
Seek out your purpose little one

Guide your soul back home
A place where you will grow
You will be all you need to be

Just come
just come with me
 Jun 2015 Mary Wright
Ysa Pa
I tried to stop  but I couldn't
I know that I shouldn't
But I still do
I love you
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