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Mason Aug 2016
It is not enough
to have known her.
(She was near the ocean).
It is not enough to hold
in the mind each pattern
on each petal
(a Summer flower).
To love is to believe
that Summer persists!
But this is not the order
of living-
She is momentary,
like all things.
Mason Jul 2016
This is the loudest the music goes
I have nothing left to drink
still, all around me are the wolves-
get on with it!
you devoured all
the beautiful things
Mason May 2016
A body lies in the dirt,
and the vermin circle it
until the flesh submits,
and then it is no longer a man.
He no longer thinks
of the ******* the train
or his mother's sadness.
The rebellion has ended.
He is only earth now,
Mason May 2016
Strange creatures pace
under a fading half-moon
and some people get dressed
get ready to go to work
or school or the cemetery
and on their way in the car
looking east- the terrible Sun!
If only you could delay its
entrance, if you could postpone
the turning of your world
around We all claw
desperately at something,
half-formed and fleeting,
just out of reach
Mason Apr 2016
It is your doing, April.
Your clarity pulls me
to the fields
where grass is wet-
my eyes fix on
pulsing of color in flowers
It is April's doing.
Mason Apr 2016
I want to hitchhike down
those highways

(the long streaks of color
in your eyes)

past your thoughts and into
our garden
Mason Mar 2016
Free now from your books, you
walk the path behind the halls
where a bird completes her
and descends onto a branch
shaking its flowers. Petals
are released!
and float down in
Lowering, degree by
degree in a swaying motion
against the gentle pushing-back
of spring air

They land in a pond.
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