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I fall, I rise,
I make mistakes,
I live,
I've been hurt,
but ..
I'm alive ..
i'm only Human,
I'm not perfect,
but I'm thankful
-learned to be contented cause were only human.
O flesh! how much you've lured me into sin.
You built a block between my God and I.
You stole away my grace and strength therein.
Your pretty pleasure  want my soul to die.

You proved superior to my own desire
Desire of mine's to see the face of God
but you denied my wish and wished me 'fire.

Though acts of yours  are sweet to carry out.
Though making love is sugar to myself,
but seeds of yours inside me must come out.
I now reject your sports and you, yourself.

My body's temple of the Holy Ghost.
I'll turn my body into holy host.
I dare you to read this poem
start to finish and ponder its words
allow it to linger there in your churning thoughts
and not let it flutter off with the wind and the birds
I dare you to write a response
a poem from you to me
to answer the questions a pose in this poem
consider them carefully
Why is love so impossibly complex?
Why is time so quick to slip by?
Why do people change their mind
and curse and cheat and lie?
Why is the world so angry
Why do regrets ache so bad?
Why is it we must lose it all
before we know what we had?
Why do we get attached
and learn to care TOO much?
and yearn for unknown souls to intertwine
yet recoil at a stranger's touch?
Why do we fear so badly
emotion, love, and the risks we never take?
Why do we waste the chances we get
terrified of making a mistake?
I dare you, answer me these riddles
Humanity still struggles to figure out
for the non-existent answer
lies between reason and doubt.
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. She wanted to hide. It was the Wikipedia man. Oh, god how he'd tell her how this band first wrote this song, and then it was developed later. And she just wasn't in the mood for Wikipedia man. The man that never let her get a word in edge wise. It exhausted her. She wanted to lay down and take a nap after she closed the door, and he left, with his cheap coupon chinese food. He meant well of course -- he just wore her out with all his words. She'd rather write them down in solitude by candlelight. With no interruptions. She had enough thoughts running through her head. She found comfort in the quiet. The stillness.

Another thing - it was just that he was always so broke all the time. She'd rather watch "Girls", and eat popcorn -- alone.

I mean, I own a library card. I'm not from -- Kansas. Not that women in Kansas are lame. That's not my point.

I know lots of things. It's just I don't need to hear them from Wikipedia Man.

I'm going to go write a novel now.
sometimes i just sit here

and it's like my soul went away

i feel so empty, void of light, of day

just a blinking case, shell

containing nothing but a living hell
 Oct 2014 Lambert Mark Mj
Maybe if people stopped calling me ugly,
I'd have a little higher self confidence
People ask 'how can you not think your pretty'
Maybe it's because occasionally people comment
On my hair, or make a joke about my body
A joke not intended to hurt, and I laugh anyways
But deep down part of me is destroyed
Grasping for a thread back to normal mode
Yesterday's trauma struck and did implode
The mind lies in state of befuddlement
Everything is changed it isn't the same
Regaining past composure no easy frame
Reflections of loss bring a blurred haze
It takes time to walk out of the maze
Comfort is found in friend's kind easement
Our souls and hearts are feeling all adrift
We question why do the sands always shift
When the departed leave our loving care
There is a desolate space left behind
Which confuses and injures the mind
Seasons of solace shall grant us repair
I can't stop staring
I'm in a trance
Holding a razor
I start to laugh
Why did I believe
I could be okay
My breath's a waste
I've no reason to stay

Look at my hips
Look at all of me
What a joke
A blob-ish mess
Needs to go
Press the blade
Gently into me
Or is it deeper
I can't tell
I stopped feeling today
Downward *****
I'm on again
I should end me quick
But I just can't

I laugh again
Oh how tragic
Girl hates herself
But deep down
Is scared to end it
Look at the blood
Pool at the incision
Until it drips down
Over my hip
And slow down
The curve of my thigh
It feels so good
Addictive high

If I felt pain
Maybe I'd stop
Maybe the red
Hitting the floor
Would frighten me
But I'm not scared
Not of blood
I'm scared of hurting
The ones that I love

So clean up the blood
Put the razor away
Grab some bottles
Paint, polish remover, glue
Whiteout, Windex
Anything to inhale will do
Wish I had a
Bit of ***** too

Waste myself away
Try to cope another day
I just can't. I'm so alone.
 Oct 2014 Lambert Mark Mj
Just shine its beam,
Makes the invisible visible,
Give spaces their own soul,
A Space of its own magic,
A magic that is forever different.

So follow the light,
For the light is everywhere.
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