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 Sep 2015 marina
Megan Grace
i slipped so comfortably
into your world. god, i
would have let you drown
me if you had needed
my breath for yourself.
 Sep 2015 marina
Megan Grace
 Sep 2015 marina
Megan Grace
fifty-two sundays later and i
do not consider myself to be
someone who is healing but
someone who is recovered. it
still stings at the very bottom
of my lungs sometimes but i
no longer hate the areas of
my skin that you've touched.
i do not feel the fire of your
promises in my arms and i
can just barely recall your
laugh. did you ever think i
could have made it this far?
Goodbye, Ryan.
 Sep 2015 marina
Megan Grace
 Sep 2015 marina
Megan Grace
there is this   candle that i keep
in a box and i save it for nights
when i want to think   of  y o u,
when the summer air is too hot
a n d   i  can  imagine  that  you
would   have  turned  o u r   air
conditioning  up so high  t h a t
i would   have had  to put  on a
sweater     while    you stripped
downtonearlynothing.i wonder
if  we  would  have  had   those
gardens you talked about   or if
you would    have taught me to
tolerate beer. i usedto think you
were the  s o l e  orchestrator of
every sunset i had ever     seen,
that you  m u s t  have bartered
some  part  of   y o u r    soul  in
exchange for that laugh       you
had, that all of the absolute ****
i had gone through was simply
there  t o   l e a d   m e   t o  you.
but you did not love me     t h e
same way, you  d i d  n o t  love
m e     the       s a m e           way.
tell me, do we have to bow
down and kiss our own feet
to become whole again?
 Sep 2015 marina
Megan Grace
i like that my bloodlines
run like your bloodlines
like the salty sea spray
you exhale when you
dream at night
written on a napkin i found in my purse.

i'm not sure where i had planned to go with this one.
 Sep 2015 marina
Megan Grace
rocket ships and
blooming flowers,
i feel as though i've
gargled with shampoo
but in a good way where
i'm fizzing from the



all the way


and through my nose. i
have been finding myself
in the cracked porcelain of
my shower, in his
             ­                             lines,
in my mother's

smile             smile

for me please. didn't
i used to love to be here
for a lens why would
i have ever hated my
own mouth?
there is so much
b e a u t y
in these curves and
cr ev ic es.
i am so proud to be
the owner of these


and of these


thank god i am back thank
god i am back
july was so good to me.
 Sep 2015 marina
Megan Grace
sept. 4
 Sep 2015 marina
Megan Grace
i am passing days with only
the slightest       misstep that
before would  have brought
me to            my           knees.
i could fly.
 Sep 2015 marina
Megan Grace
l i k e      t h e      g l a s s
bottles on my bookshelf
you havemade yourself
a permanent  and dusty
home. i used to hate the
smell  of   my   skin  and
the shape of my   mouth
at me  like i am anything
less than a human being,
anything less than  gold,
anything less than   god.
i   have been yours since
we were fifteen,    i have
been     yours    since we
w e r e             f i f t e e n.
i should have stopped searching
for someone a long time ago.

title is a song by
gregory and the hawk
 May 2015 marina
Erin Atkinson
you told me once
my words could move mountains,
but i've been stumbling
over stones so often these days
i wonder if what you said
was ever even true.
 May 2015 marina
Erin Atkinson
You are lightning bolt.
               (electric shock to my skin)

You taste like
Sound like
                  thunder storm
                   ­                        on dry asphalt

And I want to tell you
you felt like homecoming
                       (even though you were always leaving,
                                                    and i was never staying)

I saw the flowers in your mouth
          and I wanted to taste them
                     wanted to take them for my own
  but I wasn't ready
                       to be
            with you

Perhaps we'll meet
again in a city
                                       much larger
                                          than ours
And I'll fall in love with your flowers
*(and­ perhaps this time,
                                I'll let them grow)
 May 2015 marina
Erin Atkinson
Maybe I was drunk on your laugh, glitter still stuck in your beard.
I always wanted to turn the lens back on you. Say "This is how you look at me; this is how I want to look at you."
Everything I did with you felt like art, and it was.
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