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 May 2015 marina
 May 2015 marina
can i  l i n g e r
in your heart a
little while?
i wanted to say more, but i don't think there's anything else to say.

(c) Brooke Otto 2015
 May 2015 marina
I find G o d
in the dust
up  against
trees by the
river, when
i talk to him
s u n l i g h t
brushes  up
my   thighs
or   f i n d s
me through
the   leaves
encased   in

encased in honeycomb.
(c) Brooke Otto 2015
 May 2015 marina
a counselor once told me I had abandonment issues

so i have dreams of this guy shoving his tongue down
my throat like a dart and it makes me s c a r e d of the
things     I can't see in people,      unable to discern the
true intentions      in the  b e d r o c k  of their   heart    
because I don't excavate men anymore (at least that's
what I will tell myself) and I've only e v e r had boys
for toys, people who  give  me their strings for play
things. endearing but emasculating, the two things
i've aspired to be and I guess I'm just   terrified   of
not having control, of being the lowest block on the
totem pole with you can leave me dangled over my
head, you can leave me, you can leave me, you can

leave me.
(c) Brooke Otto 2015

 May 2015 marina
sleepy birdy
 May 2015 marina
stiff from lack of sleep
i dream of monogamy
and all the pretty little things
i'm meant to dream of
(but never do)

massage my shoulder blades
and i'll take flight
is it possible to run on negative hours of sleep
 May 2015 marina
reflect me
 May 2015 marina
i can only love in hindsight
my body,
the boys who get the two confused.
 May 2015 marina
 May 2015 marina
i'm not afraid of moving cross country -- i'm afraid of the leaving, of untucking myself from this pocket of america i call home; my hate has cultured so well here, snapping threads and poking holes for breathing. the dirt under my nails from all the times i tried to dig myself to somewhere better is as much a part of me as my lungs, my brain, my heart; always be-be-beating to remind me to keep going.

to keep looking for loopholes.

i'm not afraid of moving cross country -- i'm afraid of tucking myself away in a new pocket of this country, far, far away only to realize that i hate it there as well; only to snag my nails on new threads, only to find myself sharpening toothbrushes when i'm nervous, only to dig holes in myself in my sleep. i'm afraid of losing my pulse, that be-beat-beat.

but mostly, i'm afraid of never losing it.
 May 2015 marina
so i will collect ladders until
i can reach
and rearrange them
if only for your ghost.
 May 2015 marina
 May 2015 marina
those days, i would've followed you off a cliff
these days, i'd call 911 --
because i know, now,
that love isn't wanting someone
so much that you'd die for them
but wanting what's best for them
and knowing
that isn't always you.
 May 2015 marina
Megan Grace
please do not be afraid i will not hurt you i
think my hands are made of splinters anyway i
think my hands are made of splinters anyway
 May 2015 marina
Megan Grace
point c
 May 2015 marina
Megan Grace
(I) seaweed skin
today there is a
crevice where my
lungs used to be

(II) brass arteries
i took the long
way to work this
morning trying
to sidetrack my
mind with new
roads but there
are some bits of
you creeping up
my spine and
burrowing into
my hair and
nuzzling my ear
i had thought that
by now i would be
able to take breaths
without chunks of
sentences meant for
you breaking off
from my bronchial
tubes but they are
somehow still lodged
in there like they
have been called home

(III) umbrella heart
i used to wish no one
would ever touch me
ever touch me ever
touch me because their
fingerprints would last
too long and i can't scrub
them off like i want to
please let this be different
please let this be the end
of you aching at the base
of my skull and robbing
me of my purple dreams
and green hopes i want
to feel myself in my arms
instead of you
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