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I've grown ridiculously fond of you
With no logic or science on my side of reason
A soulfire burning wildly
Flames growing out of control
My heart dancing in the middle of it all
Adding turpentine and gasoline
More fuel for its desire
In this sweet dream I long for the comfort of your lips
To find love hiding within
And in lust I cry
For the sin of your hips
And long to explore every strand of your hair
Every breath of your soul
And the depths of your eyes
I want to see everything you have hiding inside
Laughing in the hands
Of madness
I walk through a mirror in the dead of night
And find my reflection crafting dream after dream
Pulling and forming the blood from my heart like porcelain
Into beautiful sculptures of you
And as I watch
I see that my reflection  looks more like me than I have looked in such a long while
Everything paues
And the air and time stop
My heart rises and floats
To where I am standing
Frozen and smiling
And then my heart speaks to me...
"I've been broken
And I've been bruised...
It's true...
Over and over...
Time and again...
Have I ever been
When it came to falling
In love?"
With no logic or science to argue
I had nothing to say but nod in agreement
And my heart just explained
Why I'm ridiculously fond of you
I broke the last one
from abuse
it'd been worn out
and badly used
and when I told her
of the news
it seemed that she
was not amused
I played it hard
I played it fast
I told her that
was in the past

but she told me
she didn't care
it wasn't like
she had a spare
the cold,
the sun,
to her it didn't
sound like fun

I told her
that was all okay
I wouldn't leave her
in the rain
and I would
strum her every day

I'd take my pick
and lightly strum
just hard enough
to make her hum
never have I
broke a string
and I'm precise
in *******

I've rhythm
that would curl her toes
and I can play
with my eyes closed

I'd give her
just what she deserves
I'd worship
every inch of her
the lyrics
I would not forget
not just one song
but a whole set
I'd play until
I'm tired and sore
and then I'd play
a couple more
The hand of the sky
With its paintbrush of blue
Slid over the heavens
Above me and you

And over the course
Of the brisk autumn day
It painted the sky
Every color but grey

From the warmth of the morning
Filled with its light
To the azure of the evening
Leading into the night

Then as dark drew near
The hand painted its last
And filled our vision
With stars like glass

Amazing how a human being can be the reason to your sanity or insanity

To drive you insanely happy or crazy, you never thought it would be you right, how can it be?

It seems so much more simpler to watch the idea of love to someone else's vision

You go from low to high to high to low, your butterflies grow then go, your temperature has risen

Get yourself prepared for the roller coaster of the dose of another human beings presence

You'll learn a thing or two, from the deadly feeling of the unwanted turn of events and their lessons

You have no idea what you're in a ride for, get on, go high, go toss and turn upside down

You'll laugh, you'll scream you'll fear for your life and your stomach will torture round and round

Leading to starved insides from the lack of the dose you so desperately need

Your eyes will get too heavy to close  for it all to be over as you plead

To get off, to please be over, you can't take anymore, its too much, no mas no mas

Its frightening to know how much you lack of self control for this ride, keep your fingers crossed

Will you make it? Will it be worth it? Can you make it through it to the end?

It slows down after a while, the craziness settles down until you let it begin again

You're off, you made it, the drops of your insides switch off and you feel empty

It wasn't that bad, even more so knowing you could do it, its so tempting

To try it again. And again, you crave to get on once more.

The roller coaster of another human being can excite or scare you to the core.

There's nothing else like it, its a powerful drug that can cause us to deplete

To look back at an end or beginning with the thought of it as a victory or defeat.
You could be miles away
an untameable distance
impossible to reach
tomorrow or today
yet you sit two feet that way

Your could be slipping
falling of a cliff
into a darkness i can not follow
one hand dangling on the edge that is ripping
yet you stand firmly on the ground without tripping

You could be blinded
Sight blocked out by an unpenetrable veil
hiding me from you, unable to see the present,
memories forgotten as you go unreminded
yet your eyes shine, filled with confidence, decisions decided

Perhaps it is me
an impossible treck away

Perhaps it is me
slipping from the edge today

Perhaps it is me
blind folded, hidden from you

Perhaps it is me,
a small candle,  wishing to burn anew,

yet I battle for every breath to pass
as the oxygen is taken by your inferno
my speck of light, shining through miles of darkness
your blazing fire, through clear glass
snuffs out my flame, turning it to gas
Sometimes, I look at you and I can't speak.
Once in a while, it's because I'm marveling
At what a work of art you are.
Now and again, it's because
I want to hold your hand.
Occasionally, it's because I want
To feel your arm around me.
And once or twice, it's because
I want to kiss you.
Mostly though, it's because
I start to feel like I'm dying.

There's something that stabs into me,
Twisting my heart
And muddling my mind.
That's usually due to a couple of things.
One: I miss you more than I can explain.
Or two: you forgot about me.
Sometimes it's both.

I know you never really forget about me,
But it feels that way.
We're sitting five feet apart
And you don't look my way once.
I challenge myself not to look at you for a minute,
Then two or three, four or five.
Because every time I glance your way,
You're laughing at something someone else said.
Another person made you smile.
You're so wrapped up in other people
That I slip your mind.

And that's totally normal.
It's to be expected.
I know it's weird,
And it's probably wrong,
But I think about you all the time.
I wonder what you're doing
And how you feel.
I hope that you're doing okay,
And that you're thinking about me.

Sometimes when I get upset
I want to see you so badly.
Want to talk to you,
Hear you say my name.
Hear you say that it'll be okay.
That always helps.
To feel your hand on my shoulder
Or even better,
To find myself wrapped in a hug.
You have the power to make things better.

You matter to me a lot,
And I know you so well.
There's always a joke to be made,
Or a smile to be shared between us.
Those times are the best.
But then, sometimes
I look at you and I can't speak.

— The End —