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8.7k · Feb 2016
Twitter Crush
MapleLeafs1967 Feb 2016
A beautiful mind like no other I've known,
Intelligence, passion and vulnerability are shown,
Deep fears and desires haunt her through the night,
Her words speak to me, filling my darkness with light.

I wish I could express to her the way I feel,
Though I doubt she would even believe it's real,
Regrettably my crush barely knows of my existence,
All I can do is admire her from a distance.
6.0k · Jan 2016
Be Yourself
MapleLeafs1967 Jan 2016
I don't want to be a clone,
With no thoughts of my own,
As if created from a mold,
Always to be bought and sold,
Never truly feeling whole,
Having just an artificial soul,
Like a mindless puppet on a shelf,

No, I would rather be myself.
1.0k · Mar 2016
March Break
MapleLeafs1967 Mar 2016
My heart is restless
My mind is wandering
And my body continues to ache
It's finally time to relax a bit
Yes, it's March Break!

— The End —