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 Jun 2015 Lauren
 Jun 2015 Lauren
I think poets run the world
with charming words
and pleasant phrases
charisma pouring from their pens
from their keyboards and their mouths
sweet-talking the most stubborn of foes
controlling others with honeyed comments
and sweeter observations
 Jun 2015 Lauren
Sweet Tooth
 Jun 2015 Lauren
I think you are a cavity
In the way that everything that led to now
Was sweet
But now I can't get rid of you
And you are just a sore
 Jun 2015 Lauren
 Jun 2015 Lauren
You are a firework,
Big, colorful, beauty, bright.

The only problem with fireworks,
Is that they always fade to soon.

don't fade away, please
 Feb 2015 Lauren
Josh Allen
our first space date will be in over 20 years or maybe even a lot more
we'll be traveling at the speed of light
i'll be holding ur hand and then we arrive at saturns rings
i pull out the picnic basket and we have a picnic on the second biggest planet in our solar system !!
while we're eating i kiss ur cheek and tell you i love you
we fly out to the local galactic group and observe the andromeda galaxy, the second most beautiful thing ive ever seen
and then we makeout for like 20 minutes and then we travel back to planet earth
 Feb 2015 Lauren
Jaee Derbéssy
Because of your infidelities,
she is long gone.
And now she lightens up
the night sky of her new love,
because unlike you,
he recognized
beauties that you
were blinded to-
he recognized she was the moon.
And now, you curse him,
knowing that could have been you.
That she could have been
your moon,
but while she wanted
to be serenaded by you
and light
every dark corner of your existence,
you were too busy chasing
dimly lit stars.
2021 edit.
 Feb 2015 Lauren
Eli Smith
 Feb 2015 Lauren
Eli Smith
You traced every contour of my body
Every wrinkle of skin that I hate
Every cellulite budge that I find repulsive
And told me that I was beautiful in skin that I have been fighting my whole life to crawl out of.
In your arms I feel whole
The weight of the world is no longer my own
I feel weightless.
Pushing myself deeper into you
So deep that my problems no longer matter
You make it all go away
You make me feel beautiful through long nights
Through tragic days
Through pain as well as glory.
You make me feel like I can do this.
Thank you.
 Feb 2015 Lauren
Would You?
 Feb 2015 Lauren
If I carved the words "I love you"
into every inch of my skin,
would you believe them?
Would you believe me?

If I painted a picture of my heart
with the very blood that it pumps,
would you cherish it?
Would you cherish me?

If I promised that there was no one else,
that there was only you,
would you accept that?
Would you accept me?
Would you accept me?
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