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Apr 2019 · 558
Lua Apr 2019
Nas palavras da mulher que viveu em 1910
Os "anos 80" eram 1880
E suas reclamações da nova Rússia eram tão atuais quanto as nossas
Em meio a semi ditadura e intolerância política e religiosa
Eu, que quase achei que estávamos progredindo e crescendo
Esqueci que esse é o maior defeito dos seres humanos, o esquecimento
Esquecer que isso tudo já aconteceu
E vai acontecer de novo e de novo
Mesmo eu, assim, maldizendo.
Talvez uma ou outra coisa melhore
Como disse um conhecido certa vez
Mesmo que o mundo se afogue
No consumismo, e exploda de vez
Em puro esquecimento
Afinal, você não pensa?
Sim, sobre isso mesmo
Sobre o sentido de tudo isso
Em meio a minha juventude nunca entendi a complexidade desse pensamento
Hoje, perdida entre sentimentos, compreendo
Não é sobre o sentido da vida
Mas sim de tudo do mundo
Afinal o ser humano gosta de se ver como uma dádiva, uma criação
Mas não pára para pensar na simples ocasião
De ser fruto de um erro de equação
Apr 2019 · 376
Lua Apr 2019
Museus e construções em chamas
Invadem sonhos dos quais não me recordo
Acordo, então, com teias em meu coração
E um sentimento vazio em meio as tramas
Sem lembranças e sem desejar vingança

Primeiro aqui, depois lá
E tantos outros ocorreram
E você nem irá recordar
Pois não era Estados Unidos ou Europa
Se for Rússia, Alemanha ou China
Se lembrará então da Índia, Chile ou Argentina

Pois construções divinas como esta e outras mais
Mal se comparam com as árvores centenárias e os rios que aqui não mais jazem
Nas mãos dos donos do primeiro mundo
Possíveis conspiracionistas enquanto tomam seu chá
E fumam seus charutos caros, despreocupados
Exalando a fumaça de Notre Dame, de museus nacionais e ainda mais
Bebendo em seus chás
As águas dos rios que assistiram secar
Apr 2019 · 295
Bird cages
Lua Apr 2019
I infuse the herbs in the boiling water
While Chopin caresses my skin
Anna besides me, mourn for her prison altar
In a frozen and beautiful cage, full of sins

I see mine far in the middle of my tropical land
Completely surrounded by misunderstand
How dare they hold the most beautiful birds
In a cage that floats in the sea of nonsense?
Anna in this poem is Anna Akhmátova, who wrote a lot about the Stálin era in Soviet Union. I live in Brazil, and we had a military dictatorship for some time. Now, unfortunately, I see the possibility of this happening again.
Apr 2019 · 1.6k
Lua Apr 2019
In my mind
I am the only one
You dream about late at night
And my words are the sweetest lullabies
Making all the noise disappear
Fire bright, ignite in your mind
Bringing the sunrise to your long night
While your fantasies start to make sense
Because my dear, my love
My words become music combined with your scent
Synesthesia tonight, so please, let's dance
Here in the moonlight
Nothing about true romance
Just look at me, I'm the most beautiful delight
Let me shine, ignite in your arms
No fear, no harm
Only you and me, almost sublime
Just for tonight
I'm your most beautiful delight
Apr 2019 · 338
Painter's love
Lua Apr 2019
I want to paint you
And captivate all your details in my mind
I want to draw your face over and over again
Until I memorize all of your lines
To the slight curve of your nose
Until the perfect shape of your eyes
Looking up so thoughtfully, wanting to fly
I want to take you to the skies
Just to see the pure blue color reflect on your skin
I want to take you to the most distant beach
So I can captivate how the color of the sea
Can shape your lips into little smile
And become to exact same color of your eyes
As they look at me
The only one that could draw you
Even without looking
Because I already memorized all of your lines
In my mind
Mar 2019 · 6.5k
Lua Mar 2019
They say that the human being is a primal creature
That deep down likes to bite, to scratch, to hunt
Mark their own territory
And like so many other primal animals, feels this intrinsic pleasure in subduing others

People say many things
But in my world, pleasure and pain mix together
Primal creatures show their claws
For others willing to be subjected

I once heard that *** becomes human from the moment it becomes ******
For me however, eroticism doesn't depend on ***
And the primal is the most human and the most civilized of them all
Just like the ones that look at me right now
They see my movement and judge me feline
Sharp claws, curious look, precise movements
And I don't even need to show my fangs into a smile
For them to understand who the predator is
After all, as I already mentioned
Pleasure and pain mix
Mar 2019 · 2.8k
Night road
Lua Mar 2019
I asked him why he did not travel on the roads anymore
He blamed fear and age
In my mind, I told him:
"I like the bittersweet taste of danger touching my lips"
But it was much more than that
Because you, constant and inconstant part of my body, which brings me contemplation and solitude
Let me bathe in the night and search the stars in the sky
As the midnight wind hits my body
I don't need anything else, just movement and freedom
I'm a hurricane, I'm everything and I'm nothing
My mind frees and turns itself off, to rekindle more attentively, more alive
And then take me to unfamiliar and distant places
And I will feel the breeze of the ocean,
And I will see the distance lights of the city
They shine just for me tonight
Competing with the starry sky and the moon reflecting on the sea
Just like lullabies on my mind
I don't need anyone, I am everything and I am nothing
I am a silent hurricane
Devoid of fear in its dark and tropical flavor
Climbing wet roads filled with nature
And just then
I will finally feel the bittersweet taste
Of freedom touching my lips

— The End —