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 Jun 2017 Ivy Elise
 Jun 2017 Ivy Elise
She is both,
hellfire and holy water.
And the flavor you taste,
depends on how you,
treat her.
 Jun 2017 Ivy Elise
Daisy Rae
       you're beautiful.
                      but not in the way most
                             people see
                      in the way your eyes blend
                             from brown to green
                and the way your freckles scatter
                             along your face
             and how more beautiful can you be
                      when your eyes light up
                                your smile appears
                                        & laughter springs
                                            out of your chest
                                   what a beauty you are
                             special, like the stars

I am SORRY that I am the way I am

I'm sorry that I start to panic when someone touches me
especially a guy
even though if its in a friendly way
I just can't help to flinch
I always think about the people that hurt me in the past

I am sorry that I constantly break down
I cant control my mind for consuming my emotions
my mind is always at war with my heart
I cant help to get flash backs of the past of what they did to me

Im sorry for hiding my feelings
I get nervous to tell you because Im scared of upsetting you
I had people that I upset when I always told them how I felt
I'm also not an open book
I even feel vulnerable just someone looking at the content of the book

I am sorry that I always ask for reassurance
Im just trying to get it memorized in my head so I can believe you
I want to make sure your being honest
your answers dont change
and you mean it
People drilled bad things into my head so I cant help it

I am sorry for constantly apologizing
I always think its my fault
I grew up people putting the blame on me
sometimes I can't tell if its my fault or not

sorry that I am me
 Apr 2017 Ivy Elise
Edward Coles
Watched them clear away the tables
thought tonight was the time
they would finally
wash us away
after one thousand guests
dined in our wake

One thousand people in love
or else hoping if they sat long enough
love would become
*** was never ours
it was borrowed like time
from the death throes of G-d

One by one
we drowned old fools
beneath the surgery light
we toasted tomorrow
as they do in Hollywood
and poured another wine

I can still hear you singing
though where you are
I do not know
watched them clear away the tables
the colour leave your face
the water **** the stone

You would not recognise me
I have grown so old and slow
love now the blue pill of evening
that blurs all features
and cause the edges to glow
they ring the bell for closing time

I wonder how long I must wait
I wonder when it is my turn to go
A poem about an old man reflecting on familiar places he used to go with his wife.
Sometimes I
How wrapped up
How entangled I
With you
I forget that
When I hurt you I
Feel the pain too

It is a sharp reminder
 Apr 2017 Ivy Elise
Alyssa Lynn
How many of us have died
Trying to make more out of our lives?
How many of us slice open our skin,
Dying to love, to feel?

We jump from planes to laugh and smile...
What if instead our company stayed
For just a little while?

We are DYING to live,
And I do mean dying.
Our souls, locked away,
Batter our ribs and our hearts trying to escape.

I want to write,
I want to laugh, and sing, and draw,
I want to make lasting friendships
And give life my all.

Like so many others,
I am dying to live,
Dying to survive.
Because sometimes I feel trapped within myself.
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