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straight from heaven itself..
we fell
just fell straight down into the darkness.
our angel wings were pure..
they slowly became engulfed into the filthiest black as we fell further with gravity
we fell through the trees
the sharp branches slit our skin and scratched the feathers of our wings as we fell
we shattered the earths surface..
we sat staring at the strangeness...
these gentle wings drooped downward around our bodies..
softly they brushed the cracking land we sat on with their gentle tips
..the tall trees hunching their claws over us whispering curses of deceit
we once shook with fear
but now this became our realm of comfort...
porcelain tears formed at the edges of our eyes
our tears never reached the ground
these hearts that once existed
sadly crystalized
our cold stone hearts stopped beating..
our eyes turned into glossy black marbles...
we could stare right through your soul if we wanted
we were
deepened with sadness
a sadness that was reflected through our eyes
an emotion so deeply piercing a rusted fork trying to stab through a rib cage in a repeating jabbing motion wouldn't even compare.
longing for something that we never found.
the maps to happiness were burned with the fire of hatred
hair lay over our black mirror eyes
our radiant halos diminished radiation
they dimmed to dullness..these delicate auras we cherished
yet they were replaced...
replaced with a black aura and a pair of distorted glazed horns
those twisted manifestations
I watched them arising from that pretty little head of yours as it ruptured your scull
we matched and it made me smile
I think I felt a certain beauty for these creatures we became
our eyes glossed and down cast
we do not look up to the sun anymore because it did not exist
the moon was my favorite, it spoke in tongues
take my soul and stash it 6ft under with the decay.
we manifest the lurid .
you and I.
imperfection must have a place to go with its own kind..
because nobody wants un-ordinary
you are the only one who understands what I feel...
because we feel together..
we fell together..
we are defected as two
but we can love each other..
we love each other in this distorted form of beauty.
this frozen air representing a noose choking the trachea
the thick fog blurring our sight from paradise visions
that loveliness that we are restricted to see any more
but, this vision of darkness suits my  emotions better.
we will call this place home sweet home.
this place filled with fear.
for we cast it like a spell upon the land.
this solemn forest of decrepitude
not just evil..but conniving.
we just add onto this darkness of confused, and mentally abused.
we will find more people and start designing their headstones with their bones like name tags.
you and I.
to create our own universe of this ugly beauty we define.
together we fell.
together we will fiend.
 Sep 2015 Lori Griffin
I walk through the garden,
On this warm summer's day,
To smell the flowers,
That grandma raised.

In the middle,
Of this garden of gold,
Stood this one,
Single red stem rose,
The rose means so many things,
From the ones you receive on your wedding day,
To the one you get on Valentine's Day,
But this single rose standing here today,
Represents the love grandma gave.

From the love she gave,
When she planted it that day,
To the love she gave us,
Each and every day,
So when you pass this garden of gold,
Remember the love that this rose holds.
I miss you granny..
 Sep 2015 Lori Griffin
rock me gently into sleep
cradle my heart in your hands while I dream
keep me safe as I lay unaware
be my protector,
it shows you care
I've become so tired that I need rest
take me into your arms,
rock me gently,
you're the best.
I'm tired and I just want to be held.... sigh
 Sep 2015 Lori Griffin
I close my eyes real tight
Try to pretend that you’re here
With you, everything is better
My future, it is clear

I wrap myself in blankets
Hold them close and hard
Maybe it won’t hurt as much
If I imagine I'm in your arms

Face down on my pillow
Pretending it’s your chest
With that heartbeat in my ears
Everything hurts less

Doing everything I can    
To get some rest tonight
Every hour spent asleep
Is one less poem that I'll write
 Sep 2015 Lori Griffin
running through my head,
adding up to the negativity;
invading my concentration,
overwhelming my insecurities,
damaging my concience,
and taking over an angel's clearity.

 Sep 2015 Lori Griffin
Will angels weep I wonder,
When heavenly hosts
March unto battle,
Haloes and spears glinting

In gods eternal light,
Demons fleeing before them,
Fearful of the slaughter,
Sinners felled by axe and sword,

Unrighteous blood streaming
Along gurgling crimson rivers,
Cities laid waste and
No prisoners taken,

As the world is covered
In the darkness of shadows
Wrought from their angel wings,
I wonder, will they weep?

— The End —