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there was an elephant he had a stomache ache
and some laxitives the elephant did take
soon his medication began to ease his stress
with a break of wind followed by a mess

elephant was covered from his head to foot
with all the mess he made coming from his ****
now his stomaches better just like it was before
cleaned his the mess now clean again once more
 Apr 2014 Lizzi Mote
Olivia Kent
Went off with an alien, with his gigantic probe, he prodded.
In and out of of everywhere, tickled her ears and stroked her hair.
He wasn't bad looking, neither here nor there.
Wanted to check her sensitivity, said he.
He graduated with  an honours degree.
He made the human inside her, ripple and shiver and shake.
Nearly made a huge earthquake.
Maybe even a river.
"Keep your helmets on chaps", he said with a glint in his eyes, all three of
The naughty little earth girl said "one at at a time please," as she squeezed her unmentionables  so very tight.
She wanted to sleep just a little that night.
He had a large horn on the front of his head,  as banged her hard down onto the bed.
He used it unexpectedly, so from his shackles she broke.
Her ripples and trickles and body  he took,
Made her heart beat  fast as her body it shook.
Woke up in a puddle, her bed rather wet, whatever had happened had
sure  made her sweat.
(C) Livvi
My mouth goes dry
My heart races and fills with longing
longing for something more than friendship
My mind is swarmed by thoughts of only you
My cheeks blush pink
My fingers twitch
My body trembles with excitement

My eyes smart and fill with tears
My chest swells with pain
I wonder why?
Why do I love you so?
The tears escape
I begin to weep
And all at the sound of your name
From my book "Love and Lies."
 Apr 2014 Lizzi Mote
 Apr 2014 Lizzi Mote
Mankind has evolved
from Bi-ped
to wheels
 Apr 2014 Lizzi Mote
simply tylla
Let's write a script.
One that makes this world pretty.
One where the trees still tower above all else,
and the golden sunflowers still sparkle with morning dew.
The script will tell of animals in harmony,
and the oceans, a dark crystal blue.
It will fill our hearts with life.
Our souls with light.

Now, let's tell the truth.
Of how the air is full of gray and dispair.
How the trees can no longer tower,
for they fall to their very death, each
and every day.
Truth shows the sunflowers,
only a pale yellow, dying along with the hope.
Animals cannot harmonise, for
competition for a home, looms black
and ominous above all.
The truth is filled with words of the hopeless seas.
A reality of black nothingness and waste,
Our hearts die slowly and
fade, our souls soon to follow.

With nothing real or true to cling to,
we drink in the greed.
Minds weighted down with the metals
that recreate this earth.
We struggle forward still,
until we've lost ourselves completely.
To our very own vanity...

A whisper.

Then silence.

A new life begins.
This is an absolutely beautiful poem that my older sister wrote.
 Apr 2014 Lizzi Mote
I am not suicidal.
But life has lost all meaning.
While I may not go looking
for Death's hands,
if He found me,
and wrapped his fingers around mine
I think I just might
 Apr 2014 Lizzi Mote
If you are the very reason that I awake
From a deep and torturous slumber every morning;

If you are the rays of light to my sun;

If you are the goosebumps to my low temperature;

If you are the skin of the apple that I had for lunch on Wednesday;

If you are the soles of my shoes;

If you are the dust underneath my bed that is really just dead, old skin;

If you are the breath of life that a lifeguard gives a drowning victim;

If you are the fire coursing through my veins making its way into my heart;

If you are the demon and angel on my shoulders,
Bickering about my choosing the road less traveled by;

If you are the pen to my poetry;

If you are the frostbite left on my fingers from waiting out in the cold too long For you to come back;

If you are the edge of a butterfly's wings flapping past me aiming for my palms;

If you are the love of my life;

Then what am I?

The right answer, is

I Am Everything To Myself
And Nothing To You.
i am empty
i am empty
i am nothing
air in a jar
an empty bottle of wine
a hungry man
a poor fool

but i am something
i can move
i can walk
i can touch
i can speak

speak of nothing
worth anything
to save myself
from something
to save myself
walking away
from everything

where i have put all my air in
in the jar

of nothing
i remember how her eyelashes used to flutter against her cheekbones whilst she was talking
i’d never seen anyone’s eyelashes do that before,
the way they’d jump up and down,
almost as if they were dancing
one night when she was asleep i counted every single eyelash
a lot of things in the world can make you feel awfully sick
and sad to the core
but her eyelashes were not one of them,
her eyelashes took all of that away
i loved her
i loved her eyelashes
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