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 May 2016 Laxus
Death by Decoy
He's all skin and bones
And he laid helplessly in bed
With restless sunken eyes
As the lump in his throat grew
And constricted his every breath
That in the next morning,
It took away his life
And the worst thing about it all
Was that a miracle didn't happen
No matter how much we hoped for it
 May 2016 Laxus
Death by Decoy
I can't tell directly
What's not meant to be
I can't ask you to feel
Something you learned to conceal
One can only speak in metaphors
About their dented, key less doors

When life puts you in a challenging test
I can only provide you a life vest
As the storm hits you with sheer force,
Don't give up, recall your hope's source

Please endure for a little more
And wait for when you can swim back ashore
To those who feel like their life is in constant battle with an endless storm, I'm sure you'll win the fight if you endure and stay strong.
 Apr 2016 Laxus
Death by Decoy
Oh dear sir, you are many things
But wholesome is not one of them

You are very incomplete and fragmented
But such parts are unseen by most eyes
And though you are unconsciously longing
For someone to fill such hollow holes,
You are sidetracked by societal expectations
That you'd resort to the boring entertainment
Of busy days and bland tasting wine

Oh dear sir, you are many things
And lonesome is one of them
Inspired by a story taking place in the Victorian Era.
 Apr 2016 Laxus
Riley Smith
 Apr 2016 Laxus
Riley Smith
Nobody seems to like my poems
although I fill them with the pain that
circulates from my head to my toes.
Expressing emotion is so hard to do
yet people expect that it's a simple trick
a thought come to mind, either a hit or a miss.
But it's so much more you see, the horrors
locked away in the depths of your soul
written down on a page for the public to see,
a way to vent those nights you spent in the
dark. What's the point of creativity if it cannot
be shared, if those around you don't find meaning from
all the time that you spend, hidden away behind a screen
broken down and typing the thoughts you have stored for
years. Though this poem might rhyme little, I hope that
you see that I'm just a girl behind a computer screen, hoping
to find someone like me.
This was pointless, a bit of a rant and an expression of myself in some ways more than others. This is probably the sloppiest work I have ever done but it's all that comes to mind.
 Apr 2016 Laxus
Death by Decoy
If I were to write a poem
About the stars and the universe
I could describe it in great detail
With only you as basis
 Apr 2016 Laxus
Death by Decoy
Thy eyes define the beauty of the stars
That reveals the secrets etched unto thee
It can hold thy deepest fears and scars
One look at thou and all as wise shall see
 Apr 2016 Laxus
Death by Decoy
One crossed the oceans
Yet nothing met him on end
A letdown indeed
 Apr 2016 Laxus
Death by Decoy
A poem for the ones hurt
Though euphonic it may sound
You'll feel sad and inert
A feeling not so newfound
Where the words weigh you down
With the greatest intensity
Like it means to make you drown
In the bittersweet misery
Gotta work on dat rhyming
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