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 Apr 2016 Laxus
Death by Decoy
You need not tell me
How deeply you loved her
It was so obvious
That I would know
Even from afar
 Apr 2016 Laxus
Death by Decoy
You stood there
Your head lowered
Your hands forming fists
Your feet trembling
Your heart
And you just stood there
There's really nothing you can do
When your heart is breaking
 Apr 2016 Laxus
Death by Decoy
Don't give me your heart
It's better off
Not being my property
Because I might just
Become greedy
And never give you mine
I'm greedy af tbh
 Apr 2016 Laxus
Death by Decoy
Let's find places
Where the fireflies would fill a whole field at night
Then we'd eat pancakes and churros at 12 midnight
Where we can spend our birthdays at a parking lot
Then we'd never pay for the reserved slot
Where we'd drink champagne while chilling in inflated pools
And Halloween and Christmas can be our April Fools
Where we can scream about our broken hearts
Then an afterwards talk about scientific private parts
Where we'd be heard at dawn laughing and singing
Where we can just be ourselves without anyone judging
 Apr 2016 Laxus
Death by Decoy
Being free is what all people want
They want to experience things
That have no setbacks and limitations
But right now, I'm facing you
With my back turned against freedom
I'd rather be stuck in place with you
Than be free with someone else
Couldn't think of a better title
 Apr 2016 Laxus
Death by Decoy
 Apr 2016 Laxus
Death by Decoy
Tick Tock
The clock
It's that sinking feeling
That time will still pass by
While we're deeply sleeping
Or even after we die
Tick Tock
The clock
Shall go
Time is really scary sometimes
 Apr 2016 Laxus
Death by Decoy
His eyes shall strike yours
With the utmost greatest force
You'll have ever to experience
He'll notice, and you'll tense
But he will never even bother
As he shall always strike another
And every time, he loses his interest
Because that's what he does best
Inspired by this beautiful arrogant punk with the most astonishing pair of eyes I've ever seen.
 Apr 2016 Laxus
Death by Decoy
My take on a 10 word poem
 Apr 2016 Laxus
Death by Decoy
The ceaseless hearing
of the pitter pattering
That pulls you in deep
Whenever the grey clouds weep

You close your eyes
As the atmosphere cries
in which resounds from the ceiling
Leaving that tranquil trace of a feeling
I'm a guilty pluviophile
 Apr 2016 Laxus
Death by Decoy
You are sly
You are shy
How can you be so
A mystery you are

You are wholesome
But just as lonesome
In which makes up
Someone like you

You are terrible
Yet you're terrific
You're stuck
Yet free
Yet clear
Yet fluid
And then
it makes all sense

You are two sides
That collide together
You're a dichotomy
A paradox
That seems
As though
You're not
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