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A bee here
another there
the bee catchers busily chase

enjoy every bit
hit and miss
miss and hit

the urge to live is the sugar
sweetens the grind
keeps death out of mind.

If you keep death in mind
high is the cost
in the momentary dying
life is lost.
Silhouettes emerge from the night lunar tide
lives still wriggling in their net
ghostly figures from the sea silken wide
reaping riches from the waves in spate.

The night a luminous smile wears
the belly is fired up for a bite
dried leaves would burn under stars
brewing another day under moonlight.

Mariners when not venturing into deep sea
release passions on the shallow shelf
harvest hope though the catch is measly
breathing in the winds the aroma of kelp.

I feel having long belonged to this place
wading breakers in the phosphorus' glow
gathering in my net a strange happiness
craving home when the tide is low.
Bankiput on Sea, April 8, 9pm
When at the peak voltage
streetlights **** the stars
and behind closed doors
rumbling slumbers
down the cries of the nocturne
awakes a world of opened windows.

Home from the last show
eyes colored with screen idols
shadows huddling over supper
talk of the length and worth
the plot intrigues and intricacies
the creator's whims and fantasies
while unbeknownst the night lengthens
tiring the shadows
that excavate the trash bin's bottom
for living through the morrow.

The filaments feel lonelier
as those last windows shut down
starlight wasted
on an enveloped town.
From a time long long ago
 May 2020 Anne Shirley-Darcy
And if you are in any doubt as to your ability,
To effect a change upon this world,
Look no further than a pool of rock water,
Disturbed by a single drop of rain.

Now imagine a torrent.
 May 2020 Anne Shirley-Darcy
Rolling with the times,
I offer the past to the past,
And the future to the future,
So that I may remain present.
‘Through all the cultures of all ages, we have danced our relationship to the stars, the planets, and nature.’
- Cynthia Hoven
 May 2020 Anne Shirley-Darcy
Pages inked in memory of days which deserve no backward glance - no dwelling upon, no minutes added to their allocated twenty-four hours - except for the fact that I have breathed their air, lived their promise, and named them for myself.
‘What an odd thing a diary is: the things you omit are more important than those you put in.’
- Simone de Beauvoir, The Woman Destroyed
 May 2020 Anne Shirley-Darcy
If I bring the sunshine with me,
Will you bring the spring rain?
My green fingers; your verdant heart,
My hope; your promise.

'Let it grow, let it grow,
Let it blossom, let it flow,
In the sun, the rain, the snow,
Love is lovely, let it grow.'
- Eric Clapton
 May 2020 Anne Shirley-Darcy
Tendrils of drowsy pleasure entice and hypnotise,
As daybreak storms; a rapturous collision,
Of distorted cadences and scintillating harmonies,
Between discarded blue-sky sheets.

‘I love to feel the temperature drop and the wind increase just before a thunderstorm. Then I climb in bed with the thunder.’
- Amanda Mosher, Better To Be Able To Love Than To Be Loveable
 May 2020 Anne Shirley-Darcy
The writer is unwritten until he writes;
But ne’er of the unwritten does the written writer write.

‘There is nothing new except what has been forgotten.’
- Marie Antoinette
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