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Within myself
I search a person
yet unknown to me

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how can I ignore words
when they could mean so much to one person?
the sentences thought out so perfectly
just to capture their emotions
so why
would I want to ignore someone's words that mean
so much to them
I sit and eat my sandwich
Under a tree shading me from the sun.
A few pass me by on the path less traveled
Yet a path more beautiful

A fly wants my sandwich and my water
And I wave my hand and send him off.
But he persists.
Finally I give him a piece of lettuce and then a piece of *******.
He absolutely loves it, walking all over and ******* the water.

He thanks me as he crawls on my arm.
And goes back for another bite.

I write this poem and he looks on from my had,
As if rejoicing in the fact that he is noticed.
He circles and walks around, watching me write.

He thanks me again and takes flight.
[composed in August 2012]
I asked him out
Not long ago
Hoping he would say yes

He came up to me saying
We should just be friends

In that moment time flew by
Before I knew it
We hugged goodbye

On my way
I passed by a river
The same river that took my heart

The words
Just friends replay over and over
Like a broken record

The pain carved in my heart so deep
it would not go away

I knew just what he would say
Although I tried to push those words away

Now I sit here with this pain
The words he said are here to stay
"I'm aloner than you."
"No you're not."
"Yes I am."
"You want 'tention."
"No I don't."
"Yes you do."
"Well, I'm aloner than you think."
"You're alone exactly as I think."
"No I'm not."
"Yes you are."
"Okay then but I swear I love company."
"And what am I?"
"No you're not."
"[Chuckling] You're a fine one, aren't you?"
"I don't know."
"Listen sprite, you have all the world and anyone can be your friend."
"Who said I want friends?"
"Oh that's right, you want 'tention."
"Well what have I got, besides all the world?"
"Yourself and everything that gives a home to all the world."
"What is this thing that gives a home to all the world?"
"It's a very welcoming thing with much wisdom and all it wants is some company."
"If it's so wise, why does it want company?"
"Because, child, if we were all alone, who would laugh at our jokes or hug us or how would we play baseball?"
"You mean this home is a place for the Tigers to play?"
"Yes son, Go Tigers."
people have been telling me my whole life about **** I'm going to have to do.
Exercise, eat right, good grades,
hard work.
And you may call it weak or cowardly, (though, I do prefer the term loophole),  but I gave up a long time ago on doing any of it.

I gave up on life, and I've never felt more free.
5.05.14  20:44
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