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You told me It was math that you were bad at and history you didn't remember,
You reminded me that science was your worst subject and reading to you is boring,
Then our teacher told me that you got a B on your report card for math and passing grades on history and science, I was told that reading was your greatest subject and when you lie you blink twice,
you've been blinking everytime we have a conversation, every single thing you've ever said to me was a lie, I wasnt paying attention to the signs only your eyes that kept blinking but I liked the color so i didn't think twice.
" Pay attention to the ones closest to you but especially to the ones that are far away."
A poet, an artist, (with little restraint)
Penciled words on his canvas, saw no use for paint,
Crafted words into pictures; Visions out loud.
Of most of his work, was exceedingly proud.
Unfettered, unbounded, his huge canvas at wait
He brandished his pencil and began to create.
Desiring a masterpiece, appealing to all
Pride prompted his excess, preceded his fall
Trapped in a vortex, surrounded by words,
Shared them with others to see if they heard.

The public was skeptic, and reflected the same
His confidence shattered; His ability shamed
He had written with passion, as if possessed
But the silence of critics left him redressed.
“Who is it says everyone cannot be pleased?
Off with their heads!  Get them down on their knees!”
He drew a sharp sword, surrendered a laugh,
Sliced his canvas to shreds, cut his pencil in half.
“I’ve heard your silence, the first version *****”
Sharpened his pencil, wrote ‘Surrounded Redux. ’

PwL 4/20/15
Thank you Arlo, Joe, Puds and LittleFreeBird for liking the original!  :-)  But even my girlfriend said it "rambled".   think I'll post the Haiku and the Limerick separately and see what  happens!
I do really like writing, so thank you ALL who read my poems!  I love the HP group!!
Memories with pointy grins
Their leavings sick and vile
Ruggad rips along my phyc
They bite with sharpend smiles
Roiling inside a cage of script
Are my snapping crocodiles
 Apr 2015 elizabeth capital
That one thing i craved for..
Only you didn't know
Always on my mind
a drug, poisoning me
A sick addiction
Cutting me off from reality

Each time you pulled me closer
Each time i felt you better
Each time you treaded me more the way i wished for
A one night stand
But the day after i didn't exist anymore

The torture of being nothing
Nothing more than a pleasure
Just a toy, what could i do
Everything was fine with me
As long as i could see you

Never an explanation
Till the day we got together
You cherished me
Like a wolf in sheep skin
And i, the sheep, was trapped
As you kissed my neck
Calling me 'his girl'

You told me you love me
You told me you're afraid i'll leave
You told me you're a selfish man
You told me you're struggling with yourself
The voices, they keep talking to you
I know you're scared
But i love you too.

Now we're here
There's nothing left
No tensity just insanity
You're The razor on my wrist
But the cuts relieve the pain
My biggest mistake but yet my happiness

Afraid to lose you
Pretending I'm fine
Exhausted of waiting
Too Scared to stand up
craving for your attention
waiting patiently till it's my time

You pull me closer to the edge
Pushing me further away from you
Just A tread saving me from the abyss
It's like waiting for the end
Wondering what you're holding behind your back.

Preparing for another day
Closing my eyes as a tear slips through my lashes
Wetting my pillow
Leaving a black stain
Trying to sleep, my thoughts keep me awake.

As i wrap my hands around your neck, holding my breath
Counting to three...
The razor cuts me again
So relieving, but still feels so wrong
I love you and With knives in my heart
I decide to give you one more chance
The last chance

Like i gave yesterday...
Yes these thoughts are running through my mind every night, causing me sleepless nights... Like tonight. Note: it's 4:25 a.m.
The weather guessers
are calling for
severe thunder storms
That's the job for me.
Get it right half the time
and still get paid.
Why don't they just look out their windows?

****, they guessed right!
I haven't written in a while
Have my words lost their touch?
The gold in my mind has all melted
Though diamonds are growing in its place
 Apr 2015 elizabeth capital

As we sit looking out over
strawberry sherbet skies,
breathing in the solitude
of twilight’s scented breeze,
remembering the passing day
and laughing at firefly sparkles
glistening in our eyes

I see evening’s first star
appear beyond pine tree shadows,
above a drowsy horizon
An opal on a deep violet canvas
illuminating the desires
forever glowing in my heart,
and I make a wish

Enchanting cricket song
wafts through the fields
in harmony with our heartbeats,
when you take my face in your
primrose petal hands and kiss me,
sweeter than jasmine pudding,
taking my breath away

Then resting your head
on my shoulder you sigh,
telling me I am everything
you have ever wished for
and you will love me forever…
as I look back up at the star
*and whisper, “thank you”
Another day dream, well, twilight dream.  :)
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