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 Nov 2014 Kylie Krasiejko
Jaimi M
You wonder
why I wiggle
so much
why my legs
and my hands
Truth is,
my mind
can't slow down
It doesn't know
how to take a day off,
its far too good
at tormenting me
more and more
with each
passing second.

She cries late
                  every night
     Turns off all the
         Sits in bed
             her eyes out
      in the dark
Cutting out pieces
      of her heart
No one can see
                          the scars
           of her sewing
back up her chest
       Soon she will be
             an empty shell
                    putting her soul to rest
If her heart
                    is no longer there
It can't get broken,
If no one can see
                          the tears
Then she never cried,
Today would have been a year for us.
After we parted
I asked you
if you would remember.
You had no idea what day it would be.
It never mattered to you
because every day we were together
was just as important.
It still bothered me though
because a year is a long time.
We didn't make it to here
because I had to go.
I still love you.
Happy would be one year.
Like debt too high
That's hard to pay
At once,
I thought of you in
Staggered moments.

The feels it bears of
Tattered moments in
Shattered times are
Hearts broken...

Staggered chances
Where guts failed,
Are the moments
That will never be
aligned in the way
You wanted...
#don't let your chances run out of place #just do it #just grab it #even if it's staggered

— The End —